Twin martial arts

Chapter 2042 The Three Dogs of Hell

"Could Miss Honglian be joking?" Lin Fan was suspicious.

Hong Lian chuckled lightly: "If the governor feels that the little girl is talking and laughing, then the little girl will leave."

After Honglian finished speaking, she walked out. After walking three steps, Honglian paused for a moment and said, "Of course, the admiral can also keep the little girl."

"Wait." Lin Fan frowned and said, he looked at the beautiful back: "I want to know why."

Honglian said: "Where did so many reasons and problems come from, if you believe it, I will stay, if you don't believe it, I will leave."

"Okay, you stay." Lin Fan said.

Xu Yang was obviously relieved, but there was still a hint of doubt between his brows.

Afterwards, the entire Admiral's Mansion knew that a beautiful woman came to this mansion, from the Uncle's Mansion, named Hong Lian, who was appointed by the Admiral as the head of the Admiral's Mansion. Except for the legion, this woman was responsible for everything else. have the right to choose.

Then there were a lot of drastic reforms. At least [-] houses were demolished in the admiral's city on the second day, and then there was a big new construction. Built within a month.

Lin Fan was neither a gentleman nor a fool, so it was impossible to fully trust Honglian. At the beginning, he entrusted an emperor to watch over her.

But this woman was really aboveboard, and she did not hide her every move, but even so Lin Fan still did not fully believe it.

The two were originally hostile.

Lin Fan beheaded Honglian's own brother and her honorary husband, and he has always been an enemy of Guojiu, how could he be careless?

But half a month later, Xu Yang found Lin Fan with a complex expression, and said that he, Xu Yang, pledged his life, and Hong Lian was trustworthy.

Then Lin Fan believed it.

One day half a month ago——

"What are you doing here?" Xu Yang said with a cold face, "Honglian, you shouldn't be in this muddy water."

Honglian sneered: "Is the life and death of the little girl related to the major general?"

"Red Lotus" Xu Yang's eyes were complicated: "You know, the last thing I want to hurt is you."

"Really?" There were tears in Hong Lian's eyes: "When I got married, I was waiting for someone, or for a word, three quarters after the auspicious time, there was no word, you don't want to hurt me?"

Xu Yang turned his head away: "You know me, I never lie when it comes to relationships."

The tears in Honglian's eyes only appeared for a moment, and she evaporated them with her cultivation, and walked forward.

"Honglian, let's go, this is my last advice, Lin Fan is my brother, no matter who wants to hurt him," Xu Yang said.

"Brother? What about me? Who is yours? Who rode a crane to pick flowers to adorn me when I was young? Who cut Lizhu from the abyss to save my life?" Honglian laughed loudly: "You both If you don't care about me, why bother to stir my heartstrings?"

Xu Yang was silent for a moment, and said: "It was true at that time, but after that I knew it was impossible for you and me, so I cut off my love."

"Really? But I can't cut it off, I can't forget it." Honglian smiled, but looked very lonely.

Xu Yang sighed, he stepped forward, gently embraced Honglian in his arms, and walked away in just a moment: "You go, this world is very big."

Honglian said: "I'm just a girl. I can't do anything in front of love, and I can't do anything before my family is about to be destroyed. I can only be an ox or a horse. I hope that before your highness rules the world, I can see every bit of my contribution." Come on, you can save the old father's life."

Xu Yang's body was full of evil spirit, his eyes were gloomy: "When did you know?"

Hong Lian sensed the vague killing intent on Xu Yang's body, and her heart seemed to be severely torn into hundreds of petals. She suddenly turned around and strode towards the newly-built auction house, never looking back.

The new butler gave Meng Ke a death order. After three months, the elixir auction will be held. It is necessary for the Dantang to produce enough elixir to shake the world, and the demand is too great.

It made the whole Dantang feel that he was going to die of exhaustion in the past three months.

Afterwards, the 800 people brought by Xu Yang from the General's Mansion were even accused of keeping their feet on the ground. Afterwards, it was this woman who used all available forces to create momentum for the upcoming auction.

Then, at Honglian's request, an eight-thousand army horse temporarily became a footprint all over the world, traveling to every faction to send invitations.

Then the whole world knows that after March, Tiange, known as the world's number one store, will usher in its first auction.

Ever since Xuyang said that sentence in front of Lin Fan that day, Lin Fan has not paid attention to Honglian, not trusting Honglian, but trusting Xuyang.

It has been four days in a row, he has only taken Anu to Qintianzheng every day, and invited him out of the mountain, and today he finally succeeded.

When Qin Tianzheng agreed to go out of the mountain, all the old man's old age disappeared, and his mouth full of yellow teeth disappeared. Of course, it can't be said that the tree is facing the wind, but you can see from the old man's face, what kind of demeanor the old man was when he was young.

A total of [-] people from the Celestial Realm who have not been selected to be a member of the legion are placed under the old man's command and go with him to find a great mine.

Under Honglian's envoy, the admiral's mansion bulldozed [-] houses again, established the so-called casting pavilion, and recruited casting masters wantonly, rewarding anyone would be jealous.

It can be said that since Honglian came to the Admiral's Mansion, every primordial stone in the Admiral's Mansion has been used on the edge of the knife.

In just two and a half months, Admiral's City more than doubled in size!

At this time, Lin Fan and Xu Yang faced another big problem - not enough mounts.

After hundreds of years, the General's Mansion exhausted manpower and material resources to cultivate the little bit of family property, and gave it all to Lin Fan. You can know that it is simply unrealistic to have a large-scale mount in a short period of time.

"Brother Lin, there are two ways to go at this time." Xu Yang looked at Lin Fan and put forward his own suggestion.

Lin Fan said: "But it's okay to say."

"First, don't mount a mount." Xu Yang raised a finger.

Lin Fan shook his head, after tasting the benefits, he might not be willing.

"Second, the fallen family." Xu Yang raised another finger.

Lin Fan still shook his head, but he knew that the degenerates were a group abandoned by the gods, and their strength would be greatly reduced if they were exposed to the sun.

Xu Yang smiled: "Then there is only the hell three-headed dog in the abyss."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Fan is absolutely no stranger to the three-headed hell dog. Some practitioners even have this three-headed hell dog as their martial soul, which is very violent and ferocious.

If they can really be tamed, and form an army based on this, they must be extremely powerful.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Fan looked at Xu Yang: "Enough?"

Xu Yang nodded: "The hell three-headed dog, the creature on the seventh layer of the abyss, has more than [-], enough."

"Then go." Lin Fan said.

Xu Yang laughed: "I knew you would be tempted, don't worry, the father has already beaten these ethnic groups to lose their temper, it won't be as difficult as you imagined."

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