Twin martial arts

Chapter 2041 Red Lotus Comes

Lin Fan's eyes flickered slightly, he quickly bent down, helped the shadow up with both hands, then took a step back, and bowed in salute.

This is reciprocity.

The shadow disappeared, maybe in the audience, only the Demon Lord could know his traces, but everyone knew that from now on, if an emperor dared to attack Lin Fan, he would definitely die.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Fan bowed again.

The Mozun seemed to be smiling, and he said, "Then your Highness the Princess will preside over it."

he's gone.

Princess Jue sat on the original position of the Demon Lord, her eyes were cold and stern: "Old Supervisor of Rituals."

The old supervisor trembled, only to hear Princess Jue sneer, "How long have you been in the palace?"

"Six Spring and Autumn Periods in 170." The old supervisor's voice trembled.

Princess Jue asked again: "Did Mozun Palace give you a chance?"

The old inspector of ceremonies trembled, as if being struck by a thunderbolt, he lowered his head and began to sob.

"It's too late now." Princess Jue said without the slightest emotion, and the old supervisor smiled miserably. His end came.

"You..." Princess Jue looked at the people who jumped out and demanded that his brother be severely punished: "You go with the old supervisor."

Several people begged for mercy, but it was useless. When Princess Jue opened her mouth, she gave a golden eloquence. Soon, there was a clear and crisp sound of beheading heads from outside the hall, and several people died.

But it was obvious that Princess Jue was not satisfied with just killing so many people.

Then there was the little eunuch who changed the order without authorization and brought Lin Fan Sui Gong to the front, and his body was divided by five horses. After that, all the disciples under the old supervisor's sect were either expelled from the Mozun Palace or killed directly.

This is a brutal and humane purge.

Everyone even felt that this was something Mozun Palace had been waiting for for a long time.

This means that one of the three underlings placed in the Mozun Palace by the Uncle Guo's Mansion was brutally beheaded.

There are only those two left, and they seem to be a little bit alone, precarious.

When everyone looked at Lin Fan, their eyes changed.

At this moment, they seemed to know the reason why Lin Fan was favored so much.

It's because he is a sharp knife of Mozun Palace, and Mozun Palace needs this knife to slowly cut down the behemoth of Uncle Guo's Mansion inch by inch.

Mozun Palace, in the courtyard where Lin Fan almost burst into tears——

"You are only half a step away from being the Emperor of God. Your appearance will not change for thousands of years, and even if you die, it will not be erased. This so-called Time-to-Day Yan Pill is dispensable at all."

Mozun looked at his wife beside him speechlessly.

"Hmph." The Demon Empress sneered, "This is the first gift my son gave me. No matter how precious I am, I should cherish it."

Mozun rolled his eyes.

The queen sneered and said, "You can't help but want to stretch out your hand, why?"

"Where did it come from?" Mozun retorted with staring eyes.

"Really?" The queen sneered, "Why are you inhaling so hard with your nose? My palace has laid dozens of seals, so you are destined to not be able to smell the elixir."

Mozun turned his head quickly, and he took a few steps with his hands behind his back: "Believe it or not, if I give an order, that kid will give him a hundred and eighty pills."

"The meaning is the same?" The queen squinted, and then she caressed with her jade hand, and the years were so beautiful that she swallowed it into her mouth, with guilt and pride in her eyes

The Mozun was staring blankly, and when he saw the Empress looking sideways at him, he suddenly turned his head and pretended not to look.

"Here, let's split it equally." The Demon Queen seemed to have made a big decision, with a look of reluctance, but in her hand was a white elixir that had been split in half.

Immediately, Mozun beamed with joy, and took the elixir with his pitiful hands, as if he was holding the world's greatest treasure, reluctant to swallow it.

Both Yingjiu and Huang Yulong were thrown into the prison by Princess Jue, and she bluntly said that the uncle Guo must come in person before they can be released.

Of course, Lin Fan is not allowed to come forward for this kind of thing. He has been in the Mozun Palace for a long time, and he has gained a lot in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. The letter of the Emperor of Heaven, this is a great surprise, and it makes Lin Fan feel like a treasure.

In the end, Princess Jue expressed her magnanimity, but she can take away any books that Lin Fan likes, no matter how precious they are.

Lin Fan was not greedy, he only chose four books and left. What he didn't know was that for these seemingly neglected isolated books and manuscripts, General Zhantian had been killed to the eighteenth floor of the abyss during this period of time, and all the fallen people had been killed. Zhan Tian will kill the ten masters in a row.

But one day, Lin Fan will know.

In the Admiral's Mansion, everything is on the right track. Lin Fan is not stingy with the performance of those alchemists. All alchemists.

It's as simple as this, and it has already made the alchemists feel grateful and work harder.

Xu Yangcheng said bluntly that if Lin Fan was given three to five years, his small admiral's mansion would definitely become the largest city besides one palace and two mansions.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on Lin Fan's alchemist at this time is enough to do all of this.

You know, Lin Fan recruited alchemists with the greatest sincerity and price, but he almost wiped out all the high-level alchemists in the seventh session.

But today, a woman in a red robe came slowly from the Admiral's City and walked directly to the Admiral's City. Then, the woman was straightforward, telling the guard at the door that she wanted to see Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan received this news, he had just come out of Dantang.

"The woman in the red robe?" Lin Fan frowned.

Xu Yang didn't know when he came, and said with a wry smile: "There are a lot of women wearing red robes in this world, but most of them are imitations. According to what my subordinates said, she is the only one."

Lin Fan looked at Xu Yang suspiciously: "Do you know who she is?"

"I'm not sure, but she's a lonely woman, if she dares to speak out to you, then she's the only one." Xu Yang's eyes were complicated: "She is the only daughter of my uncle named Honglian, and she is also the nominal wife of the Tianmenke you beheaded to death. "

"To seek revenge?" Lin Fan chuckled.

Honglian and Lin Fan looked at each other without showing any weakness.

Xu Yang was fidgeting on the sidelines, which made Lin Fan feel funny. Apart from other skills, Xu Yang was really not much weaker than him in things like provoking women.

"Could Miss Honglian come to seek revenge for her husband?" Lin Fan teased kindly.

Since they are couples in name only, it can be seen that Honglian and Tianmenke are at most not a marriage of fruitful interests, and have no feelings at all.

"I know that there is a lack of a steward in your house, so I came and recommended myself. I don't know if you, Lin Fan, dare to use it."

This woman, Honglian, really cannot be judged by common sense.

She is indeed a strange woman.

There was a big feud between the two families, but she went straight into Admiral Lin Fan's mansion without any fear, confessing that she wanted to work under Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's expression turned serious.

He naturally knew the ability of this woman.

Xu Yang has made it clear enough.

He even knew that the reason why Tianwai Island was able to sit firmly at the top of the three thousand islands and dominate the sea area for hundreds of millions of miles, although there was a reason for taking advantage of the power of the country's uncle's mansion, this woman was also not to be underestimated, and she was invincible in making money.

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