Twin martial arts

Chapter 2043 Abyss Row

The environment of the Seventh Realm is dangerous, with many forbidden places and Jedi criss-crossing, which are different from the forbidden places in the world of heaven and man.

Most of the forbidden places in the world of heaven and man are old monsters that have died of old age and turned into forbidden places to sleep, dying in the world or swallowing dragon veins in famous mountains and rivers to prolong their lives.

But this seventh realm, the so-called forbidden lands and jeopardized lands, has existed since ancient times, and there are great dangers in it.

The more famous ones are the abyss, the fallen cave, and the buried gods. At this time, Lin Fan and other troops marched straight towards the abyss.

This trip is only for three hell dogs.

"There are eighteen floors in the abyss. This is the number of floors that my father has explored clearly. But there are still nineteen floors in the abyss. It's just that no one knows where these nineteen floors are." Xu Yang looked into the distance.

Lin Fan laughed and said, "The so-called eighteen floors of hell, isn't this abyss equal to hell?"

Xu Yang's face was complicated, and he said: "The abyss itself is hell. Only after you arrive, you will know that many scenes in Buddhist scriptures or folklore are too common in that abyss."

Lin Fan laughed and said: "There are nineteen floors of hell. Some scholars once said that the No. 19 hell is this human world. The ground is the lower part of the coffin, and the sky is the cover. Walking in a coffin; then this time when we go to the abyss, isn't it a coffin within a coffin?"

Xu Yang didn't answer Lin Fan's words that seemed to be laughing, but in fact the more he thought about it, the more chilling he felt all over his body. He said, "There are three passages in the abyss that connect to the outside world. Army, but the root cause is invisible.”

Lin Fan stopped joking, and said with respect: "Guarding the abyss, the general's residence has worked hard."

"Actually, the meaning of the palace at that time was to let the 80 God-destroying troops of the uncle's mansion go to guard these three passages, let them bite dogs, and use this to wear down the strength of the uncle's mansion. But the father was worried and took the initiative Please."

Xu Yang looked complicated, and said: "Uncle Guo seems to be forbearing, but he is actually a lunatic. If he knows that he has no hope of dominating the position, he will inevitably release the devils in the ground and die with this world."

Lin Fan didn't say much, he was just a passer-by in this world after all, he just patted Xu Yang on the shoulder, looking very powerless.

Xu Yang said: "The general's mansion is damaged by more than [-] wars every year. The world only knows that the world is peaceful and there is no war, and all spirits are resting and recuperating, but how can they know that in corners they can't see, every moment, there are people fighting for this so-called Taiping sacrificed his life."

Lin Fan didn't know how to comfort him.

It's just that I suddenly remembered a very famous sentence in the world-'There is no such thing as quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you. '

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

A country, or a power, always has so many lovely heroes who can die frankly.

But there are always those who should kill a thousand swords for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

The [-] army marched silently, without any noise other than the sound of orderly footsteps.

With Xu Yang's way of training the army, it is of course impossible for this journey to be peaceful. With Lin Fan's acquiescence, several teams of thousands of people in the [-] army would fight the autumn wind from time to time. The most important thing is the major events in the lineage of the uncle's mansion experienced along the way during the robbery.

Lin Fan has never been a good person, even when passing through a certain admiral's territory, when a team of thousands of people robbed and was surrounded by a trap, Lin Fan made a strong move and killed that admiral in the sky with one punch. superior.

When Lin Fan and others walked to the abyss passage near the edge of the world, half a year had passed.

This time, Lin Fan finally met Zhantian General as he wished, and took out the carefully prepared elixir, which can be regarded as a thank you.

To Lin Fan's surprise, he thought that if he wanted to enter the abyss with such a big fanfare, he would attract opposition from General Zhantian, but General Zhantian readily agreed.

Of course, there are conditions, he can only send a team of [-] veterans to escort a few people to the seventh abyss, and this army is only leading the way and will not take action.

No matter what happens to Lin Fan and the others on the road, this army will just stand by and watch, and if Lin Fan's battle damage exceeds 1 people, then regardless of other things, Lin Fan must lead the army back.

Lin Fan thought about it and agreed.

He came here to tame the mount, not to die. If more than 1 people were killed or injured, but the goal was not achieved, then the loss outweighs the gain.

The two teams marched forward, but they couldn't get along. Whether it was the energy or the tacit cooperation between the marching troops, the 1 troops dispatched by General Zhantian far exceeded the 3 troops under Lin Fan's command.

Even, Lin Fan was sure that if the two armies fought at this time, the 3 troops would definitely be killed or injured, but none of his [-] troops would be left.

"Slaying Heaven Army." Xu Yang introduced, and was very proud: "This is the father's personal soldiers, and there are only a hundred thousand in total."

Lin Fan nodded, and Xu Yang said: "Do you think that if these ten thousand troops really fight each other, you can use all thirty thousand troops to fight them to death?"

Lin Fan took it for granted, Xu Yang shook his head: "You think too much, I can assure you that after these 1 people kill 3 people, at least half of the soldiers will survive."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Meet the Major General."

A general wearing a black talisman helmet and a scimitar came over. He was obviously a mighty general. No bird like Lin Fan regarded him as air.

Xu Yang introduced: "This is Yanlong, my father's favorite general."

Yanlong glanced at Lin Fan casually, and Xu Yang said again: "General Yan, this is the recently famous Governor Lin."

Yanlong snorted coldly: "Is the [-] waste going down to die? I have to work hard for the old man to be a babysitter."

He didn't hide his voice at all, it was very piercing, and no one in the [-] Legion could not hear it, and all of them stared at Yanlong with cold and stern eyes.

"Hehe, what I said is wrong?" Yan Long sneered, and said: "Do you believe that I can kill you all with only five thousand troops?"

"Yanlong." Xu Yang's eyes turned cold.

Yanlong cursed and was clearly not convinced, but the military order was like a mountain, and he still led the way. The [-] Zhantian Army was in the middle, and the [-] Legion guarded the two wings. After a hundred miles forward, there were continuous military camps all the way.

Surrounded by the auras of many strong men, there is the abyss passage, and Lin Fan can see the black air gushing out from the passage from a long distance, evil and cold.

As soon as he got close to this place, Lin Fan felt that there were at least dozens of Qi machines that even made his scalp tingle, locking them up. Even the Major General was locked in by several sharp Qi machines.

This is the iron blood of General Zhantian, even if his parents and children dare to approach this place without permission, they will be killed!

Yanlong held up his badge and walked forward alone, cursing, and finally an old voice said: "Since it is the general's order, I wish you good luck."

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