This is to kill, to smash Lin Fan's immortal body.

Everyone watched nervously, held their breath, and waited for the result that would appear in an instant.

But Lin Fan's reaction was too quick, that leg was glowing, and it weighed hundreds of millions, as if it could crush the earth, shake mountains and stars, and so on.


This leg actually pushed the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor into a stagger, his body swayed, sank, almost kneeling on the ground, lost his balance, and affected his sure-killing blow.

And at the same time, after Lin Fan roared, he rose from the sky, strangled his left foot, and formed a terrifying distance with his right foot. I don't know if it was an illusion, but everyone who watched the battle saw that Lin Fan's two legs looked like It became two dragons intertwined together, shaped like a dragon jade scissors, and wanted to cut off the three-eyed Holy Emperor directly.

This is appalling.

They asked themselves, if they were at such a disadvantage as Lin Fan, they would definitely not be able to avoid the killing blow of the Three-Eyed Holy Emperor so easily. Dodge without damage, and fight back.

Strangled, Lin Fan exerted force on his waist, and the holy power circulated. To put it into practice, cut off the head of the three-eyed holy emperor. Flying down, the heavy halberd would pick up the head like picking a watermelon.

"call out!"

The Three-Eyed Saint Emperor exploded, the vertical eyes between his brows opened, his gaze cut horizontally and vertically like a heavenly knife, and a well flew out. It was small at first, but no more than the size of a thumb, and finally it turned out to be golden, and it grew bigger and bigger. Slowly pushing and killing, he wanted to cut Lin Fan into evenly equal parts and dismember him.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold, the soles of his strangled feet curled up, and he straightened and kicked fiercely. This kick was extremely ruthless and heavy, and he kicked the three-eyed Holy Emperor's face.


The sound was so muffled; it made everyone's heart ache.

There is no need to doubt that Lin Fan's foot can definitely level a high mountain. It hurts to think about it like this on the face of the three-eyed emperor.

The Three-Eyed Saint Emperor howled miserably, the tic-tac-toe came out wildly, and the Saint who could cut everything exploded, but was directly blown away by Lin Fan's punch.

Lin Fan took advantage of the situation to fly back, went to a distant place, pointed at the three-eyed Holy Emperor with his halberd.

"Ah..." The three-eyed Holy Emperor was too miserable, he couldn't see his facial features, all of them were stuck to his face by that foot, it was glowing red, and there were very clear big footprints on his relatively intact face.

Of course, his skull was split open.


The man with scaly cheeks gasped.

I am very glad that Lin Fan's target is not himself, otherwise this kind of scene would be too embarrassing. He was underestimated by all kinds of arrogance, but his facial features were flattened by someone. Only the vertical eye between his eyebrows is still intact, but Also bruised.

"Lin Fan!!" The Three-Eyed Holy Emperor roared miserably.

At the level of the Holy Emperor, as long as the soul is not beheaded to death in an instant, the so-called severed limbs can only be recovered in an instant, but he is not in a hurry to restore his facial features, and he has a murderous intent in his heart. He needs to bathe in Lin Fan's blood before he can have that face.

"Kill." Lin Fan came charging again, his steps were very rhythmic, the heaven and the earth were singing in harmony, the so-called lotus growing every step, sweet springs everywhere, etc., all really happened. on the human heart.


Someone screamed, his face was pale, he felt his heart was being squeezed tightly, and a golden armored figure appeared in the sea of ​​souls, trying to crush his sea of ​​souls and crush his heart.


The scaly man looked terrified!

What kind of power is this, it's just a rush to kill, and it will make them all be robbed.

"Not good!" Tian Busheng yelled: "He is in harmony with the Tao for the time being, his footsteps are like the sound of heaven, and the sacred mountain range moves with him. He is taking advantage of the weather and terrain to kill us all!"

Lin Fan felt great hatred in his heart.

The two worlds are at war, and it is normal to hate each other, but why should he anger those babies who are still in their infancy, and, what he saw on Zhanpu Island, how can he not kill like crazy.

Stepped out in three steps, the sound was faint, the elephant was invisible, and the faces of three relatively shallow pavilion guests were purple. Camus died like this, and couldn't bear Lin Fan's majesty at this time.

"Lin Fan, don't you think I don't exist?" The sky roared furiously, and he finally made a move. When he opened his mouth, a cloud of energy rushed out, tearing apart the sky, and landing directly in front of Lin Fan. The energy turned into a foggy God of War, He raised his hand to kill Lin Fan's eyes.


Two mysterious runes rushed out from Lin Fan's pupils, one for killing and the other for destroying.

One is the divine rune, which he possessed in the lower world and made great achievements, but he couldn't understand it. He was not as good as in the Great Sacred Realm. He knew the meaning of it, and used it as a killing rune at this time.

One is the principle of Tao, which is transformed by his own understanding of the realm of the great sage!

This misty god of war was killed in the blink of an eye, and the two characters were golden and glowing ten thousand feet, hitting the sky invincibly.

This made the sky roar, and the red-tasseled spear flew away, flying the two characters. Of course, Te was also robbed. After the killing rune was picked up, it turned around and killed it. His head will definitely be transparent from front to back.

But even so, the small half of his neck was gone, as if it had been swallowed by a gluttonous beast, without any trace of blood.

"Lin Fan, if you dare to kill anyone again, I will kill you." Tian Bishen's eyes were cold and his face was cloudy.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the missing half of his neck, his murderous aura suddenly rose.

Lin Fan glanced over and continued to move forward. Five steps later, two more people died, and he rushed in front of the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor. His right arm was pulled back fiercely, like a taut bowstring.

"My lord is here, do you still want to be fierce?" The sky roared angrily, he was going to stop this blow at the speed of light.

This three-eyed holy emperor is an important person. If he dies in front of his eyes, the marriage that puts his interests first will be destroyed.

"You can not."

Lin Fan opened his mouth.

Tianbusheng's speed was too fast, no different from the speed of light, but Lin Fan was faster than the speed of light. Just when Tianbusheng rushed to the front, a space punch split his head and killed the three-eyed holy emperor whose soul was severely injured. The head was torn apart, and the headless corpse fell backwards.

"Ah" the sky is overwhelming!

He couldn't keep the person he wanted to protect, and let Lin Fan kill him right in front of his eyes.


The red-tasseled gun blasted out, accompanied by the monstrous Lihuo, and from the Lihuo flew out strange beasts that only existed in legends, such as kunpeng, gluttonous, suanni, etc., they were all terrifying, and there was definitely someone who would kill a saint powerful ability.

"Hmph." Lin Fan felt unafraid, shaking his hands filled with starlight, and all the strange beasts that attacked and killed were swallowed into the starlight, this is Xingyu.


Lin Fan roared in shock, he raised his hand, and his arm suddenly stretched for hundreds of millions of miles, directly capturing a star, and raising it with one hand, it was as if the sky was overwhelming.

"Hey Governor, can you give me some face?"

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