Twin martial arts

Chapter 2010 The Emperor Stops Ge

This voice is very soft, but it has unquestionable domineering.

He didn't know where it started, but it seemed to appear right next to Lin Fan's ear.

Lin Fan's pupils constricted, and the star, who was so invincible in the sky, was thrown backward immediately.

He found the person who made the sound, which was definitely the existence of the lowest emperor, hidden in a black robe, not even a bit of flesh was exposed.

Seeing the stars bombarding him, the black-robed emperor seemed to laugh, and finally stretched out his withered palm, and with a pop, he crushed the stars with two fingers, like crushing a pellet of mud .

Lin Fan looked dignified and held the heavy halberd tightly in his hand.

But he heard a roar from the bottom of the mountain, Wang Xiong came, climbed up the cliff, and stopped Lin Fan in a vertical leap, pointing to the emperor's shadow: "Hiding your head and showing your tail, you are worthy of being called emperor? Come on, come on, come on!" Fight with this emperor."

"This Emperor is just stopping the war." Diying smiled.

Wang Xiong stepped forward, his face was cold, and the emperor was full of prestige: "But you have murderous intentions in your heart."

"Really?" Emperor Ying chuckled: "I just want to say that the holy fruit is about to ripen. If you miss it, it will be a pity for these heroes, so I came here to stop the war."

Wang Xiong continued to move forward: "But the killing intent in your heart is still unabated, do you want to fight? Come, this emperor will accompany you."

Emperor Ying sighed: "The Tian family is kind to this emperor, and only wants this truce. Moreover, this emperor is not a saint. He is always angry when he sees the tragic death of his descendants."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank.

Who is this emperor?

Could it be the ancestor of the three-eyed clan?

Or the emperor of the clam clan?

"Hmph." Wang Xiong snorted coldly, "That's the end of this matter, but if you make a move when little friend Lin Fan is about to overwhelm the sky next time, don't blame me for killing you."

Emperor Ying was noncommittal: "One favor for one life, after this time, I will have nothing to do with the Tian Family."

Tian Busheng's face was extremely cold, and he was unwilling to fight Lin Fan to the death.

"What are you looking at? Do you really want to fight? I'll accompany you." Lin Fan sneered, and stepped forward. He didn't mind beating the day at this moment.

Hearing this name, he felt very uncomfortable, how ridiculous that even the sky can't beat him.

Wang Xiong stopped him, shook his head secretly at Lin Fan, and said via voice transmission: "That man is very strong, and he doesn't know his roots. Since he stepped forward to stop the fight, let's forget it this time."

This sentence made Lin Fan raise his eyebrows.

He also knew that Wang Xiong was a man who would not admit defeat, and dared to fight the emperor when he was an emperor. He must have spoken at this time not because he did not dare to fight that emperor shadow, but because he felt that if he really fought this emperor shadow A war will definitely not protect him.

Lin Fan withdrew his steps, pointed at the sky, turned around and left, and went to another pavilion. Of course, he didn't forget to take the jade plate with the baby, put the little girl on his shoulder, and continued to go up.

Tian Bishen's eyes were gloomy, and at the end he sneered, leading the survivors to climb up the rock.

Mountaineering is boring, and there is no other feeling except the pressure that is multiplied step by step.

At this time, Lin Fan was equivalent to the strength of one person supporting three people. Anu had already reached the limit of his endurance when he reached [-] steps. If Lin Fan hadn't shared it for him, he couldn't have taken a step up.

The brothers and sisters Wang Xiu and Wang Kui were even more unbearable. Even if Lin Fan shared the terrifying gravity of nearly nine floors, only the remaining [-]% of the gravity made the two brothers and sisters turn pale and tremble.

All the way without stopping, with every step Lin Fan took, it seemed that the entire holy mountain was shaking, and his forehead was covered with sweat. No one knew how terrible the gravity was on his body at this moment.

It is no exaggeration, even if it is Lindi, if he bears the same gravity as him at this time, he will definitely be crushed to climb on this stone step, and it may become a puddle of flesh.

Finally, the holy tree is within sight, and the treetops can be seen, radiant and beautiful, as if carefully decorated by immortals and gods, walking forward again, you can see the holy fruits hidden in the branches and leaves, each one is different, Just like a corner of a hidden treasure is accidentally exposed, it can most seduce the desire in people's hearts.

"Hehe, you are too slow."

Lin Fan and others walked forward again, and could already see the whole view of the holy tree. At this time, someone came to the stairs, a head taller than Lin Fan, condescending, overlooking and mocking.

Of course this man is invincible.

"The so-called butcher is nothing more than that, six days is worse than me." Someone laughed cheaply, and said with admiration, "It is said in the past that some people, like the flames that erupted too early, are weak in follow-up and will die in the end." However, everyone thinks it is false, and after seeing the butcher, they will know that the ancients were sincere and did not deceive me."

A group of people laughed.

Lin Fan used the heavy halberd to force the sky open, he led the crowd to the top, the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, he felt like he could fly into the sky at this time, he could break through the gate of heaven and become a god directly.

Hurry up and take a deep breath. After seven or eight times in a row, my mood calmed down. I looked up at the holy tree, and I could already smell the fruit fragrance vaguely. It was very tempting and made people move their index fingers. The needs are directly printed in the heart.

All the people who climbed to the top first are surrounded by the holy tree, waiting hard, waiting for the holy fruit to fully mature, and waiting for the holy fruit to choose the master.

"Go away." Lin Fan was very domineering, and went directly to the person who laughed in three steps.

"What did you say?" The man yelled angrily, and he stood up: "It took six days to reach the summit, who gave you the courage to be so presumptuous in front of me?"


What was waiting for him was a punch, and he didn't know how Lin Fan would strike, so he flew a hundred feet away and looked at Anu: "This position is yours."

Anu smiled and sat down unceremoniously.

Lin Fan walked towards the person next to him again: "Go away, or should the deity do it?"

"Lin Fan, you're too arrogant." Before the man finished speaking, Lin Fan kicked him into the air, a mere saint, not even qualified to make him talk too much.

It was very simple and direct, Lin Fan arranged for everyone, including the little girl to sit down, this little girl looked solemn at this moment, clasping her hands together.

"Lin Fan!!" Tian Bishang burst out a few words from between his teeth.

Lin Fan looked back: "What's the matter?"

His cheeks creaked loudly, and he wanted to fight directly.

"Young master, why bother? Every time there are hundreds of people on the top, how many people can get the holy fruit?" The people beside Tian Bishang sneered.

Tian couldn't help frowning.

The man continued: "Lin Fan, don't be arrogant and arrogant at this time, but in the end, it is too interesting to choose you without a holy fruit."

Lin Fan glanced at this person, and said: "If the deity has never owned a holy fruit, why should you have it?"

"Hehe, is that so?" Tian Busheng sneered.

At this moment, there is the roar of the sound of the great way, and all three thousand holy fruits float up, one fruit is one, one leaf is one bodhi, the holy fruit is ripe, and the master will be chosen.

Those who sat cross-legged under the tree immediately concentrated their minds and meditated, not daring to have any delusional thoughts. Only Lin Fan stood alone, looking at the so-called holy tree.

He was wondering if he could transplant this holy tree into his world.

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