Twin martial arts

Chapter 2008 Battle

Lin Fan was furious, it was just a baby, what could be wrong?

Maybe it was just after falling to the ground that he saw the color of this world, so he was caught like this, away from his mother's warm embrace, and wanted to become a blood food.

In particular, it is obviously not the first time that this group of people has done such a thing. They actually carve up these babies with special constitutions on the spot, like going to a vegetable market to cut meat.


Lin Fan was furious, his murderous aura was as fierce as a sword, strangling the green water and the green hills until they dried up and turned yellow.

He came to kill, pointing the tip of the halberd at Fairy Clam.

"Hehe, you finally made a move, thinking that you would always be a coward." Fairy Clam smirked, and threw the baby in her hand casually, regardless of life or death, completely ignoring that this was a pavilion on the cliff, Gao Wan ruler.

The faces of the rest of the people were all cold, but they were indifferent. This clam fairy is also a well-known and proud figure in the Three Thousand Islands.

Lin Fan moved with the halberd, the murderous aura was too strong, the sarcasm in Fairy Clam's eyes disappeared, the color of fear covered her ferocious face, and the clam shell behind her had a monstrous aura, as if everything was about to be stopped, closed, and Fairy Clam Protect up.

Lin Fan continued to kill without any hesitation, he was very determined, this halberd must kill this vicious woman.

"Tsk tsk, the momentum is unparalleled, but it will be crushed in the end." Someone chuckled.

The three-eyed Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sinister smile, "Does he, Lin Fan, think he is my elder brother? How dare he expect to break through this invincible defense? It's ridiculous."

Tian Bisheng stretched his waist: "Well, he made the first move, and we had no choice but to kill him here in order to protect ourselves."

A group of people laughed.



There was a horrifying sound of shattering, and the seemingly indestructible shell was covered with cracks. Lin Fan raised his arms, and with a bang, all the shells were shattered into fragments and flew all over the sky!

Fairy Clam coughed up blood, she couldn't believe it, she screamed shrilly, tapped the ground with her toes, and backed away.

The faces of the three-eyed Saint Emperor and the others suddenly darkened.

"What a guts!"

"Lin Fan, how dare you commit murder in front of me?" Tian couldn't help but roared, but there was a smile in his eyes, wishing that Lin Fan would take the initiative.

"Help me." Clam Fairy begged for help, her voice was shrill, she didn't have any fairy breath anymore, blood was bleeding between her eyebrows, her skin was ripped open by the halberd light.

"Stop." The man with fine scales on his cheeks exhaled and let out a voice. The Dragon Tail Sword of Megatron Three Thousand Islands slashed, and half of the dragon roared to kill Lin Fan, trying to cut off his pursuit.

It is rumored that this Dragon Tail Sword is a warrior who slashes the evil dragon by facing the gods, and condenses half of the dragon's body into an immortal warrior.


Lin Fan punched the evil dragon into nothingness, and the Dragon Tail Sword in the man's hand lost all color immediately, becoming gray and lifeless.

"What? My Dragon Tail Sword is useless." The man was hysterical, wanting to tear himself apart.

"Hmph, Lin Fan, don't be arrogant." Someone made a move again, his single palm became silvery, and the rules of space disrupted everything, trying to bring Lin Fan into an unknown space, so as to save Fairy Clam.

But it was useless, a milky white halo rose from Lin Fan's body, he rushed across the turbulent current, and killed Fairy Clam with a single halberd in front of everyone.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold, and he pointed at the three-eyed emperor with the halberd picking clam fairy's corpse: "You deserve to die the most."

He scolded!

The three-eyed Holy Emperor is the culprit.

"Hehe, a criminal like you is already lowly. It is an honor for you to become our blood food."

The Three-Eyed Saint Emperor chuckled. Of course, his eyes were extremely cold. He felt that he had lost his face when his companion was brutally beheaded by Lin Fan in front of his eyes.

Lin Fan raised his arms, and Fairy Clam's corpse flew out, hitting the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor. There was a terrifying killing light in the vertical eyes of the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor, Fairy Clam's corpse exploded into a dance of blood, and disappeared from the world.

"Kill!" The Three-Eyed Saint Emperor made a move and slapped forward, intending to smack Lin Fan to death.

Everyone stares.

Because the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor is absolutely extraordinary and not much weaker than his elder brother, it is small to pick the holy fruit when he came to climb the Holy Mountain this time. Think about his ego.

And Lin Fan is even more impressive, he has a great reputation and is known as a butcher.

This is definitely an explosive event. The shocking collision of two invincible and supreme figures will shake the entire seventh session no matter who wins or loses.

The palm fingers are crystal clear, this is the great inheritance of the Three-Eyed Clan, Luo Tianzhang, I don’t know how many transcendent figures died under this inheritance. There is a god.

But something that shocked them happened. When the Three-Eyed Holy Emperor's transparent palm swung, causing the void to collapse, making Da Dao howl, and killing Lin Fan, Lin Fan was extremely flamboyant, and he just tilted his head slightly, avoiding the palm print, The cloud was light and the wind was light, he took a step forward, raised his right leg, and with a bang, he kicked towards the face of the three-eyed Holy Emperor.

All horror!

How crazy is this?

No one has ever dared to underestimate the invincibility of the Three-Eyed Clan, but Lin Fan is like this, simple, brutal, and reckless. enemy.

The eyes of the Three-Eyed Saint Emperor were cold, more vicious and terrifying than the eyes of wild beasts. Luo Tianzhang retracted, and took a step forward without retreating. Seeing that Lin Fan could easily trample hundreds of saints to death with nothing, he twisted his neck, Avoiding the blow, he suddenly raised his shoulders upwards.

With a bang, he resisted Lin Fan's kicking right leg, and punched Lin Fan's ankle with his fist, trying to tear Lin Fan's right leg apart completely.

He is really powerful. The three eyes endowed by his racial talent are similar to Lin Fan's rune eyes, which can catch fighters.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, the rules flowed, his right leg became heavier than a sacred mountain, and the heavy halberd stretched away, blocking the punch of the three-eyed holy emperor, with a bang, the fist and the heavy halberd The collision caused the cliff stone to fall down, rolling into the abyss.

"I don't know how to live or die." The sky was extremely cold, and his eyes were cold and gloomy. He stared at Lin Fan with incomparable contempt.

The rest also laughed.

Lin Fan was too arrogant, embarrassing them all, how reckless and arrogant, dare to do that.

At this time, he, Lin Fan, had tasted the bitter fruit and paid a heavy price for his arrogance. He was grabbed by one leg by the Three-Eyed Holy Emperor, and fell into the most passive situation, and would be blown away by the Three-eyed Holy Emperor.

"It's a pity." Someone sneered, his eyes showed pity, and he felt that it was a great loss not to fight this butcher.

"Blast you with one punch."

The Three-Eyed Holy Emperor roared furiously, he shouldered Lin Fan's right leg, and strode forward, punching Lin Fan's chest directly, the fist imprint shook the world, the wind of the fist tore the gazebo into pieces, and everyone in the pavilion They didn't dare to stay in it any longer, and retreated suddenly.

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