"Catch a turtle in an urn." Kuang Haikuo laughed.

Lin Fan asked for his own death. If this Lin Fan wanted to escape, even he would not dare to say that he could stay. For a person like Lin Fan, unless the emperor himself took action, no one could stop him from escaping.

However, Lin Fan couldn't lose that face, and even dared to gouging the God Slayer Army with his own power.

You know, this God Slayer Army is an invincible army that is only slightly inferior to the Heavenly God Army and the Demon God Army.

In the 100 years since the formation of the God Slaughter Army, is it true that no one has discovered the only way to break the formation of the God Slaughter Army?

Of course it is impossible, but because, in the past 100 years, no one has broken through it. Anyone who dared to think like Lin Fan died.

At this time, Lin Fan was naturally not an exception.

"Bring the wine."

Kuang Haikuo laughed loudly, he yelled, took the wine glass, stood up, and raised his glass to the trapped Lin Fan from a distance: "Lin Fan, walk slowly, the governor will not be far away."

At this time, Kuang Hai Kuo turned out to be calling himself the governor!

Lin Fan's eyes swept across the high-spirited expanse above the city, and when he looked back, the look in his eyes had become indifferent!


Lin Fan roared angrily, and thousands of divine soldiers came out from the golden circle, each of which was a tangible embodiment of his principles, and it was the first time he had shot with all his strength since he became a great saint.

Puff puff.

Clusters of blood spattered, and each soldier could not even share the vitality with each other. Those regular magic soldiers had the power of cause and effect, which cut off their cause and effect, and the soldiers died one by one.

"Intent to fight—God Slayer!"

The saint roared!

He saw Lin Fan march forward bravely, those soldiers were harvested like melons and vegetables.


Lin Fan suddenly discovered that there were black chains appearing at the hearts of these soldiers, connecting them in series.

A feeling of imminent disaster suddenly appeared in his soul.


Lin Fan let out a loud roar, and the originally thin and inconspicuous milky white halo suddenly became a thousand feet thick. Lin Fan was like a ball of light, and in the hidden place, a golden bell flew up to protect him .

True God of War Intent stepped over, and unexpectedly reached the top of Lin Fan's head, and pressed it down with a single palm.

Lin Fan felt as if the whole blue sky was collapsing towards him, trying to drive him into chaos.


The halo made an overwhelmed clicking sound, and then black cracks appeared on the milky white circle of light. When it reached a limit, they all burst open with a bang.


The golden clock shattered.

Lin Fan coughed up blood and fell ten feet from the shock of this palm, every joint made a toothache sound.

At this time, Lin Fan raised the heavy halberd with both arms, and his body was bent into a lunge under the pressure of this palm.

"Wrath!" The saint roared, and it could be seen with the naked eye that strands of dark silk threads sprang from the celestial caps of these soldiers, converging into the true god of fighting spirit.

The true god of fighting spirit uttered silent roars and ripples.

Lin Fan's body fell again, with a crackling boom, he was pressed down from the sky, a high mountain couldn't bear the terrifying force, and collapsed directly.

"Lin Fan, die to me!" the saint roared, and Lin Fan felt that the pressing palm of the saint was even more terrifying as the saint shouted.

"Lin Long!"

Lin Fan raised his head to the sky and roared!


A figure walked out of his body, just like him. Shocked by everyone, the figure that walked out of Lin Fan's body was just a disillusionment. kill to go.

The Dragon Fist was fierce and fierce, and the true god of fighting spirit, Hei Yan, was blown away.


Lin Fan broke free from the clutches of the demon, bursting out with murderous intent, jumped a thousand feet, head to foot, pierced the fighting spirit god with a heavy halberd, and the fighting spirit god collapsed with a bang.

"how is this possible!"

Kuang Haikuo yelled: "Damn it! This must not be a phantom body, but a real physical body; it is not weaker than Lin Fan at all! What kind of method is this!"

A sage beside him looked terrified and said, "The emperor-level secret technique of the Golden Dragon Emperor—hidden killing."

Lin Long succeeded with one blow, and Lin Fan continued to kill until the true god of fighting spirit was shattered. The two stood side by side in the army formation, looking at each other, only smiling.

"Good brother, we are fighting side by side again." Lin Fan smiled.

Lin Long's eyes also showed warmth: "I thought you wouldn't call me."

Lin Fan laughed, but that smile didn't last long, and he said coldly: "The [-] legion has embarrassed me for a long time."

Lin Long narrowed his eyes: "Then kill him!"

Lin Fan flew up into the sky, and with a roar, the five-clawed dragon appeared and Lin Fan charged to kill the dragon.

Lin Long's appearance was so sudden that no one could have imagined that the attack was successful, the fighting spirit was broken, the three saints vomited blood, their faces were like gold paper, and [-] of the [-] Tushen army were instantly wiped out.

As expected of a saint, even if these three saints were severely injured, they still re-sealed the connection method at the first time, and they had to replace the true god of fighting spirit.

Where did Lin Fan give him this chance?

With a sweep of the dragon's tail, an unknown number of soldiers were crushed to death. With a sweep of the heavy halberd in Lin Fan's hand, the heads of the three saints flew up, and all of them were kicked to pieces.

"The will to fight is broken, you are as weak as a dog!"

Lin Fan grinned grimly; without any mercy, what followed was a one-sided massacre.

"Lin Fan!"

Kuang Haikuo let out an angry roar, and slashed out the Yanyue Saber in his hand. The Baizhang Saber was as sharp as a horse stretching across the sky, and it killed Lin Fan's head in an instant.

A Yuquan shattered the sword light into pieces, only the broken sword light pierced the space, and the silvery white turbulence ran wildly.

Kuang Haikuo came, with a strong murderous intent, staring at Lin Fan gloomyly.

"Brother, I will give you the [-] Slaughtering Remnant Army, and I want their heads." Lin Fan said with a light smile.

The huge dragon's head glanced at Lin Fan, rushed past, turned into hundreds of thousands, and crushed the god-slaying soldiers who had thrown away their helmets and armor to death.

"Tsk tsk, how dare you fight Ben Du alone?" Kuang Haikuo grinned.

Lin Fan glanced at him, then dragged his halberd backwards: "It's not fighting, it's killing."

"Hahaha" Kuang Haikuo seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and roared: "Did you kill the courage that the black heart gave you? Enough."

Lin Fan chuckled: "Then how many knives do you think it will take to kill me?"

Kuang Haikuo said proudly, "Within a hundred knives."

Lin Fan nodded, but the aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger, the aura that belonged to the great sage was overflowing, and he looked at Kuang Haikuo with a half-smile: "Now? How many knives will it take to kill me?"

Kuang Haikuo's pupils dilated suddenly at first, but then shrank to the size of a needle's eye, and roared mournfully, "How is that possible?"


After the heavy halberd slashed, Kuang Haikuo's head flew up, and Lin Fan twisted it in his hand, suppressed Kuang Haikuo's soul body with a thunder pool, and said with a light smile, "Look, I only need one halberd to kill you."

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