Twin martial arts

Chapter 1989 Assimilation and meritorious service

Many mountain-like heavy halberds are shining golden, shining brightly, like a scorching sun falling into the world, infinite mountains and rivers are all vaporized in an instant, if it weren't for the many large formations that existed in ancient times in this county king Asylum, rippling with endless brilliance, will definitely be wiped out.

But the [-] Slaughtering God Army was really amazing. Concentrating their fighting intent and gathering killing intent to become the true God of fighting intent, the Qianzhang arm embraced a black hole. Lin Fan's attack only made the [-] army cough up blood, but there were no casualties.

But this is already too scary, that is a total of [-] slaughtering gods, and there was a terrifying record of slaughtering three gods in one day.


Lin Fan roared again, he was thousands of feet tall, with the sun, moon and stars above his head, his feet on the vast earth, his hands clasped the heavy halberd like a pillar of the sky, and he slammed down again fiercely.


Tens of thousands of phantoms roared at the same time!


The sky exploded, as if the entire Seventh World was trembling, earthquakes and natural disasters occurred in the boundless territory, and magma spewed out of the sky.


The saint who was among the [-] Tushen army was about to tear apart, the three of them became one, and the spells in their hands were uniform.

With the transformation of the spells in his hands, the black hole embraced by the true God of War Intent was divided into six parts, congealing into a mirror-like black curtain, constantly revolving around the [-] Tu Shenjun.

This was a shocking collision, even after Lin Fan shot out with a halberd, he screamed strangely. He was shaken by the shock force, and he staggered back a hundred steps, stepping on how many abysses he had stepped on.


Lin Fan stood firm, not resting for a moment, and slashed violently again!

He already knew how to break this formation, the most important thing is to kill the sanzun saint who led the terrifying formation, the difficulty is to kill a bloody path and attack and kill these three saints.


Golden lightning pierced the sky, thunderclouds reappeared, and the entire sky was covered with black thunderclouds. Golden dragon heads broke through the clouds and roared at the army below. strip.

The coming of the dragon seems to be replaying the ancient barbaric era.

Tens of thousands of phantoms were still attacking fiercely, and no one could see that Lin Fan's real body had turned into nothingness and was rushing towards the army formation.

"Hahaha Lin Fan, no matter how strong you are, even if you really enter the Great Sage level, you will die today." A saint laughed wildly.

They are all masters carefully cultivated by the uncle's mansion, leading the battle, and have a strong hatred and murderous intent towards Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan was repeatedly frustrated, and those terrifying bombings were not harmful at all except for making the [-] legion cough up a little red blood.

Therefore, he was full of ambition and regarded Lin Fan as a chopping board.

Kuang Haikuo was also sneering. He was sitting on the top of the wall, slightly looking up at the opposing sides.

Of course, he had to feel that Lin Fan was really too strong, even if he went up to fight the [-] Tushen army by himself, the best result would be like this.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he sternly shouted: "Be careful!"

There is a vertical eye between his brows, with a dark light that seems to be able to see through the Nine Nether Underworld and the Heavenly God Court, and discovered an unusual space trajectory, and the torn space was hidden by people with great means. Can't find any clues.

"Want to sneak attack? You are dreaming!"

Reminded by Kuang Haikuo, ridicule appeared on the faces of the three saints.

They dominate the battle formation, so they naturally know where the weakness of the battle formation is, and they have no way to deal with it, so they have nothing to fear.

Although killing them will destroy the battle formation.

But to kill the three of them in this army of ten thousand horses is more difficult than ascending to the sky, unless there is an emperor.


When Lin Fan was discovered, he cursed angrily, and he no longer remained invisible, and appeared before everyone's eyes. What was horrifying was that he unexpectedly reached the sky above the army formation at some point.

"One halberd can fall into the moon."

Lin Fan roared in shock, and shot down a halberd, claiming that a halberd can kill the bright moon in the sky, but this halberd is extremely powerful.

But the saint was sneering, with a sneer on his face, he didn't defend against Lin Fan's halberd at all, he didn't move, but started to attack and kill many phantoms in the army, as well as the thousand-foot thunder dragon.

The dragon swung its tail, causing the space to collapse inch by inch, smashing the sky to tremble, and the heavy halberd in the phantom's hand slashed and murderously shocked the ages.

When Lin Fanke's halberd that could kill the bright moon came down, there was an invisible barrier blocking it, and bright fireworks erupted strangely three feet above the army formation, but the army formation remained intact.

Lin Fan's eyes flickered with coldness. He was envious of the tempering method of such an army formation. If he could get it, with another [-] soldiers, he felt that he could really fight against the emperor.

"Lin Fan, you are indeed too strong, but you are doomed." Seeing that Lin Fan was frustrated again, the saint laughed.

The other person also laughed grimly: "It is too difficult for us to kill you, but you are just daydreaming if you want to break through this situation."

"Hehe, my sage will show you a clear way, run away." The sage laughed.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

Show him the way and let him escape. This saint deserves to be killed. If he retreats today, then killing three counties in a row will be a real crime and completely reduced to a laughing stock.

Taking a deep breath, the golden circle enveloped his body, and outside the golden circle was covered by a milky white halo. He held the heavy halberd tightly in his hand, and if he couldn't take advantage of it, he would kill him by force.

The figure was disillusioned, and when he reappeared, he came to the front of the army formation and confronted the army again. With a clang, the heavy halberd raised his eyebrows, and Lin Fan let out a roar, and stomped fiercely on the tip of his toes, aiming at the army formation Crash away.

"Tsk tsk, look, our admiral is really fierce." Kuang Haikuo sneered.

"Hehe, the mantis' arm is like a car, and a moth is like a flame. This Lin Fankong has a powerful force, but he has no brains."

Behind Kuang Haikuo, many saints sneered.

And the sage who led the army naturally knew of Lin Fan's plan, but, is it possible?

Take the head of the general in the army of ten thousand horses?

"War!" The saint shouted.

The body of the true god of fighting spirit dropped by at least ten times, but on the contrary, the aura of many soldiers soared. What surprised Lin Fan was that at this time, the soldiers in the front had a regular aura at the lowest level, and they were even broken. Two great realms.



The soldiers roared, the sound of footsteps shook the sky, a shield stood up, and from the gaps in the shield, countless black blades appeared, which made the scalp tingle.


Lin Fan's whole body was radiant, and without stopping for half a step, he jumped over dozens of soldiers blocking the front with his heavy halberd, and became a shooting star in the sky and flew to nowhere.

Those so-called fighting intentions, murderous intentions, etc. that were beheaded on him were all melted away by that inconspicuous milky white halo.

Lin Fan worked hard without stopping, and went straight to 300 meters. The ground behind him was blood red, but when he got here, he seemed to be stuck in the mud. It was difficult to move forward even a step. He was holding a halberd, surrounded by densely packed soldiers.

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