Twin martial arts

Chapter 1991 The Memorial Floods the Demon Palace

Kuang Haikuo is not dead.

He just stared wide-eyed, and a look of fear covered his entire pale face.

A halberd.

With just one halberd, his head was chopped off.

Great Holy!

He actually tried to fight a great sage in vain.

How ignorant.

Lin Fan glanced at the battlefield, he watched Lin Long swallow the last God Slayer Soldier alive, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, looking very ferocious.

Slightly raised his left hand, raised Kuang Haikuo's head level with himself, and said with a smile, "Is it worth it for an admiral?"

But it was only a word, Lin Fan threw him back, becoming the tallest head on the mountain behind him.

Kuang County was once again bloodbathed, but everyone who had an official position outside the list became a stubborn rock on the "mountain" behind Lin Fan that could scare people to death.

Admiral's Mansion.

"How dare Chen Xuandong act like this." Lin Fan looked anxious.

Lin Long said: "If you are not here, he will not listen to anyone."

"Doesn't he listen to Le Yao's words? He's against heaven." Lin Fan scolded.

Lin Long smiled slightly: "I think this is a good thing, at least now Qingzhou and Daozhou are already our territory."

Lin Fan sighed: "This was originally my plan. It is not difficult to achieve this step. The problem is that it is too dangerous for Chen Xuandong to send himself into the Celestial Clan."

"We will keep an eye on it." Lin Long said casually, "How soon can you go back?"

Lin Fan frowned: "I don't know, but it should be soon."

Indeed, soon, when he has an invincible [-] army under his command, he can return to the Celestial Realm. At that time, he will change the Celestial Realm.

Lin Long is gone, he is the most mysterious martial soul in heaven and earth, no one can notice when he comes and goes.

Meng Ke's face was gloomy, and after getting Lin Fan's permission, he approached the lobby anxiously and said, "My lord, something is wrong."

Lin Fan said with a smile: "But many big families and powerful families and forces headed by the uncle's mansion are asking His Majesty to punish me?"

Meng Ke nodded, hesitated, but finally said: "My lord, you really shouldn't gamble."

Lin Fan didn't speak, Meng Ke said: "Many forces have exerted their strength together, and the memorial has flooded the Mozun Palace. Even if Her Royal Highness thinks highly of the important person, this test may not be easy."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

At this moment, a series of screams came from outside the admiral's mansion, which made Lin Fan frown. After the power of the soul was revealed, Lin Fan showed a speechless expression.

"This is Anu." He muttered, only to see a flash of lightning, and he had already arrived outside the Admiral's Mansion.

"My lord." Anu's face was cold, but he saluted Lin Fan very respectfully.

Lin Fan frowned, looked at the twenty or thirty cultivators behind him who kept screaming and wailing, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Anu grinned and said: "These bastards, when the lord left Admiral's City, they all spoke wild words, unfortunately, they were caught by the subordinates."

Lin Fan didn't speak, but Anu took a step forward, pointed at an old man with yellow teeth, and said with a smirk: "This old man, at that time, he said that if you could drag your head into the city, he would step by step from outside the city gate. Kowtow until this admiral's mansion."

Lin Fan glanced at the old man.

Anu pointed to a man in a Chinese robe again, and said: "There is also this bastard, he said that our admiral's mansion can prepare a coffin, and you will definitely be dismembered when you go."

Lin Fan glanced at the man in surprise, this man was really cruel, he wished he could die.

Anu pointed at them one by one, and spoke out all the wild words of these people, and of course there were all kinds of insults and ridicule.

Of course, there were not only these dozens of people that day, but it was impossible to capture them all, so Anu just found some 'representatives'

These people knelt on the ground, their hips trembling, their cheeks trembling, and their teeth colliding with each other made a rattling sound.

"People can't be dishonest, kill what should be killed, what should be scraped, I will kill one or two hundred high-ranking figures, and I don't mind killing more." Lin Fan said lightly.

Among the dozens of people, some timid ones were so frightened that they fainted.

On that day, Lin Fan dressed in white and walked into the city gracefully like a noble son on a spring trip. Behind him were more than 100 floating heads, and the king of Kuang County who kept shouting at the top made the entire Admiral's Mansion In an instant, every house closed their doors, even if the weather was suffocatingly hot, they did not dare to open a gap in the window.

Others are begging for forgiveness.

Lin Fan didn't listen or pay attention, apparently he really wanted Anu to deal with it as he pleased.

In the Admiral's Mansion, Meng Ke's eyes showed disappointment, but he did not say anything.

"Meng Ke, do you want to say that my behavior is too cruel? Or is it not good for me to rule this area?" Lin Fan smiled.

Meng Ke sighed and said, "Your Excellency, there is always a reason for you to do this."

Lin Fan chuckled: "I'm just a person from another world, no matter how kind I am and how hard I try, it's very unlikely that I'll be able to integrate into this world. Since I can't make others love me, then let everyone in this world be afraid of me. "

Meng Ke's heart tightened.

"Besides, I never thought that I would stay in this seventh world for a long time, and I would go back one day, so I have nothing to do with the world's reputation." Lin Fan said here, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

Outside the palace gate of Mozun Palace, in the past two days, I don’t know how many patriarchs of wealthy families have come to petition. It is said that the green bricks outside the palace gate have been knocked to pieces by knocking their heads. In two days, hundreds of blue bricks have been replaced. .

And the memorials requesting Lin Fan's death crime from all over the world are filled with the Demon Lord's study where he handles government affairs.

The whole world is watching.

How will His Majesty Mozun deal with it?

The many family forces belonging to Lin Fan's Admiral's Mansion did not merge into the main stream, but they were also waiting.

This is standing in line.

The whole world knows that the so-called Lin Fan is irrelevant, at least from the point of view of the top two big figures.

This is a different kind of contest between the uncle who is one step away from becoming His Majesty, and His Majesty who is sitting in Mozun Palace at this time.

If the uncle of the country wins, the many wealthy families under Lin Fan's rule will mobilize their troops immediately, rush in front of everyone, and behead Lin Fan to death.

If Lin Fan wins, they will bring the most expensive gifts to the Admiral's Mansion to show their favor.

Mozun Palace.

"Is this a demonstration?" The Queen's eyebrows were raised, and her beautiful eyes were stern.

Mozun said: "Uncle Guo's Mansion is indeed a big tree with deep roots, just a light struggle, so many people have come forward."

Princess Jue's eyes flashed: "I don't care so much, I will pass down the order later, I want to see how many loyal dogs that old dog has to die."

Mozun glanced at his daughter: "Don't meddle in this matter, don't they want me to express my opinion? Then I will show them."

Looking at the eunuch with lowered brows beside him, he shouted, "Draft the decree."

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