Twin martial arts

Chapter 1988 So What If You Kill Another 3

The [-] well-armored soldiers have no skin exposed, only the ruthless eyes are cold under the black mask, and the standard saber that is exactly the same color as the talisman helmet does not glow in the scorching sun. Xiao Sha.

Kuang Haikuo retreated into the distance with a gloomy face, and said with a sinister smile: "Lin Fan, treating this king as a waste like Xing Qingshan is the biggest mistake of your life!"

The entire county king city is as quiet as a chilling cicada!

Even the snakes and rats in the depths of the ground did not dare to move even the slightest, as if they were overwhelmed by the murderous intent of the [-] lowest condensed-level army that covered the sky and the sun.

Lin Fan was holding a heavy halberd, and a hundred feet away, there was a black army, the murderous aura lingered, and half the sky was dark.

Lin Fan just sighed, how a mere county king can form such a terrifying army is not from someone's handwriting.

In fact, this is also the reason why he didn't move to open the sea first.

When he left Mozun Palace, Princess Jue didn't have time to have a word with him, but on the first night after he killed the Admiral's Mansion, the old Emperor Lin came to talk to him for a while.

The most important thing to call is the [-] legion in the open sea.

There are a total of 80 such legions in the Uncle's Mansion.

This is a serious problem.

Lin Fan doesn't care, the Yuan Condensation Realm, for him now, [-] is no different from one person, even if this legion can sway the legendary fighting spirit, can condense the fighting spirit to tear the opponent apart, he doesn't care.

However, Mozun Palace cares.

So at that time, the old Emperor Lin also said that if Lin Fan could kill the [-] legion, Mozun Palace would be overjoyed.

"It can be regarded as repaying your kindness." Lin Fan's eyes were complicated.

"Kill him!" Kuang Haikuo was furious!

This Lin Fan is so calm, this is the famous Slaughtering God Legion, if it is not for the purpose of making this territory the inherent territory of the Uncle's Mansion, this kind of legion will not allow him to interfere at all.

Moreover, Lin Fan didn't even look at his words that were so angry and murderous.

That was undisguised contempt, not even contempt, it should be ignorance.


The [-] army roared in unison, shattering the clouds and shattering the mountains and rivers.

"bang bang"

The army marched forward, and the three saints flew up and merged into the army formation.

Lin Fan could clearly see that there was a great mystery in the formation of these three saints. The army was already like a whole, but there were still slightly out-of-group footsteps and aura scattered, but when the three saints merged into the formation— —

The murderous aura is concentrated, the steps are not in the slightest disorder, and the breath is closely connected. The army of 3 people looks like one person!


The three saints roared in unison!


The murderous intent that shattered the clouds actually condensed into a black and hundreds of feet tall demon head, only on the head with two horns piercing into the sky, the two eyes were like burning fire, holding Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, pointing at Lin Fan was killed with a single halberd.

Lin Fan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his black hair flying: "Is this the true fighting spirit?"

Flying up, shaking hands is so close to the sky, the distance of hundreds of feet seems to be infinite in an instant, that halberd kills like Lin Fan's rules, and there is no splash at all.

Kuang Haikuo grinned.

The more arrogant Lin Fan was at this time, the happier he would be when he died later, the blood in his heart was rolling, he seemed to see that the throne of the governor was close at hand.

"The true god is angry and the world mourns!"

The saint yelled again, and the hundred-foot-long demon head and ten-foot-long arm hammered his chest like thunder, and there was a demonic energy overflowing from his body, but he was swallowed by thirty thousand soldiers, and the breath of the thirty thousand soldiers suddenly doubled more than enough.

Lin Fan's expression tightened slightly.

This uncle of the country is indeed amazing, and I don't know where this method of training soldiers comes from.

He was even thinking, if [-] saints were combined into a legion in this way, would it really be possible to kill the Emperor of God.

The black brilliance bloomed on the tip of the demon god's halberd. He slowly stretched out the heavy halberd towards Lin Fan. Every inch the heavy halberd moved forward, the space of that inch would disappear, and the rumbling sound became louder and louder.

The so-called never-collapsing city wall of the county king is cracked inch by inch, covered with huge spider webs, like a naughty boy, the four walls will become ruins.

This halberd seems to be slow but really urgent, the so-called speed of light cannot be compared.

What surprised and shocked Lin Fan the most was that this halberd was able to break through his distance.


Lin Fan captured the trajectory of the halberd with the help of the eye of the rune. Once the halberd was pointed out, the tips of the halberd collided silently in a radius of ten thousand zhang.

Lin Fan fell back thousands of feet, every step he took, the space would explode.

"Hahaha Lin Fan, what about my [-] troops? It's enough to kill you!" Kuang Haikuo, who had long suppressed his murderous aura, grinned ferociously when he saw Lin Fan deflated.

Lin Fan turned his head: "You are the only one with this kind of legion?"

Kuang Haikuo's face froze for a moment, and then he said with a smirk: "Anyway, the [-] troops are only obeying my orders at this time. As long as you die under the true god, it will be considered as Lao Tzu's credit."

Lin Fan paid no attention to him, but looked at the [-] legion that came marching neatly. He probably already knew how to defeat the God-slaying army.

In the final analysis, it is also an alternative use of the Dao. With the help of the Rune Eye, it is not difficult for him to find the flaw.

The difficulty is that the breath of the 3 army is as one, and even Lin Fan feels that even if it is vitality, [-] people can share it at the same time. Soldiers can.

Breathing like a long dragon, rolling vitality like strips of white ribbons, being sucked into Lin Fan's chest and abdomen, he was immediately full of pride, laughed, and pointed at Kuang Haikuo: "Kuang Haikuo, just watch how I slaughtered this god-slaying army .”

Lin Fan's figure flickered slightly, and Lin Fan suddenly appeared, lifelike, reaching the stage of the great sage, and using the disillusionment steps he had learned since childhood, it was even more extraordinary, even Lin Emperor couldn't tell the truth from reality!

"One Yuan Heaven Skill!"

Lin Fan roared again, and his aura surged again.

"Tu Shenjun, stop God!"

The saint above the gate of death saw that Lin Fan dared to charge forward alone, and laughed back in anger.



Thirty thousand soldiers roared like a crowd of demons.

"Lin Fan, walk slowly." Kuang Haikuo laughed.

In the county king's city, no one dared to forget today's scene. One person and one halberd broke into the [-] Tushen army alone, and the momentum and murderous intent were not lost at all.

"So what if I kill another [-]?"

Lin Fan rushed to the front, only ten feet away from the Tushen army, jumped high, and after a loud roar, the heavy halberd in his hand became as thick as a mountain, and he smashed it down hard.

And tens of thousands of Lin Fan's movements were neat and uniform!

The sky is full of doomsday scenes like mountains collapsing.

The True God of War Intent roared up to the sky, his body swelled a hundred times suddenly, and during the roar, endless stars fell from the nine heavens, and he swallowed them in one gulp, turning them into deathly silence. On the head of the Ten Thousand Tu Divine Army.

This is to stop God.

Can stop the wrath of the gods.

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