Twin martial arts

Chapter 1983 Kill

Meng Ke's chest was stained with blood.

He is just a king, but he broke through by luck, and his soul was injured. At this time, he can still stand in front of the majestic gate of the Admiral's Mansion with his head held high, and it is already extremely difficult for him to go down the nine steps.

"Meng Ke, Admiral Lin's subordinate, please surrender the seal to Admiral Prisoner Niu, and leave the Admiral's Mansion."

Meng Ke breathed out and spoke up, so that half of the people who received it could hear clearly.

However, everyone who heard this sentence showed sarcasm and said jokingly: "Hey, come and listen, this chant is ringing again, it's time for lunch."

Meng Ke came to the admiral's mansion three times in the morning, at noon and at night, every day, to say this sentence.

Even if they return without success every time, even if new injuries crush old ones every time.

"Damn, you are barking, your teeth must be chipped today."

One of the minions grinned grimly: "Meng Ke, I advise you to get out of here quickly, don't be so uncomfortable."

Meng Ke just looked at the minions of the Admiral's Mansion who were flaunting their might, and raised his voice again: "Meng Ke, under Admiral Lin's command, please surrender the seal to the Admiral's Mansion and leave the Admiral's Mansion."


A minion made a move, jumped high from the nine steps, and kicked Meng Ke far away with one kick. Meng Ke rolled a few times in the dust and got up staggeringly.

"Admiral Prisoner Cattle, this place is the place of His Majesty's favor. If you act like this, aren't you afraid that the emperor will lay down millions of corpses in anger?" Meng Ke shouted.

"Tsk tsk, reward? To whom?"

The minion who kicked Meng Ke had a grim face. He walked down the nine steps and said with a grim smile, "Are you talking about Lin Fan? I haven't seen you for more than a year. He should have died a long time ago. Are you still looking forward to it?"


One word from this minion made everyone laugh out loud, pointing at the fun they had had every day for the rest of the year.

"The admiral is not dead, he is just cultivating in the palace." Meng Ke retorted with wide eyes.

"Tsk tsk, don't say that he is dead or not, even if he really appeared in front of Lao Tzu at this time, he would still be beaten all over his teeth."

"Hmph, this is the territory of the old men. With the prisoner admiral in charge, even if Lin Fan is a dragon, he has to curl up obediently here."

The Admiral's Mansion was already located in a bustling street, and there were many onlookers. After hearing these words, they all laughed.

Naturally, these small people like them are not clear about the open and covert struggles between the big men.

However, for the man Meng Ke was talking about, his initial shock turned into contempt now.

At the very beginning, Lin Fandan fought against the holy alchemist, turning him into a puppet and telling about the shocking murder, forcing the high-ranking uncle Guo to be arrested and imprisoned. When crushed, he undoubtedly became a legend.

But after disappearing for more than a year, and two or three kittens under his command were insulted and almost killed or injured, the so-called legend was no longer a legend.



These titles have been used on Lin Fan more than once.

In the admiral's mansion, Prisoner Bull never paid attention to these minions, just closed his eyes, as if he was waiting for some predetermined fate.

There were footsteps on the street.

In the bustling streets, individual footsteps should be submerged, but everyone heard them. The footsteps were steady and powerful, as if they were stepping on everyone's hearts. Some people even unconsciously covered their chests, their faces showing Suffocating pain.

Anu staggered, most of his body was lying on Lin Fan's body, and the two of them came step by step.

When Lin Fan arrived, he first smiled at Meng Ke, then ignored the tearful Meng Ke, and looked at the minion who said that even if Lin Fan arrived, he would still be beaten everywhere.

With just one look, the claws exploded into a pool of blood mist, not even a single bone stubble.

"Lin Fan! How dare you commit murder in the Admiral's Mansion?"

A single look killed a king. The cultivator beside him was pale, but still roared fiercely.


There was a flash of halberd in the eyes, and there was a contention in the air.

Pfft, a bloody hole was pierced on the forehead of the stern cultivator.

"Have you never been in the admiral's mansion?" Lin Fan killed two people in a row, and then turned to look at Meng Ke.

Meng Ke was in tears: "I have lost my lord's face."

Lin Fan smiled: "Go, I'll take you in."

Meng Ke nodded, he came naturally, supported Anu, and followed behind Lin Fan.

With the sound of dull footsteps, soldiers wearing talisman helmets poured out from the Admiral's Mansion. The nine steps were very wide and crowded with thousands of soldiers, all with weapons in their hands. Come out, with a cold light shining.

"Bold Lin Fan! How dare you kill the soldiers of the Admiral's Mansion, you should kill him!"

"Lin Fan, stop, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

All the cultivators roared with overwhelming momentum, none of them were mediocre, they were all in the realm of kings, and even some masters were about to step into the holy rank.

Lin Fan didn't say a word, but walked towards the ninth step with firm steps.

"Stay away, or die." Lin Fan finally spoke, very coldly, with his hands behind his back, his eyes staring.

"Tsk tsk, so arrogant."

A sage laughed grinningly. He hid behind the pawns with gloomy eyes.

He is a great expert in formation, even though he only has the cultivation base of the holy king, he may use thousands of soldiers to consolidate the general situation. With his cultivation base, even the top holy emperor may not be able to please him.

"A mere sage, dare to shout in front of this sage." Another sage appeared, with a ferocious expression, and raised his hand high: "Lin Fan, get out of my sight in one breath; otherwise, I will send you to heaven. "

Lin Fan chuckled lightly.

Take a step forward.


The two saintly powerhouses spoke at the same time.

bang bang.

The sound of the God Extinguishing Crossbow.

Hundreds of God Extinguishing Crossbows came with a piercing sound of piercing through the air.

Lin Fan was indifferent, but the golden circle appeared, enveloping Meng Ke and Anu.

He walked up the steps step by step, all vitality within ten feet around his body withered, and the unique aura of the Great Sage suppressed everything.

What God Extinguishing Crossbow.

No swords, guns, sticks or halberds can come close.

The divine chain of order came from the sky, like three strings connected to the ground, Lin Fan stretched out his hand and pulsated.

Keng Keng.

The strings moved, and the whole space seemed to be distorted for a moment.

800 people died.

The blood flowed down the steps and flowed far away. The blood of the bluestone-paved street flowed along the cracks and merged into a very bloody spider web.

"Lin Fan is rebellious!"

"Lin Fanfan is gone!"

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the two saints, and they roared at the same time.

Lin Fan looked up at the two saints, smiled sarcastically, and just snapped his fingers slightly, and a halberd light shot away from his fingertips.

The two saints died with their eyes wide open.

How can it be!

Killing saints is like chopping melons and vegetables.

"How many of us died at their hands?"

Lin Fan was still walking forward, his whispered words made everyone feel cold.

"37 people." Sadness appeared in Meng Ke's eyes.

Those who died belonged to Dan Tang.

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