Lin Fan confronted Thunder God with Heavenly Punisher.

Lin Fan clearly sensed the astonishing look in Thunder God's eyes. Those eyes were too weird. It was like watching a junior who had been cared for carefully finally grow up. He felt gratified and happy.

This made Lin Fan's heart tense.

Has Thor really fallen?

The young Thunder God who appeared here should have been a brand that he had engraved between the heaven and the earth. Why did he have such an emotional performance?

But before he could make any move, the young Thunder God just turned into lightning and scattered in all directions.

"Haha, it's wonderful, it's wonderful! I witnessed the rise of a great saint with my own eyes."

Just as Lin Fan was thinking, he began to tease him kindly, and Xu Yang came from far away on the clouds, smiling.

"Brother Xu Yang." Lin Fan smiled, but then his face suddenly changed: "Oops!"

It was because he saw a large area of ​​broken walls and ruins, and the glorious Princess Mansion was destroyed beyond recognition.

"It's okay, you tasted a dream that I can't achieve." Princess Jue appeared, smiling happily.

Lin Fan's eyes were complicated: "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

Princess Jue waved her hand: "It's just your good fortune. As for those Tianbao, etc., you don't have to care about how much I want."

Lin Fan frowned, and said for a moment: "I owe a great favor to Your Highness, no matter where I am in the future, if the princess needs it, I will die."

Xu Yang laughed, his eyes were unclear, and then he said tentatively: "You became a great sage here, and His Majesty Mozun concealed the secret for you, so only three or five people know about your achievement of the great sage."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out, "Why?"

Princess Jue glared at Xu Yang indiscriminately, and said with a concealed smile: "Father always said that there is no distinction between teaching and learning, maybe it's because he can't bear to see a talented person die in a despicable way."

Lin Fan frowned even deeper.

He always felt that Princess Jue's family had inexplicable kindness towards him, but it seemed that a big hand had blinded all the secrets, making him unable to find a real reason.

"Brother Lin, I feel that this is not the time for you to be busy remembering your love and being grateful." Xu Yang was stared at by Princess Jue, and immediately smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject.

Lin Fan suddenly looked at Xu Yang, and said, "But something happened in the three thousand li ban?"

Xu Yang smiled wryly and said, "It's your admiral's mansion."

"Admiral's Mansion?" Lin Fan was puzzled.

Xuyang explained.

"One year and three months?" Lin Fan's heart tightened.

In his perception, he just fell asleep, and after waking up, he broke the shackles and became a great sage, but it has been more than a year.

"You should hurry up, the situation of Anu and Meng Ke is not good." Xu Yang said, a little embarrassed: "After all, I am just an outsider, even if I want to protect them, I have too many scruples after all."

Murderous intent appeared in Lin Fan's eyes: "How about the two of them?"

Xu Yang said: "Anu's invitation to the world's war servants is very powerful, but he has also received a lot of attacks. He is assassinated every day. It is said that he was picked on yesterday. If Meng Ke's alchemy skills were not so great, he might die. As for Meng Ke, he was slashed with the Soul Severing Blade this morning, wounding his soul."

"Who is it? It should be killed."

From the cold voice, the majesty's coercion erupted, and even Xu Yang frowned.

"You go, although the land of the capital was rewarded to you, but at this time, your people have not even entered the admiral's mansion." Princess Jue smiled.

"Do they dare to disobey?" Lin Fan looked at Princess Jue.

Princess Jue said: "Father said, if you can secure the position of admiral, he allows you to form an army of [-], and the world you fight yourself is the world."

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "Thank Your Majesty for me."

Lin Fan left.

In Xu Yang's narration, he already knew that his capital was the former territory under the old acquaintance Prison Niu's rule.

This is really no coincidence, or it is simply the deliberate intention of His Majesty Mozun, but who dares to comment.

Lin Fan acted like lightning, and when he arrived at the teleportation array of Mozun Palace, the guards had already prepared everything, the runes flickered, and Lin Fan disappeared in an instant.

Admiral's Mansion.

Prisoner Bull's eyes were cold.

Sit down, minions gather.

Many minions are jubilant, but the prisoner's face is full of frost.

He was abandoned.

Abandoned by the uncle's mansion, thrown away by the master he had served for most of his life like an old dog.

Otherwise, this area has been rewarded to Lin Fan by decree, but he just wants to clear the land, so why let him confront this place with the people who came to take over from the three thousand li county prince's mansion.

Even the assassination orders came from his hands.

"Serving for 130 years, the ending is so disappointing."

Prisoner Niu felt cold in his heart.

But he couldn't struggle, couldn't resist.

The uncle's mansion has been able to stand for so many years, and even dared to seek a position in the early years, needless to say the means.

All his family members are under the control of the uncle's mansion.

It should be said that all the important people and relatives who were labeled as the uncle's mansion are in the palm of that person.

If you make a wrong judgment, your close relatives will die.

It just depends on how big or small your mistakes are to decide how many of your loved ones will die.

"Commander, there are only two or three kittens under Lin Fan's command, and they dare to wrestle with my admiral's mansion. They really don't know how to live or die." One of the minions grinned.

"Hmph, Lin Fan hasn't appeared for more than a year, so I guess he's already dead." Someone said again.

Prisoner Niu just listened quietly, and all the people sitting down were his minions, except for an old man in black, who was from the uncle's mansion, who was staring at his knife, who could take his life away at any time. Knife to go.

"Hmph, I can't let them relax today. Send three people there to make them look good." Prisoner Niu snorted coldly, and said: "Uncle Guo is high above us, watching us, and Uncle Guo is holding us up when the sky falls, and what's more Not to mention little Lin Fan."

The minions grinned grimly.


Anu, who was lying in the bloody gas, suddenly raised her head: "My lord."

Tears welled up in his eyes.

more than a year.

There are about a hundred people in the entire county palace, but now there are only ten left!

Those 90 people were either scared away or killed.

He was working too hard.

When Lin Fan came, he first glanced at Anu's injury, then he heaved a sigh of relief and asked, "Where's Meng Ke?"

"He's gone to the Admiral's Mansion." Anu's breath weakened.

"What?" Lin Fan exclaimed, "Is he looking for death?"

Anu smiled wryly: "Since we arrived in this capital, Meng Ke has been going there every day. Although he has been humiliated every time, he keeps going every day."

The words were calm, but Lin Fan could hear the humiliation and murderous intent in Anu's voice.

"Everything is fine, I'm here." Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

Anu nodded in tears, and finally cried out: "My lord, some brothers died so badly that there was no body left, and their souls were scattered."

"Kill ten times and come back." Lin Fan said, and helped Anu up: "Go, follow me to kill."

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