Twin martial arts

Chapter 1984 Reason and Halberd

Lin Fan frowned, and then showed a ferocious smile: "I also said that I will pay you back ten times."

He glanced at the gilt plaque of Admiral's Mansion, his eyes were slightly cold, and the plaque shattered without warning.

"Then it will be a hundred times."

Lin Fan whispered.

Having climbed the ninth step and crossed the threshold, you will arrive at the Admiral's Mansion.

The admiral's mansion seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, the vast front yard was full of heavily armored soldiers, even on the roof there were countless god-killing crossbows that claimed to be able to destroy gods.

"Lin Fan, are you planning to rebel?"

The one who opened the mouth was a general covered in an iron-colored talisman helmet. This must be a strong general. The divination heavy halberd leaning on the stone pier at the side was at least two to three hundred catties.

Lin Fan didn't speak, Meng Ke who was behind him sneered and said, "Your Majesty's imperial decree has been issued, this place thinks that my lord's fiefdom is for you to act against the law."

"Hmph! Where is the imperial decree?" The general sneered, and the heavy halberd leaning on the stone pier trembled slightly, even cracking the stone pier.

Meng Ke's blood surged: "Where is the imperial decree, don't you know?"

"Losing the imperial decree is a capital offense! Why don't you catch me quickly?" the general roared.

"Lin Fan, why are you so tense? This world is nothing more than a word of reason. Convincing people with reason is the right way." A man in an elegant gown came and stood in the corridor.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, and looked at this elegant man, he was very extraordinary, he was a respected emperor.

When he came to the admiral's mansion, he felt the aura of two statues of Emperor Lin, and this should be one of them.

Lin Fan looked back: "In my opinion, killing all the truths in this world is not as pleasant as killing them all with a halberd."

The elegant man's eyes were slightly cold: "You are the first madman who dares to be presumptuous in this admiral's mansion."

Lin Fan squinted at him for a day, pointed to the sky, the thunderclouds condensed, a thunder pool was ups and downs, crackling!

The thunder thundered down, and the golden lightning was like raindrops pouring down.

Soldiers died one after another, and the god-killing ballista, which was expensive enough to exchange for millions of top-grade primordial stones, became fragments, and was smashed to black in the sea of ​​thunder, until it disappeared into green smoke.

The screams were dense.

Lin Fan led the two of them to walk in the sea of ​​thunder until they were no more than three feet away from this elegant man, and said with a sneer, "It seems that you don't care about the life and death of your subordinates."

The elegant man chuckled: "Anyway, you will go back to accompany him soon."

Lin Fan was noncommittal, and asked, "Where's the prisoner cow?"

A bruise suddenly appeared on the refined man's face, and his palms were completely black.

"Duff the Black Hearted Hand!"

Meng Ke screamed shockingly, as if he had seen a ghost.

The refined man was surprised: "Having disappeared for eighty years, yet someone still knows this name?"

Meng Ke's eyes flickered, and he succinctly told Lin Fan about all the extraordinary things about this so-called black-hearted hand.

"Hehe, listening to people tell their past stories in person is really special." Heixin smiled lightly. He took a step forward, and he could almost feel the heat in each other's nostrils. Kill you, but I have been waiting for you for too long."

"Emperor Lin made a move, that old dog is quite a hand." Lin Fan chuckled.

Cutting the space with his hands, the two people who are clearly close at hand suddenly seem to be separated by a whole world.

"Tsk tsk, it's not bad." Black Heart Hand looked at Lin Fan contemptuously, and said, "How do you want to die?"

"So confident?" Lin Fan asked with a smile

"It's not difficult to kill you." Hei Xin spread his palms, his palms were pitch black, like a black hole that was constantly rotating, and all the stone piers, flowers, trees, etc. in the garden rose from the ground and were sucked into it. In the black hole, lifeless debris was spit out.

Lin Fan took a step forward, and Hei Xinshou's face changed slightly. After taking a step forward, Hei Xinshou's pupils shrank. After three steps, Hei Xinshou let out a strange roar and immediately retreated. He looked at Lin Fan in horror, and shouted: "Damn, what realm are you in?"

"Is it easy to kill me now?" Lin Fan asked, and his figure suddenly faded away. When he reappeared, he was already behind Heixinshou, holding a lightning bolt that condensed from the sky into a heavy halberd and stabbed it straight out.

The Black Heart Hand let out another strange cry, the palms twisted backwards strangely, and the two black holes spinning in the palms came out, like black magic fists viciously smashing on the tip of Lin Fan's halberd.

In the silence, the space in the fighting place was annihilated.

Lin Fan let out a cold snort, and stepped forward again, holding a halberd in his right hand and making fist marks with his left hand, and blasted away.

Hei Xin made corners again and again, Lin Fan's speed was too fast, as if he was walking on lightning, even if he was Emperor Lin, he would not have time to turn around under Lin Fan's tide of attacks.

After a sudden shout, the nails of the ten fingers suddenly became ten inches long, faintly blue, and filled with a seductive fragrance, like hooks and claws, they cut fiercely at Lin Fan's left hand that was punching.

With a grin.

Is it true that he was given the title of black-hearted hand for nothing?

With his hand, even if Lindi, who was in the same situation as him, had his flesh cut off, it would turn into a pile of blood in an instant.


First, the heavy halberd was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Then there was a vicious palm like a hook like a claw, slashing fiercely on Lin Fan's wrist.

The black-hearted hand laughed, but the smile suddenly froze on his face, and he roared with surprise and anger: "How is it possible, even if you are Lindi like me, if you are cut by my poisonous claws, you will be cut off two catties of flesh!" Come on! How can you be harmless?"


The straight fist hit Huanglong directly, hitting Heixinshou's chest hard.

Bang bang bang.

With one punch, this black-hearted hand was blown away, and how many houses were destroyed.

Lin Fan smiled in satisfaction. After entering the realm of the Great Sage, he has been promoted in all directions. If he hadn't entered the realm of the Great Sage, he would not have dared to take this claw forcefully. He knew the horror of this claw.


A furious roar made the entire Admiral City tremble, countless decayed houses collapsed, and a dark figure flew into the sky from the collapsed ruins!

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of lightning under his feet, and he also climbed into the sky.

The great sage's aura overflowed bit by bit, causing the black-hearted hand who was confronting him to panic, and said sternly: "How is it possible! How did you get to this point!"

Lin Fan chuckled, crossed a thousand feet in one step, raised his halberd and killed it, the black heart roared, his whole body was burning with black flames, from a distance, it looked like a demon was born, full of demonic aura.

Lin Fan hadn't used the many methods he created for a long time. After his physical body was sanctified, his opponents were all in the holy realm, so when fighting with an enemy, he mostly relied on his holy power to overwhelm his opponent, but this time he killed him happily.

First trapped the black-hearted hand with the Thunder Realm, then cut off his two palms with the power of cause and effect, and returned to the ruins to eliminate the evil attack of the black-hearted hand.


The heavy halberd was drawn violently, and the unscrupulous hand fell, Lin Fan rushed to step on his chest, stepped on his body and fell hard to the ground, raised his head with a smile that was not a smile: "Is it enough to see the prisoner cow?" Can you see clearly the reality of this deity?"

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