Twin martial arts

Chapter 1950 Panicked Saint Alchemist

"Obey." The boy was very respectful and not surprising at all.

Still the same sentence, he has done this kind of thing too many times, he has long been used to it, and he can even know what the holy alchemist will say next and what expression he will have.


The holy alchemist opened the box containing Yinhu's "offer" seemingly casually, and a terrifying light suddenly burst out in his eyes. This kind of light made people dare not look directly at it, and even made the eyes of the boy in front of him sting.

But only for one second.

"Okay! Yinhu really has great filial piety, and the return gift for him can't be too thin." The holy alchemist laughed.

In his eyes was the excitement and greed that were well concealed.

Dantong smiled in his heart, next, let him go and announce that the offering from Yinhu is great, it will be of great use to alchemy, the holy alchemist will retreat for at least half a month, and no one is allowed to disturb him.

Everything was as Dan Tong expected, he retired peacefully, and then the whole line of holy alchemists knew that their respected lord would go into seclusion again in order to reach a higher level on the way of alchemy.

This is a secret place deep underground.

At this time, the holy alchemist was sitting in the darkness, only the green candle was burning, his face was flickering, under the support of the green candle, it was very strange.


Suddenly, this darkness was repelled by the endless brilliance, which came from one after another mysterious runes, blooming with unparalleled brilliance.

"Get up." The holy alchemist sternly shouted, the large piece of darkness that sank and was not illuminated by the brilliance creaked and slowly rose, until finally it was much higher than the rest.

There is a terrifying aura that permeates this high ground like an altar.

The holy alchemist flew up to the high ground and sat cross-legged.

If Lin Fan had been here, he would have recognized right away that this high ground like an altar was clearly a spirit purification array!

The palm of the holy alchemist continuously blasted out gray beams of light one after another, like a key, and as the gray beams moved around, the spiritual purification array was activated.


A milky white halo enveloped the entire altar, and beams of clean light spread out from under the milky white halo, and the area covered by the halo was filled with this light.

The soul-swallowing stone appeared in the hands of the holy alchemist, and with a pop, the holy alchemist crushed the soul-swallowing stone.



All kinds of mournful roars from the soul suddenly resounded through the dark depths of the ground.

It can be seen that one after another, the ghost images sensed danger, like headless flies, bumping around.

But every time they collide with those clean rays of light, blue smoke will rise, and these green smoke are the purest soul power.

There are also some souls who were lucky enough not to hit the light, but hit the milky white halo, screaming shrilly, and the milky white halo will emit blood-red lightning, slamming on these souls.

"Hahaha still want to escape?" The holy alchemist laughed wildly.

This kind of laughter is too penetrating, like a night owl that has been around for thousands of years.

"It's your honor and blessing to be the stepping stone of this seat." The holy alchemist was insane, the brilliance in his eyes could ignite a stubborn stone, that was greed, that was obsession, that was almost paranoid of light.

With his fingers spread out on his knees, the spell was played, making people dazzled.

And with all these complicated spells, whether it is the clean light beam or the milky white light circle, the power soared immediately. Those light beams were like silk, entangled these souls, and then contracted fiercely.



Although these soul bodies struggled and roared, they were useless, they were all crushed by the beam of light. Whenever a soul burst, the milky white halo would cast a large amount of purified light, obliterating it, and becoming a relatively pure soul power.

You can easily see the panic and accusations of these astral bodies.

But one is useless at all.

This Spirit Purification Formation is too vicious and terrifying, it is only created for all spirit bodies, even if it is a spirit of Emperor Lin who comes here, it may not be able to escape.

Finally, with the last cracking sound, all the soul bodies turned into soul power, permeating the spirit purification array.

The spirit power like the most clear liquid wrapped the holy alchemist in it. At this time, the holy alchemist was like a glutton, he opened his mouth wide, revealing his deep white teeth.


Accompanied by his breathing, he swallowed up all the spirit power that filled the opalescent circle.


After devouring all the soul power, the holy alchemist even hiccupped as if he was too full.

He raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there appeared a terrifying killing light, and this killing light was all composed of the power of the soul.

"The soul-killing cannon designed to kill spirits and souls!" The holy alchemist laughed, and the laughter became louder and louder. Finally, he stood up suddenly and said with a grinning smile, "Even if it's Emperor Lin, can you take my trick?"

But soon, his smile stopped abruptly.

An incredible look appeared in his eyes.




He took three steps back, and every time he took a step back, he would cough up big mouthfuls of blood. After three steps, his rosy face lost its color, and his upright body was bent.

"Who is it, get out of here!"

The holy alchemist roared sternly, and panic appeared in his eyes at the same time.

This is of course a strange talk.

The holy alchemist believed that Qitan could defeat Lin Fan, and Yinhu didn't report the fact that Qitan was defeated, so when the holy alchemist devoured the power of the soul, he didn't notice at all, and there was one soul missing.

Now, Qi Tan is wantonly destroying in the soul sea of ​​the holy alchemist.

In the sea of ​​souls.

The holy alchemist held a soul-slaying knife in his hand, which was a great weapon condensed by his soul power, and he was looking at the figure ahead with gloomy eyes: "Strange talk!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really an honor for the disciple to be remembered by the high-ranking holy alchemist." He talked strangely and laughed.

He admired Lin Fan's method very much, it really cheated the world, and it really gave him a blow, and it really hurt the holy alchemist.

"You lost?" The Holy Alchemist's face was dark.

Qi Tan shrugged: "Lin Fan is too strong, it's normal to lose."

"That's why you're useless." The Holy Alchemist snorted coldly, then narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Why?"

Qi Tan giggled: "You want to ask, why did I hide Yinhu's secrets from you, and injure you hard when you are at your best?"

"Speak out, I'll give you a good death." The holy alchemist didn't hide his murderous intentions.

Qi Tan seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and bent over laughingly: "Isn't the cruelest death annihilation? Is there anything more cruel than this? Or, you won't devour me?"

The face of the holy alchemist sank, and his eyes were extremely gloomy: "With you alone, you certainly don't have the ability to hide Yinhu's words, let alone let this deity be fooled? Who is helping you?"

"Want to know?" Qi Tan squinted at the holy alchemist: "But this deity just won't tell you."

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