Twin martial arts

Chapter 1951 1 Halberd

"court death!"

The holy alchemist let out a loud roar, and slashed down with the soul-slaying knife in his hand.

Daomang rolled up thousands of waves, making his entire soul sea boil.


One of Qi Tan's arms was cut off directly, but Qi Tan didn't even snort, but stared at the Holy Alchemist with a sneer on his face, hehe said: "You are afraid."

"What is this deity afraid of?" The holy alchemist sneered, and strode forward, the soul-slaying knife in his hand was hundreds of meters murderous, as if to split the sea of ​​souls.

"I'm afraid that your glamorous appearance will be exposed to reveal the viciousness underneath, that the fact that you are an evil alchemist will be exposed, and that you will become a street rat."

Strange talk has nothing to fear.

Faith crumbles, idols break.

Moreover, there is no doubt that he must die.

Why is he afraid of it?

Following Qi Tan's words, the face of the holy alchemist became more and more gloomy.

He fears.

very afraid.

If these things are really revealed, no one can save him, and he will definitely end up in the worst end; the so-called soul flying away is nothing.

A gleam of fear appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

What is the strange story of who is helping?

Is it Yinhu?

Impossible, that is a loyal running dog. Over the years, I don't know how many evil things he has done for himself.

If this matter is exposed, Yinhu will die even if he has the merits of reporting. He can't dig his own grave.

Are there two emperors in the admiral's mansion?

This is also not possible.

These two Emperor Lin are both domestic slaves of the uncle's mansion, their loyalty is unquestionable.


The pupils of the holy alchemist suddenly tightened!

Lin Fan?

"Hahaha, you are scared, your eyes betray you." Qi Tan laughed.

"You bastard who deceives the world, I wish I could devour your flesh and blood!" Qi Tan roared, the last sentence was his true state of mind.

"Hehe, be angry; roar, the more manic you are, the happier I will be when I devour you later." The holy alchemist laughed.

Qi Tan's eyes narrowed suddenly: "Don't you want to know who discovered your great obsession and helped me to hurt you?"

"No need, the deity already knows." The holy alchemist said slowly.

He has locked on Lin Fan.

Because Lin Fan was the only outsider in the entire Admiral's Mansion.

Although he still couldn't figure it out, it didn't matter why Lin Fan was able to find out about this matter. The important thing was that Lin Fan must die.

"I'll take a step first, I'll wait for you with my eyes wide open in hell." Qi Tan grinned.

He really went all out, no matter what.

"Hehe, is your hope Lin Fan? That's just an ant. In the seventh realm, if I want to kill him, it's no more difficult than crushing an ant." The holy alchemist chuckled.

He has the qualifications to say such a thing.

It's just because, after devouring those alchemists, his soul power has risen to a higher level, and he has a great reputation, and the uncle's house relies on his unparalleled alchemy.

No matter how you look at it, if Lin Fan is in the seventh world, if he opposes him, it will be a dead end.

As the Zhanhundao slashed down, those who had no ability to resist were cut into pieces, turning into pure spiritual power, lingering everywhere.

"Overestimating one's abilities." The Holy Alchemist said grimly, but his eyes were gloomy.

I was really careless, the smooth sailing for so many years had indeed paralyzed him.

Without checking for a while, people discovered his great fascination.

He was also severely injured by an ant.

The injury was really serious, a large part of the sea of ​​souls collapsed, and at least a dozen alchemists at the master level had to be devoured to make up for it.

And the most important thing is that Lin Fan has a special killing skill for him in his hands. If Lin Fan is not dead, he feels like there is a switch knife hanging above his head, which can cut him down at any time and kill him.

"Lin Fan; do you want to play so much? This deity will accompany you to have fun, if you can't kill you, then this deity will not be called a holy alchemist!" The holy alchemist was gloomy, with vicious eyes.

"You really want to play?"

The sudden light drinking made the holy alchemist's soul tremble!

There are still people in his sea of ​​souls!

This makes him, who has always been proud of his unrivaled spiritual power, how can he not be horrified.

First there is a strange story, and then there is a mysterious person who has hidden in his soul sea one after another, but he knows nothing about it.

"Who?" The holy alchemist roared.

"Aren't you going to play with me?"

A ball of golden light appeared from the lingering spiritual power of the strange talk.

This is really just a ball of golden light, barely maintaining a human shape, the most attractive thing is the heavy halberd twisted in this golden light's hand, with a murderous aura, as if it once slaughtered millions of lives.

"Lin Fan?" The Holy Alchemist narrowed his eyes.

"Sacred Alchemist." The golden figure smiled: "I've heard about it for a long time."

Sheng alchemist's squinted eyes suddenly opened, and he shouted: "Are you here to die?"

He smiled, and the brilliance bloomed in his eyes: "Hehe, you are so bold, you dare to send out a ray of true spirit, interesting, very interesting."

This is a ray of Lin Fan's true spirit.

At his level, separating a ray of true spirit from the soul will not cause much damage to his strength. Of course, if the true spirit is destroyed, his real body will be seriously injured, and the soul may not be complete. It will take a long time recover.

"Hiss." The holy alchemist was pleasantly surprised: "Very good, your spirit is very strong, swallowing your true spirit is enough to make me recover most of it, thank you for the great gift, this deity accepts it with a smile."

"Oh? So confident?" The golden figure was full of smiles: "I'm not that kind."

"It's just an ant, what can you do in my sea of ​​souls? You're just a turtle in a urn." The holy alchemist grinned.

"Hehe." The golden figure chuckled, and raised the heavy halberd in his hand, pointing at the brow of the Holy Alchemist.


The soul-slashing knife slashed away, and the dark sea of ​​souls boiled, turning into strands of destructive power of the soul. When it merged with this knife, it had the potential to cut through the heavens and the earth, and it wanted to kill Lin Fan, this strand of true spirit.

The holy alchemist was very violent, and he would do it as soon as he said it.

After he drew out the saber, he stood with the saber in his hand, with a stern expression on his face, and said a few words softly: "Yinghuo dares to compete with the bright moon? Ants also want to challenge the power of the blue dragon?"


Heavy halberd ringing!

The golden thunder and lightning suddenly appeared out of nowhere, thunderstorms, this is the sea of ​​souls of the holy alchemist, but at this time it seems to be broken by Lin Fan's true spirit, connected to the outside world, attracting thunderstorms!


The golden thunder was as thick as a dragon, and there was a dragon chant, and a handsome dragon appeared, with its teeth and claws, and it fought towards the soul-slaying blade.

"Hmph, the power of ants." The holy alchemist sneered.

After the knife was cut out, he didn't move any more, holding the knife and looking at it coldly and mockingly.

This is just a ray of Lin Fan's true spirit, which can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.


The blade of Soul Slaying is shattered.

Of course, the handsome dragon also dimmed a lot, the scales and armor splashed, and even the golden figure seemed to lose its luster.

"How is it possible!" The holy alchemist roared in disbelief, and suddenly raised the soul-slaying knife in his hand, intending to slash out again to kill the giant dragon that was coming towards him.

But it was too late, the dragon rushed past!

The holy alchemist's spirit body was killed and his back and forth became transparent.

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