Twin martial arts

Chapter 1949 Do you want revenge?

"Tsk tsk." Yinhu smiled strangely: "And then?"

Qi Tan was terrified.

He is a alchemist.

Most of all, he understands the importance of the soul to people, and he also knows some secrets of ancient times. Coincidentally, he also knows about the evil alchemist.

"Admiral Yin, I'm a disciple of the Holy Alchemy Master. Although I'm not outstanding and not highly valued by my superiors, you also know the Holy Alchemist."

Qi Tan felt even more uneasy and frightened, so he could only pull out the great god, the Holy Alchemist, and wanted to use the majesty of this great god to let him escape.

But soon, his eyes froze!

A never-before-seen thought, like an electric current, hit his whole body!

"It's really pitiful." Lin Fan was sighing, this strange talk is really pitiful.

Until now, I haven't figured out the situation, but who actually wanted him to die, and even tried to use the person who wanted him to die as the last card to save his life.

He couldn't stand it anymore, how could there be such an idiot in this world.

"Go on, poor man, you are really stupid as a pig, no, no, no, it should be that everyone in this world is as stupid as a pig." Yinhu laughed wildly.

Qi Tan shivered all over, and then became icy cold.

He remembered a lot of past events.

The holy alchemist recruited disciples widely, and there was no limit to the qualifications. The first batch of disciples recruited was [-].

The second batch was still three thousand.

Over the years, it is impossible to count how many disciples the Saint Alchemist has.

But the whole world has not heard any message from these disciples.

It seems that there is only one Suyang under the sect of the holy alchemist.

So, where did these disciples go?

"You understand? Finally understand?" Yin Hu blinked.

"Hehehehe" Qi Tan's expression at this time was too weird, it was a ferocious and hysterical feeling of collapsed faith.

Roaring, roaring, screaming and so on.

But it's all useless.

When Yinhu pinched the Fa Jue and chanted strange spells, Qi Tan only felt dizzy.

His soul sea created a vortex, and this vortex swept up all the soul power.

And the source of this vortex is the Soul Swallowing Stone!

Feeling my soul power being swallowed up bit by bit, this is a great fear.

But it happened that no matter how he struggled, how he roared and roared, it was useless.

At this time, he realized that from the very beginning of the so-called 'borrowing' the spirit of others, his ending was already doomed.

If he had won against Lin Fan, he might have lived a little longer, but if he lost, his life would have been very short.

He was dying, and only a trace of his soul remained.

At this moment, he heard a voice that he hated so much: "You, do you want revenge?"

Then, he saw a figure appearing in his soul sea.

This figure was clearly composed of the power of the soul, but the Soul Swallowing Stone couldn't help him, standing in the whirlwind of the sky, but he was as stable as Mount Tai.

"Lin Fan." After saying these two words, Qi Tan felt that his spirit was almost exhausted.

"I can't save you, but I can give you a chance. If you use it well, you can seriously injure the holy alchemist you call." Lin Fan spoke again, full of temptation.

This was a thought that came to him suddenly.

Because, he can vaguely guess the state of mind of the holy alchemist.

It is a kind of self-satisfaction, and it is a kind of arrogance that the world is drunk and I am alone.

He must have felt that he was clearly an evil alchemist, but no one in the whole world knew about it, and even regarded him as a symbolic figure in the alchemy world, giving him the title of holy alchemist.

The holy alchemist must be in high spirits.

So, how could Lin Fan make him so happy, so happy?

"Okay, if I can get revenge on that bastard who cheated the world, I'll be smashed to pieces." Qi Tan said.

Lin Fan smiled brightly. He made a move, leaving the last trace of Qi Tan's spiritual knowledge, and then refined the soul-breaking pill into a poisonous mist, which was evenly sprinkled on the soul-swallowing stone, and melted into every point swallowed by the soul-swallowing stone. In the power of the soul.

Then he disappeared, smiling.


Qi Tan's body was shattered just like that, as if his body had gone through tens of thousands of years in an instant, and had been weathered into ashes all over the floor.

"A waste, but if you don't have the awareness, you are a waste."

Yinhu snorted coldly, he stepped forward and dug out the Soul Swallowing Stone from the ashes, greed flashed in his eyes, but he suppressed it with great determination.

The door opened, and the strong wind blew in, and the many corpses inside were all turned into powder, blown by the strong wind, and there was nothing left.

"Come here." Yinhu said calmly.

When Emperor Lin came, Yinhu put the Soul Swallowing Stone in the hands of Emperor Lin: "Send it to the Holy Alchemist quickly, there is no room for loss, and you must hand it in his hands."

Emperor Lin said impatiently: "It's not the first time, don't worry."

Emperor Lin left instantly.

This is a vast mountain range.

Within a radius of [-] miles, there are birds singing and flowers fragrant, vegetation everywhere, and elixir densely packed.

And the holy alchemist is here.

This is his lair.

On the futon, the Holy Alchemist sat cross-legged. He is white robed and bearded, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a ruddy complexion.

However, when he opened his eyes, a trace of the lunar calendar flashed in his eyes, destroying this feeling!

"Damn it! It's really a big problem if the soul is mottled. I've been trapped in this bottleneck for too long. If I break through this bottleneck, I can really break through and become a real holy alchemist!"

He was roaring under his breath, like the low roar of a lion.

His face was extremely gloomy.

Xie alchemist can't see the light. Fortunately, he works in secret and has the support of the uncle's house secretly, so he has come to this step today.

But he also discovered the limitations and shackles of this evil alchemist.

At the very beginning, the breakthrough in the way of alchemy was too fast, one year was equivalent to 20 years of work by ordinary alchemists, but the further one went, the more obvious the disadvantages were.

After all, these souls were not cultivated by himself, they were too mottled, and they were all contaminated with other people's breath, so it restricted his progress even more.

This restriction is all-round, whether it is on the way of alchemy or on the way of cultivation.

The look changed, and he had to think of a way to crack it. He was confined to this realm for a long time, and the uncle's mansion was already dissatisfied.

"Your honor."

When he was lost in thought, Dantong knocked on the door.

A stern look suddenly appeared in his eyes, but it disappeared in the end, and he said kindly, "What's the matter, boy?"

The boy outside said: "Admiral Yinhu's offering has arrived."

"Oh?" There was a greedy look in the eyes of the holy alchemist, but he said on his mouth: "Hey, that Yinhu can be considered filial. After so many years, he still remembers the past favors."

Dan Tong was silent.

For so many years, he has forwarded the offering to Admiral Yinhu countless times, and the words of the holy alchemist are the same every time, and he is used to it.

"Since it's Yinhu's filial piety, he can't be disappointed. Bringing his offerings, and going to the alchemy hall to pick some treasures and send them back, can be regarded as reciprocity."

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