Twin martial arts

Chapter 1938 Heading to Admiral City

Yan Lawson is very miserable now, he can't even scream, and there are even shards of pill furnace stuck on his forehead.

Almost died.

Everyone was horrified, the injury was too serious, and it was seriously suspected that it would affect the rest of Yan Lawson's life, and even felt that the shards of the pill furnace that almost cut his head in half should have hurt his soul.

But no one has pity and sympathy, and their eyes are very cold.

Yan Lawson is twitching now, he didn't pass out, trying to open his eyes, suddenly, a large shadow was cast on his face, it was Meng Ke approaching, condescending, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's just you, Who gave you the guts to speak out?"


Yan Lawson spat out blood, and when his blood spattered and formed dots of falling plums in the air, Meng Ke had already drifted away, and so many blood blooms did not offend him at all.

"Who else wants to ask for a teacher?" Meng Ke stood on the high platform, scanning the bottom with his eyes without the slightest emotion.

The heroes were silent and did not dare to speak, they were all trying to reduce their sense of existence.

Meng Ke smiled: "I am not talented, I will fight on behalf of my teacher. If anyone wants to see the skills of my teacher, please defeat me first."

"Hall Master Meng was joking, Your Excellency is unparalleled in alchemy, you can rule the roost in a domain, we are not opponents, we are willing to bow down."

Immediately someone spoke, very respectful, he stood up, fisted with both hands and bowed to salute.

"Hehe." Meng Ke smiled contemptuously. This person was also a person who satirized and ridiculed him at first, bluntly saying that only Lin Fan was worthy of fighting with him.

To be honest, Meng Ke's behavior at this time is full of the appearance of a villain.

But this really doesn't blame him, he used to be a low-level alchemist, and, at the beginning of this so-called selection, he suffered so much humiliation, how could he not be angry at this time?

Anu kept watching, and he saw many clamoring alchemists below, who were almost stuffed into their trouser legs by Meng Ke's rapid-fire words.

Frowning slightly, he flew up to the high platform, signaled Meng Ke with his eyes to forget it, looked down, and said: "The quota for the three-thousand-mile ban is here, and I feel that there is no need to question it. how?"

"No need, no need at all."

"That's right, Hall Master Meng Ke's alchemy skills are enough to crush us, let alone the king of the county."

"Hmph! The quota for the three-thousand-mile ban is Master Meng Ke and the county king. Whoever dares to question this quota, the deity can't get around him."

There was sarcasm in Anu's eyes.

These people were really ruthless, and sneered: "In that case, please do your own thing, my county palace needs to prepare to go to the capital to compete."

Many alchemists said goodbye respectfully.

In the county prince's mansion, Lin Fan looked at Meng Ke with straight eyes, which made Meng Ke panic.

"I told you that you are not allowed to call yourself a master," Lin Fan said.

There was bitterness in Meng Ke's eyes, was it because of his stupid aptitude that His Majesty refused to admit him as an apprentice?

He didn't speak.

Since this is the case, then I won't call him anymore, but in my heart, he is my master and my benefactor.

"My lord, when will we leave?" Anu asked.

Lin Fan said, "Now."

Anu nodded: "Then I'll make arrangements and go with you."

Lin Fan shook his head: "You can't go, this three thousand li ban requires people to sit down, this time, Hongmei will go with me, and the two emperors will go with me."

Anu frowned: "Your Majesty, the four Lindi powerhouses should all be with you, otherwise the subordinates will not feel at ease."

Lin Fan smiled and said: "This is a competition led by Mozun Palace, if any contestant has an accident on the way, hehe, so don't worry."

The failure division of the Seventh Realm is completely different from that of the Celestial and Human Realm.

The lowest level of jurisdiction is the county, followed by the county, above the county is the admiral, above the admiral are the two prefectures, and above the two prefectures is the Mozun Palace.

As for the two mansions, of course they are the general's mansion and the uncle's mansion.

It's just that according to the princess's order, this Dan Dou, without going through the two mansions, can go directly to Mozun Palace for the final decisive battle after being selected again in the capital.

Yinhu Admiral's Mansion, under the jurisdiction of four counties and eight counties, has great power.

And the admiral Yinhu is a feudal official who was placed in the territory of the general's mansion at a high price by the uncle's mansion.

Logically speaking, for an outsider like Yinhu to take up a position within the territory controlled by the General's Mansion, he would not be able to last long and would be subject to many constraints. However, what is unexpected is that this Yinhu can sit in this position for a long time. 70 years, as stable as Mount Tai.

This makes people admire the methods of Admiral Yinhu.

At this time, a banquet was being held in the admiral's mansion, and Yinhu was present in person, and all those who participated in the banquet were alchemists selected by the county king under his jurisdiction, but in fact, there were only eight of them.

It's just that none of the alchemists who have been selected after layers of selection are mediocre.

At this time, all the people gathered together, all of them are immortal and have the demeanor of a master.

"All the alchemists have come from afar, and it really makes me shine. Come, come, I would like to offer you a toast." Yin Hu smiled and toasted himself, showing no pretensions at all.

Where did the alchemists dare to trust, they all stood up to pay respects, and after drinking a cup, Yinhu laughed: "Speaking of which, the princess's decree has already been promulgated, and the second round of selection should be held yesterday, but the three thousand li ban is not."

"Hmph, then Lin Fan was scared to pee his pants after learning about such a grand event, so he didn't dare to come?" A alchemist sneered, he was sitting first on the right, which in itself proved that he was too capable Not bad.

"Hmph, the governor is also magnanimous. If Lin Fan waits for someone who is not punctual, why wait for him? Even if he really comes, he is just a waste material and cannot be selected at all."

Another alchemist spoke.

Afterwards, all the alchemists had extremely cold eyes.

Lin Fan is so courageous, he really takes himself too seriously, what is it?

It has been three days since I waited for someone to come here, but they haven't arrived yet.

Yinhu's eyes narrowed. He was from the uncle's mansion, and he had a natural dislike for Lin Fan. Hearing what the alchemists said, he said with a smile, "Then Lin Fan is the king of the county. Things, you guys understand a little bit.

Of course, it was too much for him to come so late, it was indeed too late. "

All the alchemists' faces were extremely ugly.

A alchemist said: "Hmph, this kind of person, if you don't teach him a lesson, he will really consider himself a person."

"It's time to teach him a lesson, otherwise he would think that there is no one in my seventh realm of alchemy."

All the alchemists sneered.

Exactly at this time.

"Report, Lin Fan, the king of the three-thousand-mile forbidden county, is asking to see him outside the mansion."

The servants come to report.

Yinhu narrowed his eyes slightly, but then he laughed: "I mentioned Cao Cao Cao Cao, please."

The sound of footsteps resounded steadily, and the gazes of all the alchemists all focused on the door.

They want to see if this Lin Fan has three heads and six arms to let so many people at the Grandmaster level wait for him.

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