Twin martial arts

Chapter 1937 Miserable Smoke Lawson

"How is it possible?" the ghost Taoist growled, looking at the pill in Meng Ke's hand in disbelief.

Meng Ke chuckled: "Do you want to test whether this elixir is refined right now?"

Do you need?

Of course it is not necessary.

All the people present are alchemists.

If this Meng Ke wants to use that kind of indecent means to deceive everyone, then he is really out of his mind.

"So get off."

Meng Ke, who was still smiling, suddenly darkened and scolded coldly.

The ghost Taoist was extremely cold, but he heard Meng Ke say: "For a low-level alchemist like you, if you want to see the methods of your master, you may have to practice the third life."

After these words, the ghost Taoist roared and flew over, flying away from this place for hundreds of miles in an instant.

It's really because I have no face to stay here.

He, the ghost Taoist, originally came here to defeat Lin Fan, but in the end he was crushed by his disciples so that he was powerless to fight back.

"Next." Meng Ke frowned.

He's picking opponents.


It's about picking your opponent.

Why didn't he make a sound when these people insulted Lin Fan, and didn't let Anu capture these people directly?

That's because he wants to step on all these clamorers.

"Forget it, let's get one at random." Meng Ke smiled, and he casually pointed to an alchemist, who was also very famous, at least in this three thousand li ban, he was really famous.

When Li Chuang hired the alchemist of the county prince's mansion, this person was on the must-hip list, but unfortunately he didn't come in the end.

"I'm not your opponent." This well-known man looked embarrassed, but finally admitted that he was really inferior to Meng Ke.

The alchemy of the ghost Taoist will not be much worse than him, but if the ghost Taoist is crushed, even if he goes up, it will be nothing but humiliation.

"So simple? It's a pity." Meng Ke smiled, but his eyes were very cold: "I really can't think of it, you are such a waste, where do you have the courage to fight with the teacher Dan?"

There was a cold light in the man's eyes, but then he sighed.

Just like they said before.

In the alchemy world, male and female are not judged by status.

So, Meng Ke said this, it is really appropriate.

"Then, Yan Lawson, come on, I'll give you a chance." Meng Ke finally pointed his finger at the loudest clamorer, and he should be the strongest among the group of alchemists.

Yan Lawson let out a sneer: "I am still afraid that you will fail? After learning some three-legged cats, you want to show off your prestige? You are still far behind!"

"Three-legged cat?" Meng Ke narrowed his eyes, and then smiled: "It is true, I am not talented, the master taught me the sublime methods, I can't learn them, only the superficial methods that the master set up, I can figure it out."

Smoke Lawson's expression suddenly lunar calendar!

But Meng Ke went on to say: "Senior Yan, you should pay attention. If you are crushed by the three-legged kung fu of the younger generation, you will lose face. At that time, your face may not be picked up in this lifetime."

Smoke Lawson gritted his teeth.

This Meng Ke has never been placed in his eyes.

That time I met him was not respectful.

But now, he dared to talk so eloquently.

And, don't put him in your eyes at all!

But Lin Fan was really too terrifying. In a very short period of time, he actually raised Meng Ke's alchemy skills by more than one or two grades.

There was a gleam in his eyes: "Meng Ke, you will not be my opponent, let Lin Fan come out, the deity has something to look for him."

"You don't have that qualification, and I once said that it's too easy to get acquainted with a tutor. If you beat me first, the tutor will come out naturally." Meng Ke repeated the old saying again.

"Tsk tsk." Yan Lawson smiled strangely: "Since you seek humiliation wholeheartedly, how can I refuse?"

Dan Dou started.

In fact, Lin Fan has been paying attention.

Although his true self has not arrived, but for him, under the cover of the power of the soul, what can be hidden from him in this county king's city?

Mouth with a smile.

This Meng Ke can indeed be cultivated well.

is a talent.

The most important thing is that Meng Ke's actions today are too much for his appetite, stepping on the heroes, this kind of thing is his favorite thing to do.

But the so-called attention ends here.

As for the so-called Yan Lawson, Lin Fan lost interest after just paying attention to it. ,

This alchemist should be considered third-rate.

If Meng Ke still can't win after accepting his promotion for half a month, it proves that Lin Fan's vision is wrong.

Yan Lawson was covered in cold sweat. On his forehead, drops of sweat fell and hit the ground, splashing beautiful water foam.



"What kind of law is this?"



"In such a short period of time, what evil method did Lin Fan use to make Meng Ke improve so much!"

These are the roars and roars in Yan Lawson's heart since he started alchemy!

"not good!"

Yan Lawson suddenly exclaimed!

Agitated by his emotions, there was an omission in his tempering. The temperature was too high, and the tongue of fire evaporated half of a certain vital medicinal liquid!

On the other hand, Meng Ke is calm and relaxed, and his every move seems to contain Taoist rhyme, which is too beautiful.

"Senior Yan, when you are refining alchemy, you are most afraid of emotional ups and downs. Could it be that your master has not taught you?" Meng Ke said teasingly.

This sentence made Yan Lawson's face suddenly darken: "Boy, it's still a long time! Don't be too happy!"

But soon, his mental activity began!



"Why so fast!"

"How can he temper so fast! How is his soul power so strong? How can he temper ten kinds of medicinal liquids at once!"

"Senior Yan, I'm going to start congealing the pill. You're too slow, so I won't wait for you." Meng Ke said very 'gently'.

Yan Lawson's face suddenly changed, and all the alchemy techniques were wrong!


Suddenly scary!

Just because, because of his emotional agitation, the liquid medicine in the pill furnace collided, and there was an omen of frying the furnace!

Finally, relying on his alchemy experience, he tried his best to stabilize it!

However, a white elixir had already appeared in front of him.

"Yan Lawson, you're right, you should look at him with admiration after three days.

Like you, a bastard who is full of loopholes in alchemy and can't even maintain the most basic state of mind, what qualifications do you have to teach me?

What qualifications do you have to compete with your tutor? "

Meng Ke shouted loudly.

Obviously, he has been dissatisfied with this Yan Lawson for a long time, how can he forgive him when he is reasonable at this time?


Yan Lawson was so angry that Meng Ke spat out blood.

Pity appeared in Meng Ke's eyes: "Poor, with such a heart, you actually embarked on the road of alchemy. Your master probably accepted you as a disciple because he was blind."


Smoke the Lawson Fryer!

Originally, Meng Ke was going to be affected, but luckily Anu had quick eyes and quick hands, and protected him.

But Yan Lawson was not so lucky. He lost half of his life after the furnace was blown up, and most of his body was covered with fragments of the furnace!

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