Twin martial arts

Chapter 1939 Dan Tong Meng Ke

With his hands behind his back, Lin Fan appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When he appeared, everyone's eyes lit up.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, he walks like a dragon and walks like a tiger. At first glance, he is really a dragon and a phoenix among people, and no one dares to underestimate him.

These people were looking at Lin Fan, and Lin Fan was also looking at everyone.

His eyes glanced slightly, and then his eyes were fixed on Yinhu who was in the first place. He stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Lin Fan sees the admiral."

Yinhu's eyes narrowed, but only in an instant, the coldness in his eyes turned into a smile: "I have heard the name of King Lin for a long time, and seeing him today really deserves the name."

"The admiral's praise." Lin Fan said with a smile: "There are too many secular worlds in the county. If you delay everyone's time, you will be punished with three cups later."

"Hahaha" Yinhu laughed, pointed to the first seat on the left, and said, "Sit down."

Seeing this position, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

This Yinhu is a smiling tiger.

It is not so easy to sit in the first place on the left.

Above the court, the first left hand is the prime minister.

Among the rivers and lakes, the left hand is the first, and the strongest under the head.

What a coincidence, when I came here, I caught up with the Hongmen Banquet?

A cold light flashed in his eyes, since Yinhu appointed him to sit in this position, then he had to do it.

Stepping forward, Meng Ke followed closely behind him, walked to the seat, and was about to sit down.


Suddenly, he snorted coldly and blew up the banquet living room.

This is not a simple cold snort, but a Dao drink condensed by a good alchemist with his soul. If you look closely, you can see a sharp blade of soul suddenly appearing in the nothingness, cutting down between Lin Fan's eyebrows!

This is a soul attack.

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold in an instant.

What a poison!

This is a soul attack, if he loses to the person who made the attack, he will be seriously injured, or become an idiot.

But Lin Fan didn't bother to answer.

This kind of soul attack is really too weak for him.

"How dare you dare to attack the county king!"

Meng Ke scolded angrily, and took a step forward, stomping hard on the ground with the sole of his foot——"Crack!"

There seemed to be a hundred thousand heavenly gongs resounding here, and the beheaded spirit blade was directly shattered into bits and pieces of light.


The soul blade was shattered, and the alchemist sitting at the end coughed up blood, and his face paled instantly.

Lin Fan glanced indifferently: "If you want to make a move, you have to weigh your strength."


The alchemist with the first right hand scolded angrily: "Lin Fan, how can you sit in the first place? Get off."

"Hmph, do you really think of yourself as someone special? Hurry up and sit at the end. You are not qualified for that position."

"Tsk tsk, you're so cowardly, you're so late, it doesn't matter if you make us wait hard, but as soon as you come here, you want to be the first, who gave you the courage?"

All the alchemists condemned one after another.

Lin Fan's body that was about to sit down slowly stood up: "Are you dissatisfied with me sitting in this position?"

He chuckled.

It was indeed my own fault that made people wait for more than a day.

So the first moment he came here, he expressed his apology and said that he would be punished with alcohol later.

But Yinhu was uneasy and kind, and wanted to use a position to isolate him and make him a target of public criticism.

And these alchemists sincerely embarrass him.

Among other things, if he really couldn't handle that divine soul blade, he would be a big laughing stock.

The majestic king of the county couldn't take a blow from the last alchemist.

Then since it's useless to show favors, just come as you like, and Lin Fan took it.

"It's not dissatisfaction, but that you don't have the qualifications." The number one on the right said coldly.

Lin Fan nodded, then looked at Yinhu, and said with a smile, "Is this what you want to see?"

Yinhu's eyes narrowed suddenly: "Your Majesty is joking, all of you are great alchemists, even if I am an admiral, I don't have the power to instruct you."

"Hehe." Lin Fan smiled indifferently, and scanned the audience: "Then; this position is settled, what do you want?"

Lin Fan was so straightforward and arrogant.

It really surprised everyone.

It seems that Lin Fan's arrogance interrupted some of their plans.


"Ha ha!"

"Tsk tsk!"

All kinds of sneers, but it happened that no one came forward and said bluntly what to do.

A trace of contempt appeared in Lin Fan's eyes, and he looked at Meng Ke behind him: "Go and find a place by yourself."

Meng Ke narrowed his eyes.

Then, he went straight to the first place on the right hand.

Meng Ke was very straightforward. He walked to the first place on the right and pointed at the alchemist: "Go away, you are not qualified to sit in this seat, this seat belongs to me."

Everyone was stunned.

Who is this guy?

"Who are you?" The alchemist who was number one on the right smiled angrily.

Who is he?

One must know that even at Yinhu's banquet, he was able to sit first on the right hand, and even though the other alchemists had dissatisfaction in their eyes, they still didn't speak, so they knew that he was really extraordinary.

But now, an unknown pawn is pointing at him, telling him to get out of here quickly, this unknown pawn is taking this position.

The most important thing is that this unknown person is still a follower behind Lin Fan!

"Hmph, the master of the alchemy hall in the royal palace of the forbidden county three thousand miles away——Meng Ke." Meng Ke said proudly.

"The master of the alchemy hall?" The alchemist's eyes widened.

The head of the Pill Hall of a mere county prince's mansion, dare to shout in front of him?

"Well, there is another identity." Meng Ke spoke again.

"Oh?" The alchemist squinted at Meng Ke, wanting to know what Meng Ke's other identity is.

"Hmph, listen up, the county king sits down Dantong." Meng Ke blinked.

He thought to himself, since Lin Fan forbade himself to call him master.

So Lin Fan wouldn't refuse to call himself Dantong, right?

"Lin Fan's alchemy boy?" The alchemist exploded, all his seven orifices were spraying white mist, it was really smoke from the seven orifices.

He originally thought that Meng Ke's second identity would be awesome.


Not as good as the first one!

"Go to hell!" the alchemist roared, he raised his hand high, and he was going to slap Meng Ke to death.

But the raised palm couldn't fall down, because there were golden silk threads entwining his hands.

Yinhu narrowed his eyes: "It's a great banquet, but it's not good to see blood."

He smiled: "You are all alchemists, so let's solve it by alchemists. You two will fight for the number one right hand."

Lin Fan also chuckled: "Little boy, since that's the case, let's do it."

Alchemist's method?

Nothing more than two.



The venue here is limited, Dan Dou definitely can't, that's only the way of Soul Dou.

The so-called soul fight, of course, is the competition of spirits and spirits, the power of spirits and souls is the most important thing for alchemists, the strength of spirits directly shows the depth of an alchemist's alchemy.

All alchemists watched with dull eyes.

Didn't they agree to attack Lin Fan?

But how could it be a competition between them and Lin Fandantong in just a few words?

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