Twin martial arts

Chapter 1920 Immortal Que

It's really just a corner, and it seems to have experienced some kind of war, and it's all incomplete to half-destroyed.

But even so, when he was dragged out of nothingness by the empress, there was a howling wind, as if millions of ghosts rushed out from the gate of hell, intending to wreak havoc on the human world.

There are fierce ghosts howling.

There are souls crying.

All kinds of visions were born along with it, such as the flying snow in June, the reverse flow of the long river, etc. all appeared.

Are these the tears of God?

Using all kinds of unimaginable visions to describe his anger and sorrow?

All spirits trembled and feared, they couldn't stand steadily, and the vast majority of the secular people were frightened and cried directly, unable to bear all kinds of strange visions and the gloomy images revealed at the corners of the altar.

"Fake!" Li Chuang yelled, he even got rid of the empress's power for a while, no longer lying on the ground, but suddenly flew up, using himself as a long spear, and stabbed the dragon who was coming altar.

It is intended to destroy the final evidence.


When Emperor Lin appeared, he pressed down with both hands, and the entire void was condensed into gold and stone, and the sky was condensed into gold with the Tao, which was terrifying.


Li Chuang crashed into the gold stone and made a loud noise.

"Li Chuang, what else do you have to say? Are you still not guilty?" Emperor Lin roared angrily.

He is a master of the Princess Mansion, so he naturally knows what his master means, so he launched an attack at this time.

"Hahaha, why is there no reason to commit crimes?" Li Chuang laughed sadly, and said, "It's too easy for the emperor to make such a move, and it can be done with just a few gestures."

Apparently, he pleaded not guilty.

Putting all this on the empress, bluntly saying that this is just an illusion created by the empress with emperor-level means, in order to prove his crimes, but in fact, he is so innocent.

"My heart is cold, my heart is cold!" Linghu also yelled sadly, his voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, and anyone who heard it was sad.

"Princess, I know that you value Lin Fan, but in the end he is just a sinner from another world. It's fine to pave the way for him, but why sacrifice us, the soldiers who were born and died for the Seventh Realm?" Linghu laughed, but , laughed out tears.

He was even more bold and direct, pointing the finger at Princess Jue.

Everyone's faces flashed.

Where did this emperor come from?

Why did you help Lin Fan?

This question is too easy to explain, it is nothing more than someone instigated.

And the two top figures here, Major General Xu Yang, and Princess Jue, only Princess Jue has the possibility to help Lin Fan and send the emperor.

Princess Jue's face suddenly became gloomy: "Do you mean that this palace slandered you?"

"Hehe, why talk too much? It's nothing more than a county throne, we just let it go, since the last time Lin Fan came here, we knew the ending, so much sacrifice and hard work, after all, just trying to marry clothes, let's go"

Linghu opened his mouth, very disheartened, he sighed, looked at Wan Ling, and said: "To live up to everyone's love, it's just that the emperor's order is hard to break, and when I leave, the King of Lin County will not treat you badly. "

He is too good at mobilizing emotions. When he speaks, all the souls are crying and urging.

There are even those who are bold enough to directly ask the princess for mercy.

The faces of Lin Fan and others were extremely cold.

This Li Chuang and others are really hateful and damned.

It is clear that the real evidence is right in front of you, but you can still turn the deer into a horse, mobilize the hearts and minds of the people, embarrass them, and fall into an extremely passive situation.

"The king of the county" has a big man in the king's mansion, crying: "The king of the county doesn't have to be reluctant, go to a place where no one knows, just go back to the mountains and forests, and pass away. The world is so dark, let me fight coldly!" .”

Some people even applauded, bluntly speaking, His Majesty's daughters are so confidant, they don't know right from wrong, and they trust criminals, why should they fight for the world again?It's better to go back.

This made people's lungs explode.

It is clear that these people are referring to a deer as a horse, without distinguishing right from wrong, but they are blaming them, and all kinds of crimes are attributed to Lin Fan and Princess Jue.

Moreover, they left as soon as they said they would, and really set up a cloud head, and they had to prepare to leave quickly.

"Want to leave? Is it that simple?" Lin Fan roared, the golden lightning in his hand was bright and murderous: "Who dares to leave without a solution to today's matter? Who can leave?"

"What? Could it be that you are not satisfied with the county throne that you have longed for, and you still want to keep us all?" Li Chuang grinned, looked at the princess, and said, "Is it true that the princess is not afraid of the hearts of the world? "

Princess Jue looked at Li Chuang coldly and didn't speak, but at this moment, the empress spoke and shouted: "Enough!"

"Enough? Has it ever been enough? You are an emperor, and I am only a saint. I am no match for you, but there are people who are stronger than you!" Li Chuang scolded angrily.

"Hehe, a female emperor actually exonerated and concealed the truth for a criminal. Didn't she value Lin Fan's handsomeness and talent?" Lindi of a county prince's mansion sneered.

"Damn it." The female emperor said coldly, and the emperor shot out, and the person who spoke just like that evaporated out of thin air, as if she had never appeared before.

"Tsk tsk, such a powerful emperor, with such a big temper, even killed people from my county palace, but do you know that the two people you ordered to kill were both the general's former favorites?" Linghu grinned.

"Zhan Tian? Even if he is in front of me, who would I kill, what would he dare to do?" The empress sneered.

"What a dare!" Li Chuang scolded angrily, and looked at the young general: "Young master, could it be that someone insults the master like this, and you are indifferent?"

The eyes of Li Chuang and the others were full of disappointment, as if the young general was not their young lord if he didn't carry a gun to fight the empress.

Xu Yang's eyes were cold and stern, he glanced at everyone indifferently, and said: "Even if my father is here, the emperor's facts can't stop her in the slightest."

Li Chuang and the others suddenly felt tense!

Slashing the sky, can't do anything?

Then what is the origin of this empress?

There was pity in Xu Yang's eyes, and he sighed, "Li Chuang, don't be struggling with sophistry, it's unnecessary."

Li Chuang narrowed his eyes.

Xu Yang continued: "Let you die to understand, the empress is named Xianque."

"What? Xian Que?"

"Is it the Queen's bodyguard?"

"My God, it turns out to be such a person in the sky!"

"It turned out to be her, no wonder she dared to say such seemingly crazy words, but if it is really her, even if General Zhantian is here, so what?"

As soon as Xian Que's name came out, the audience was shocked.

Because, Xian Que and Shen Que are sisters of the same mother, and their most famous identity is that they are the servants of the Queen of the Devil, and they are also the shadow of the Queen of the Devil. They rarely show up in front of people, but as long as they show up, it represents, It is the will of the queen.

"Hahahaha interesting, interesting, it seems that there is no escape from this catastrophe, and even the Supreme Demon Queen was alarmed." Li Chuang laughed, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face.

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