"Come on." The major general said.

Behind him, Lindi responded.

The major general said: "Empty the ten thousand feet of mud here."

The two Lin Emperors shot together.

It's too easy for the Holy Emperor Lindi to remove the ten thousand feet of mud.

But below, there is nothing!

Not even a trace of blood.

"Lin Fan! Where is the evidence for what you said?" Linghu roared, then knelt on the ground with a thud, weeping, and said: "Your Highness, the facts are all there, and all these are Lin Fan's lies, just to deceive my county king .”

"Your Highness, I beg you to be the master and kill this criminal Lin Fan, otherwise those brothers who died in vain may not be able to rest in peace."

"His Royal Highness, I beg you to make the decision."

All the people in the county palace knelt on the ground, begging, and asked Princess Jue to kill Lin Fan quickly to reassure the people.

And Wan Ling was also crying, they agreed with the request of the county palace, asking Princess Jue to kill Lin Fan immediately.

Princess Jue's expression turned ugly: "Lin Fan, what about the evidence you mentioned? I didn't see any of it."

She was worried.

If she really can't produce any evidence, she can certainly save Lin Fan's life, but in the future, his life may not be easy.

Even with the favoritism of their Mozun Palace, it won't do. After all, this world is all about certain rules. If her Mozun Palace doesn't abide by those inherent rules first, then the Seventh Realm will really be in chaos.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Jun Wang Li, do you think I, Lin Fan, am an idiot? Will I die a second time for the same kind of loss? Will I jump into the same pit twice?"

Li Chuang's heart tightened.

But he grinned grimly and said, "I didn't know what you said, but I know that you are going to die today."

"Really? Let's wait and see." Lin Fan smiled, turned to Princess Jue, and said, "His Royal Highness, the reason why I failed last time is because of the same reason. They have a strange way to make the altar change shape." bit, you can hide from unknown traces."

Princess Jue frowned, and said via voice transmission: "Even if these are facts, they are useless. What is needed now is clear proof, clear proof in the eyes of everyone who pays attention to this matter in the world."

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for the princess." Lin Fan also transmitted voice.

Lin Fan took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Altar, if you can hide it, then, can you hide the fragments of Emperor Lindi's memory that you cut out?"


Li Chuang and the others suddenly became nervous.

Indeed, Lin Fan once killed a Emperor Lin.

Then, it is not impossible to cut off a certain memory fragment before Lindi's death.

"Hehe, the little girl can testify about this matter."

At this moment, pleasant laughter broke out.

Its sound is like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, which is so melodious that it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

A beautiful woman appeared.

Princess Jue had brilliance in her eyes, and she took a step forward: "Xian"

She was about to reveal the woman's identity, but the woman shook her head to signal her to keep quiet, so Princess Jue's ending sound was hidden between her lips and teeth.

"Who are you?" Li Chuang looked at the woman.

This woman is of course one of the two shadows of the queen, the empress.

"Hehe, I'm a nobody, but I'm just not used to injustice." The empress smiled. When she came, she first saluted Princess Jue. Even the major general, she didn't respond.

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

Where did this woman come from?

Why come to interrupt at the moment when he was about to take out the memory fragment?

"Since you are an unknown person, you can go as you please. You have no right to intervene in this matter." Li Chuang spoke coldly, with threats in his eyes.

The empress looked strangely and walked towards the sky.

The Major General gave Li Chuang a strange look.

This woman, even his father Zhan Tianjiang, has to be scruples, but this Li Chuang is so blind that he doesn't know Mount Tai, and wants to threaten this woman?

"Sister, do you have any evidence in your hand that directly proves that Li Chuang has gone on an evil path and devoured the luck of all spirits?" Princess Jue smiled.

She is too familiar with this empress, almost brought up by these two empresses, and almost all of her secret skills and killer moves come from the hands of these two empresses.

The empress dotingly glanced at Princess Jue and said, "Of course there are."

"Bold temptress, your identity is not clear, you don't understand, how dare you talk nonsense here?" Linghu roared.

Somehow, ever since this woman appeared, he had an intuition that a catastrophe was imminent.

"Your Highness, I suspect that this woman is Lin Fan's concubine. Seeing that Lin Fan is about to suffer, she stepped forward to help Lin Fan get out of trouble. Her words cannot be trusted."

Emperor Lin of a county prince's mansion yelled loudly, and spoke convincingly, his eyes looked at the empress unscrupulously, and said: "Tsk tsk, she is really good, she is a beauty, but why take the risk for Lin Fan, who is mortal? Why not?"

Lin Fan had strange eyes.

The woman's whereabouts were indeed unknown, so he had already spied on her.

However, even he, who also has the eyes of runes, can't see through the woman, in the mouth of Lindi, she is so unbearable, this Lindi, is looking for death.


The Empress's face turned cold, she flicked her slender hand out, and patted down lightly: "Bitch, damn it."

"How dare you! How dare you act fiercely in front of the king of this county?" Li Chuang roared, and he slapped upwards.

But it was useless at all, his powerful and heavy palm was no match for the jade-colored handprint pressed down by the woman lightly, he coughed up blood, how many bones were broken all over his body, and he crawled on the ground like a dead dog.

"Crack." With a sound, that flamboyant Emperor Lin was slapped to death, and he couldn't even pick it up.

Princess Jue blinked, she almost laughed out loud.

Ever since she came here, Li Chuang and the others have suppressed her with all kinds of righteousness, and they have been holding back their anger for a long time, but they didn't attack.

Seeing Li Chuang lying on the ground like a dead dog, it was really uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" Li Chuang vomited blood and yelled in a miserable voice.

"Who is this emperor, you are not worthy to know based on your status." The empress responded indifferently.

Lin Fan's heart tightened!

Sure enough, his guess was right, this is a female emperor!

"His Royal Highness, the county palace headed by Li Chuang has poisoned the common people, deceived all spirits, and sucked blood and luck. The crime is unforgivable and should be punished." The empress said.

Princess Jue said: "We must see some evidence, so as to block the mouth of the world."

"Evidence? That's very simple." The Empress sneered.

The Empress flicked her ten fingers, and the entire space was shaking. Everything within a radius of a thousand feet became chaotic, and the space collapsed, as if the Empress was pulling something extraordinary, trying to drag it out of the void.

Everyone is watching.

Soon, they saw a scale and a half claw.

I saw a certain corner of the so-called altar.

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