Twin martial arts

Chapter 1921 Sad People

Lin Fan looked at it indifferently, and said: "I once said that the Skynet is not leaking."

"Really?" Li Chuang sighed, "It's a failure."

Linghu sneered: "Not necessarily."

The conversation between the two of them had already caused disbelief to appear in the eyes of Wan Ling below.

Could it be that they have been deceived?

But without waiting for them to think too much, there was roaring in all directions, and the sky and the earth shook.

They saw a shocking scene.

There is a female emperor with peerless elegance, she is magnificent and magnificent, and she came across the world by driving the emperor's road.

And behind the empress, there are five huge altars. If you look closely, you will find that these five huge altars are all dragged forward by the empress and the chain of order.

In addition to these five huge altars, there are many huge pits and cemeteries that follow the empress.

This scene is very shocking, and there is a strange feeling.

The empress is beautiful, but everything behind her is so terrifying.

"Li Chuang, you should be damned!"

The empress scolded coldly.

This is the lack of God.

Boom boom boom.

Many altars and cemeteries were placed on the ground by Shen Que. She tried her best to be as gentle as possible, but how could this earth be so heavy? Immediately, countless tens of thousands of feet of the earth were cracked, and thousands of feet of ravines were blasted out.

"That is"

"Oh my God, that's my beloved apprentice. He has disappeared for thirty years. After going out again, he disappeared without a trace. How could he die tragically among the crowd of thousands of people!"

"Ming'er, who killed you! I'm going to tear him into pieces!"

"Lin'er, didn't you enter the county prince's mansion to serve? Why did you die tragically in this deep pit? The way is gone, and there is no trace of the power of the soul left. Who is so cruel?"

This is the Pit of Kings!

Lin Fan only found one of them, but at this time, there were more than ten of them brought by this lack of spirit?

Those corpses lay horizontally in the deep pit, and some of the corpses on the top floor were quickly identified by some people among the spirits. They were all close relatives, or disciples, or best friends, or dead sons, etc. !

"That is"

Some people were terrified. They looked at those cemeteries, and some people suddenly exclaimed: "That is the dead soul bell of the dead soul, why is it exposed beside the grave? Could it be that the dead soul buried inside is the dead soul?"

"That's my master's Tianque sword. It was broken at this time, and it was randomly inserted as a tombstone."

One after another exclaimed, one after another cried bitterly, one after another roared and questioned, resounding under the sky.


God forbid!

In this world, few people are fools.

Soon, everyone will know who the culprit of all this is!

Those sons who followed the county prince's mansion, hoping to make meritorious deeds, hoping to make a bright future, died so tragically in the hands of this devil.

However, I and others are still loyal to this devil, and regard the blood feud of killing my own relatives as the gods and Buddhas who can save the people from fire and water!

What irony!

They suddenly rang out that those relatives who joined the army were always given pensions within a short time, saying that they died in battle.

It turned out that the ending was so tragic.

"It's sad." Lin Fan said, but there was no pity in his eyes.

These people have reprimanded him more than once, accused him, said that he was a helper for a tiger, and said that he was helping a tyrant to abuse him, and they didn't complain at all.

At this moment, seeing this bloody fact, I am heartbroken.

"It's really sad. People in the world are ignorant, and all spirits are humble. If those in power have evil intentions, if they want to hide it wholeheartedly, these people will be deaf and dumb. What can they know?" Xian Que asked.

"Li Chuang, you should die!"

"Li Chuang, I wish I could swallow your flesh and blood alive!"

"Li Chuang, give back my son's life"

Hoarse, all spirits howled.

Their loyalty is gone.

The determination to prove Li Chuang's innocence with his life is even more gone.

"Hehehahaha, don't you enshrine the longevity seat for me and regard me as a god and Buddha? Are you blaspheming the gods and Buddha by what you are doing at this time?" Li Chuang laughed.

He doesn't care anymore.

Mainly, things are definitely irreparable.

The real evidence comes first, and there is a demon queen involved.

Linghu's eyes were cold, it was a look of despair.

Moreover, at this time, he looked at Li Chuang and the others as if he were looking at a dead person, like a tool that he felt useless after using it for too long and could be thrown away at will.

"Don't argue?" Lin Fan looked at Li Chuang mockingly.

Li Chuang laughed: "Lin Fan, you underestimate this general."

He looked at the great mountains and rivers and said, "It's just a pity."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

He really didn't know what Li Chuang was pitying.

It's a pity for this wonderful world.

It's still a pity for this high-weight.

But Lin Fan always felt that it was a pity that Li Chuang would never have such a chance to swallow his luck and achieve himself.

"Captured." The major general waved his hand, and Emperor Lin rushed up to capture Li Chuang.

"Hahaha young master, I'm afraid you are not enough." Li Chuang laughed.

At this time, his whole body was blood red, as if his muscles and skin were all made of blood, even his hair and pupils were extremely blood red, very strange and frightening.


Li Chuang grinned grimly. He was burning like a bloody sun at this time, and when he slapped his hands out, a huge stele of flesh and blood appeared. There were many inscriptions engraved on it, and there were also roars of grievances and so on.

Lin Fan was terrified.

The bloody luck on this huge monument is boiling, and the vicious souls and other vicissitudes can definitely corrode the soul of the Holy Emperor Lindi.


Sure enough, Lindi, who was rushing to kill him, was robbed, haunted by evil spirits, and his soul was polluted by the bloody luck. Moreover, a dark white palm stretched out strangely from the huge monument, pulling Lindi into the huge monument. , and then the giant stele squirmed and ate the Emperor Lin directly.

It was really eaten, and there was a creepy chewing sound.

The major general shook his hand, and the Saber appeared. He actually planned to go into battle himself, to torture and kill Li Chuang.

"Slow!" Shen Que said, "You are not his opponent, it's too weird, he is in a mysterious realm, like a saint but not a saint, like an emperor but not an emperor."


The rest of Lindi screamed.

Li Chuang laughed triumphantly: "Did you know that this bloody luck is very useful?"

A group of people stared at him.

And ignored the strange state of Linghu who didn't say a word.

At this time, the whole person of this spirit fox seemed to be transparent, and the two people in front of him and behind him were wrapped by his swollen body and entered into his body.

"Spirit Fox! What are you doing?"

Finally, the people from the county prince's mansion discovered the clue, and exclaimed in disbelief!

This exclamation woke everyone up.

Lin Fan's eyes widened because, at this time, the spirit fox's body was too huge, like an inflated balloon, and in a very short period of time, five people from the prince's mansion were inflated by him. The whole body was swallowed up.

On Linghu's face, there was a look of overwhelmed pain, but in that gaze, there was a kind of pleasure for his own strength soaring.

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