Twin martial arts

Chapter 1918 So-Called Evidence

This princess Jue is too scary, with a few words, he can virtually eliminate his so-called big problems such as chilling the hearts of the soldiers in the world, and his light words are really like thunder on the ground. Princess Jue's words will definitely be spread throughout the seventh session.

The grievances they worked hard to create, etc., cannot last.

They sacrificed so many saints and wanted to accomplish the crime of murdering Lin Fan, which would definitely not be possible.

Lin Fan is only in the realm of a sage, who knows both worlds. How can such a person be killed even if he is Bufan?

My heart is cold.

But it was impossible to refute.

Those saints who were sacrificed by them are really wronged.

Li Chuang's heart was very cold. Could it be that his county palace really came to a dead end?

"Lin Fan, my palace and Xuyang traveled here today, since it happens to be such a big event for him, he will definitely not sit idly by, just say it outright, my palace is in charge, so don't worry." Princess Jue He opened his mouth coldly, and said: "If you are innocent, no one can force you, and if you are guilty, no one can save you."

Lin Fan took a deep breath and said, "Report to the princess"

He opened his mouth to tell everything, with reasons and evidence, and his words were sonorous, neither humble nor overbearing.

"The last time I invited the Major General, it was for this purpose," Lin Fan said.

"Blood luck." Princess Jue's face was cold: "This is something that is strictly forbidden by the emperor, so I am so daring. If it really happens, no one in the whole world can save them."

Li Chuang and the others were heartbroken.

Li Chuang laughed sadly: "Last time, Lin Fan made a fuss within three thousand miles of me. That time, the young master witnessed the whole process, which proved that what Lin Fan said was nothing but lies. Reasons and excuses, to kill many of my brothers, could it be that Her Royal Highness believes in a person from another world like this?"

Princess Jue glanced at Li Chuang, did not speak, but looked at Lin Fan, and said, "Do you know how big the bloody luck thing you said is? It is an ancient evil law. If there is such a thing, even Even the royal father will be alarmed, but if there is no such incident, you Luo Zhi will not be charged with crimes, but no one can save you."

Lin Fan laughed and said, "If there is no proof, how dare you do this?"

Linghu and the others seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and their scalps were numb from the cold.

Thinking back carefully, Li Xian has already gone down to destroy which altar, while the rest of the altars were completely hidden in a different space by them, and no one could find them.

Those who were cold, timid and trembling waited, and they all settled down.

Linghu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the strange runes drifted away from between his palms and fingers.

Lin Fan was still talking.

But soon, it was interrupted by noisy footsteps. The cultivators and civilians within the three-thousand-mile ban came to this place. There were too many, no less than one hundred thousand.

This is very similar to the representatives of all spirits within the Three Thousand Miles Forbidden City. There are various ethnic groups, and they all come, which in itself represents a general trend.

"See Her Royal Highness."

"Meet Her Majesty the Princess."

"His Royal Highness, Jin An."

Those who came, all kowtowed and saluted.

Princess Jue's face became even colder.

This is not manipulating public opinion and public opinion, so what is it?

This is the most taboo thing about the royal family.

But Li Chuang and Linghu didn't know it, and they were complacent, thinking that they were playing very well.

Princess Jue cast a gloomy glance at Linghu.

Then he turned to Wan Ling and said, "What are you here for? Do you have any grievances?"

"His Royal Highness, we are here to petition, and we wish to issue a letter to all people, and only ask Her Royal Highness to sentence Lin Fan to death."

"Lin Fan is guilty of capital punishment!"

All kinds of rhetoric said that Lin Fan deserved to die.

This made Princess Jue's face even colder, and said: "If you are forced to say something against your will, there is no need for it. With my palace here, who would dare to do anything to you?"

"No one forced it."

"His Royal Highness, I am three thousand li away from myself, where banditry is rampant and natural disasters are rampant.

Since the king of this county came here, he first quelled the bandits, dredged rivers and mountains, and cut off natural disasters.

I have been struggling to support, and finally I am three thousand miles away, the weather is smooth, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

For tens of hundreds of years, I have never seen a single murder case in my three thousand miles.

But since Lin Fan's arrival, for his own selfishness, in a short period of time, more than a few thousand people were killed or injured?

Everything is for the pursuit of fame and fortune, and everything is caused by Lin Fan's selfish motives. Doesn't he deserve to die? "

When an old farmer spoke, he trembled, his beard and hair were all white, and he complained tearfully.

After the old farmer, other spirits spoke up, and they spoke with certainty. In their words, Li Chuang was simply a god and Buddha, while Lin Fan was a demon.

Lin Fan's expression was also extremely ugly; these people were really like flies smelling carrion, they were everywhere, they were simply stupid.

He was obviously being played by others in the applause, but he didn't know it.

In his opinion before, these ten thousand people were nothing more than ignorance, deceived and used by Li Chuang and others, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

"Okay, I already know what you think." Princess Jue looked at Lin Fan with an ugly face, and said, "Lin Fan, I need evidence, do you understand?"

Apparently, Princess Jue didn't know that the queen had sent her shadow.

Even Lin Fan didn't know about it.

Otherwise, why bother.

And those two empresses are also busy now.

There are six altars in total. Except for the one controlled by them, the other five are all covered up by Li Chuang and others. Even if they are emperors, it will take a lot of effort to find them all. .

Therefore, there was no contact with Princess Jue.

"Yes." Li Chuang said with a stern expression: "Evidence! You said that I walked the wrong path, poisoned the common people, and hoodwinked the secrets of the heavens. What an injustice. The eyes of the people within my three thousand miles are sharp, and they are the proof of this; When the time comes, you will produce evidence to prove that this general is the heinous sinner you said."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes: "Will you not shed tears until the coffin?"

Li Chuang and the others laughed slyly.

Want to find evidence?

Hehe, it seems that Lin Fan has not learned the lesson that he will remember his whole life last time.

Well, this time, it's enough.

Today, Lin Fan will die here no matter what he says.

It is true that Princess Jue can make arbitrary decisions, but they don't believe that Princess Jue dared to risk the disgrace of the world and favor Lin Fan in front of all spirits.

"Princess, please move." Lin Fan stretched out his hand to pretense.

Princess Jue followed.

Soon, they arrived at some military camp. The military camp was still extremely chaotic, with many remnants lying around.

This was done on purpose by Li Chuang and others.

It was to let everyone see Lin Fan's 'evil deeds' on purpose.

Sure enough, after seeing this scene, many spirits were vomiting, pointing at Lin Fan with trembling fingers, accusing Lin Fan tearfully.

Linghu smiled darkly.

Fuck you to death!

"His Royal Highness, the so-called evidence is under this barracks, there is an underground altar to absorb the luck of all spirits within the three-thousand-mile ban." Lin Fan pointed to the bottom and said.

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