Twin martial arts

Chapter 1917 Princess Jue

Everyone in the county palace changed their colors.

When these two voices came out, they all knew their identities. One was the Major General and the other was Her Highness the Princess. Their identities were beyond words.

Sure enough, they got involved in this matter. This is a big problem. If one of them is not handled properly, they will definitely die. There is no other possibility.

Lin Fan smiled, looked at Li Chuang, and said, "Your Excellency, sometimes you talk too much, and you might slip your tongue."

Li Chuang looked embarrassed.

He just said that he couldn't find anyone who would stop him from beheading Lin Fan in the entire seventh session, but in the second after he spoke, two people were killed at once.

This is indeed a tongue-in-cheek.

"See Her Royal Highness."

Princess Jue came all the way, and the soldiers waited to bow down along the way. Princess Jue was so beautiful, she walked in the void, like a high goddess, overlooking everything in the human world.

"I pay my respects to Your Highness, Your Highness. Your Highness is [-] years old." Li Chuang saluted, and behind him, many powerful people from the county palace also kowtowed.

Princess Jue glanced at Li Chuang, then looked at Lin Fan, and said, "Your Majesty Lin, I want to know what happened here."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Is this Her Royal Highness so straightforward?

After arriving here, I don't want to have any hypocrisy and slander, and I have to get straight to the point.

"Princess Hui" Lin Fan cupped his fists.

"His Royal Highness, please be the master for us."

But before he finished speaking, Linghu rushed out of the crowd in the county palace, crying and howling, and kowtowed on the ground.

Princess Jue glanced at Linghu, only to hear Lin Fan say: "Since someone wants to speak first, let him speak first."

Princess Jue nodded and said, "What is wrong with you?"

Linghu sternly said: "Your Highness, this Lin Fan is bloodthirsty, disregarding His Highness' teachings and kindness, and committed a heinous blood debt within three thousand miles of me!"

Princess Jue's eyes were stern, and before she could speak, the county palace fell to its knees again.

These were all soldiers who had fought for the Seventh Realm and bleed blood. Now they all knelt in front of Princess Jue, and there was a kind of awe-inspiring momentum that rose suddenly, easily bringing great pressure to everyone.

"I beg the princess to decide."

"I beg the princess to be the master"

They were all howling.

The coldness in Princess Jue's eyes grew stronger, she looked at Li Chuang, and said, "You tell me."

Li Chuang said: "Your Highness, this Lin Fan sneaked into my three-thousand-mile ban, first beheaded Emperor Lin, then killed three thousand of my soldiers, and then surrounded by everyone, killed more than a dozen saints. Evil, unforgivable sin."

Li Chuang's words were choked up, as if he had a grievance that he couldn't express.

What no one saw was that when Li Chuang said the so-called "crimes" of Lin Fan, there was a smile in her eyes, especially after hearing that Lin Fan killed Emperor Lin, her big eyes sparkled even more.

Of course, she hid it very well.

"Nonsense, what is Lin Fan's state? He is only a saint. How can he have all the abilities you mentioned, beheading Emperor Lin, killing all saints, and killing soldiers?" Behind Princess Jue, Emperor Lin said coldly.

Li Chuang said: "If I have the slightest lie, I will be punished by Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Princess Jue narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Fan: "Jun Wang Lin, is what Li Chuang said true?"

Lin Fan said: "What Li Chuang said is true."

"Oh?" Princess Jue's face turned cold, and she shouted, "The princess needs an explanation from you."

Lin Fan glanced at Princess Jue.

He knew that as soon as this 'explanation' came out, it would be the final punishment for the county palace.

But he didn't have the chance to speak at all, because Linghu spoke again, and said sadly: "He Lin Fan is originally a monster in the world of heaven and man, even if he came to my seventh world and was valued by the princess, he still has a wicked heart.

This is killing the vitality of my seventh realm and poisoning the common people.

Your Royal Highness, if this Lin Fan is really the king of the county, I don’t know how many souls will die in his hands.”

"Your Highness, relying on your respect, this Lin Fan is defiant and despises the law. He really deserves to be killed."

"Your Highness, Brother Wang Xu is right. This Lin Fan is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. He has failed His Highness, damn it."

All the people in the county prince's mansion were crying for grievances, begging Princess Jue to kill Lin Fan quickly.

"Your Highness, those saints who were beheaded to death by Lin Fan were also brave men who had shed blood for the Seventh Realm, fought thousands of times, and survived hundreds of battles. Will the soldiers of the world wait to be chilled?" Li Chuang roared.

This sentence is really lethal.

He will wait for the soldiers and generals of the whole world to talk with them, and it will be easy for everyone to sympathize and become excited, so that the soldiers and generals of the world will rise up.

If this situation is not handled properly, I'm afraid it will really chill the hearts of the world.

Among the people in the county prince's mansion, Lin Fan's not dying is not enough to anger the common people, not killing him is not enough to comfort the heroic spirits, not cutting him into pieces is not enough to calm the people's hearts.

"Good words." Lin Fan admired, he was high above, overlooking Li Chuang and others who were kneeling below, and said with a smile: "I beheaded Emperor Lin, this is a fact, where is the place where I beheaded him?"

The faces of Li Chuang and others changed slightly.

Lin Fan continued: "I killed three thousand soldiers, what is the root cause?"

"I punished more than ten saints, why no one stopped me?"

Looking at Li Chuang sneeringly, he said, "Did I ask the questions mentioned above, or did His Excellency the Duke himself ask them?"

Linghu snorted coldly, but Princess Jue interrupted directly: "Shut up, you have been talking for a long time, but it is just the words of your family, and now I want to hear what King Lin has to say."

Linghu's heart turned cold.

Could it be that this matter was not led by Lin Fan, but by the will of the court?

But that's not right either.

He peeked behind Princess Jue, and there was no emperor following him, only the people of Lindi.

My heart slowed down slightly.

If it was really the will of the court, there must be a group of emperors behind Princess Jue.

"Hmph, and, Lin Fan, a mere saint, was able to kill Lindi and all the saints, which also shows that those people are just useless materials. Don't say that those are my seventh-level warriors, my demons! Zungong can't afford to lose that kind of person."

Princess Jue spoke coldly, and said, "Do you want the Demon Lord's Palace to become the laughing stock of the Heavenly Human Realm?

Do you want everyone in the celestial world to know that the so-called warriors that my Demon Lord Palace relies on are all fools who have earned their reputations and can't even compete with a saint? "

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Chuang and the others felt a sudden chill in their hearts.

An understatement, directly erased the previous achievements and demerits of those soldiers of the Saints who were beheaded by Lin Fan.

With the words of the princess, the world will think, how could these dead people be as strong as the prince's mansion said?

If it is true that Emperor Lin and more than ten emperors died in this battle, then how much rubbish did he get under Li Chuang's command?

Even, everyone would guess that this must be Li Chuang's exaggerated statement, the purpose is to use the lives of some not so important soldiers to entrap Lin Fan, so that he can secure the throne of this county.

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