Twin martial arts

Chapter 1916 I am here, who dares to move?

"What kind of pupil technique is this?" Li Chuang's pupils constricted in disbelief, and he stared at those lines and runes.

Screamed: "Shenwen! How is this possible!"

"What? Divine patterns? Only gods can engrave the words on the Dao of understanding?" Linghu also exclaimed.

"Impossible! Lin Fan is just a mere saint, how could he have such complicated and profound divine patterns?"

Lindi exclaimed one by one.

But in the end, they had no choice but to believe it, because they couldn't see the slightest bit of the flying runes of Ruo Dieer, like a heavenly book, no one in the world could understand.

The flames in the sky were wiped out.

It was as if a monstrous flood rushed against the sky, obliterating the fire of extinguishing the world.

But those were just two eyes.

Moreover, after wiping out the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky, the two beams of eyes actually condensed together, intertwined into two heavenly knives, and slashed towards Feng Peng!

"Brother Peng, be careful!"

"Be careful, brother!"

A group of people screamed.


With a strange howl, a black hole appeared in front of Feng Peng's eyes, and there was a rattling sound of chains in the black hole, as if some kind of murderous thing was imprisoned in the black hole.

Everyone saw it clearly because a Tianpeng bound by five divine chains came out of the black hole. This Tianpeng was extremely majestic, as if it was the overlord of the sky.

It is an existence that dared to fight with real phoenixes and real dragons in prehistoric times.


Everyone heard a deafening cold snort, and the bound Tianpeng waved the Tianpeng's wings, which were made of mother gold, and lay across in front of Fengpeng, blocking the two heavenly knives that came to kill, and sparks flew everywhere.

Of course, his Peng Ling flew to zero, and I don't know how many were cut off!

"it is good!"

"Brother Peng is mighty!"

"Hahaha, this Tianpeng pupil technique actually hides such a big move!"

A group of people lost that worry and were all applauding.

This Tianpeng pupil technique is really terrifying, it can open up the space of another world, invite the first ancestor of the Tianpeng clan to kill the enemies of this world.

"Brother Feng Peng, kill him quickly!"

"Brother Feng Peng, please kill this tease and avenge all the brothers!"

Everyone is shouting.

All the emotions on the field were mobilized.

Lin Fan had been killing all directions at the beginning, until all the heroes were frightened. Now, finally, an opponent appeared to check and balance him.

Everyone knew that Lin Fan had met his great enemy.

"Tianpeng Scorching Sun Fist!"

Feng Peng finally made a sound, his hands stuck into the scorching sun, took out balls of scorching sun essence, attached to his fists, and blasted towards Lin Fan like this.

This is unbelievable. There have been rumors for a long time that the scorching sun is transformed into nothingness by rules, but this Feng Peng can absorb terrifying rules from it and directly use it to suppress and kill opponents.

One after another, fiery red fist marks came towards Lin Fan from the nine heavens, like raindrops and strong winds, without missing any room for Lin Fan to retreat.

Obviously, Feng Peng prepared this move to kill Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's expression was dignified. The Saint of Lindi is indeed too great. Even if he is new to this realm, he dare not underestimate him.

Silently running the One Yuan Heavenly Kungfu, there was no Time River appearing, and no figure stepped on the bank of the Time River. Before outsiders knew it, Lin Fan had already finished running the One Yuan Heavenly Kungfu.

Strictly speaking, this should be the first time he fought and fought with a prosperous Lindi head-on, not even the one with the major general, and the rest are not counted.

Don't dare to underestimate it at all.

No one knew that Lin Fan's combat power had increased by more than ten times at this time, and when there was no time left, he cast his divine treasure, and a golden bell flew out, covering him, and many soldiers in the golden circle came out There are thousands of handles, all of which are transformed by Taoism.

Groups of fireworks appeared on the sky, just like someone lit a bucket of fireworks, and the fire trees and silver flowers.

But after all, it is not as good as the fist print that fell from the sky.


The fist print struck the golden divine clock, and there was a clang sound. The golden divine clock burst, exposing Lin Fan's body.

There are fist marks bombarded on its fleshy body.


Lin Fan was blasted thousands of feet into the ground, and the monstrous fire ignited in the deep pit, and hundreds of feet of flames sprang out.

That's because above the fist mark, there was Nichii, who easily ignited the mud layer and rocks, and the magma rolled.

"Lin Fan! Let me see how you survive!"

"Hahaha Brother Peng is mighty!"

"Brother Peng is mighty!"

Everyone applauds.

"Hmph, even a mere sage dares to act presumptuously in front of this sage, he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Feng Peng also spoke.

"No!" Li Chuang said, "His vitality is like a candle in the wind, but at this moment it is as vigorous as an ocean."

"What? Is Lin Fan still alive?"

Someone yelled.

How can this be?

They witnessed with their own eyes that Lin Fan was bombarded on his body by a hundred fists, and was blasted into the depths of the ground.


The real phoenix screamed, and one person flew up from the deep pit. There were gorgeous real phoenix wings behind him, and one could see that on his body, there were phoenixes flying one after another in those incomplete parts, as if they were threading a needle. , to mend his remains.

Soon, he recovered and grinned: "It's good, it hurts."

This scene makes people speechless!

Lin Fan is so powerful, except for Emperor Lin, he has no opponents, but he also has the most terrifying self-healing technique in these two worlds - the Phoenix Sutra of Immortality!

How does this make people fight?

Feng Peng's expression changed.

That was already his strongest attack.

Tianpeng pupil technique.

Tianpeng Scorching Sun Fist.

This is his strongest killing move.

But he failed to kill Lin Fan.

It made him look gloomy.

Moreover, my family knows my own affairs, and even he cannot use these two invincible skills all the time, and the consumption is too great.

With the help of Lin Fan's Immortal Phoenix Sutra, after a long time, he was afraid that his family would be beheaded to death instead.

"Brother Peng, I will fight with you."

Someone saw that Feng Peng was wrong, he opened his mouth, and flew up directly, intending to join forces with Feng Peng to kill Lin Fan.

Li Chuang narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

"Back off." Li Chuang said.

"The king of the county!"

"King of the County"

Everyone looked at Li Chuang in disbelief.

What does Li Chuang mean?

"Back off, I would have personally killed him." Li Chuang spoke again.

This time, everyone heard clearly.

But this Li Chuang has not made a move in 30 years. He once said bluntly that under the emperor's realm, there is no one worthy of him.

So, is this Lin Fan the first saint worthy of Li Chuang's shot in the past 30 years?

Everyone has complex expressions.

The so-called master humiliated his ministers to death.

If they were capable and able to kill Lin Fan, then why did this high-ranking Li Chuang make a move?

Everyone's faces were ugly and gloomy, and of course there was shyness in that gloomy.

"Hehe, you can't kill me anymore." Lin Fan blinked mischievously, and said jokingly: "You missed the opportunity."

"Hehe, is that right? I can't think of anyone who would dare to stop me from killing you in this three thousand li ban." Li Chuang stepped forward, hitting Lin Fan with a ferocious momentum like a wave.

After thinking about it, Li Chuang smiled again and said, "No, it's in the seventh world. I can't think of anyone who will stop me from killing you."

Lin Fan smiled.

There was a voice, calm and domineering like no other: "Then I will stop you, okay?"

Li Chuang's expression changed.

"I'm here, who dares to move?"

This sound is like a silver bell, refreshing.

Li Chuang's face changed even more!

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