Twin martial arts

Chapter 1895 Hidden in the depths of memory

That prehistoric evil path was despised by the world, and I don't know how many sins it has committed.

They devour the luck of the heaven and the earth, and devour the foundation of the heavenly way of the cultivator. These are all luck.

And the luck after being deprived is bloody.

At this time, Lin Fan kept thinking back, doing things in front of the county prince's mansion, he was very angry at that scene, so he didn't discover the abnormality in time.

But now, he feels very abnormal, he thinks now, it seems that the sky is abnormally scarlet, there are dead souls howling, and the dragon veins of the earth are roaring.

"What does he want to do?" Lin Fan frowned.

Very incomprehensible.

Although that evil path is going extremely fast, it has to experience many punishments from the heavens. If one is not careful, it will be dead, and if this kind of thing is exposed, it will be like a mouse crossing the street. Everyone will be punished Of.

"My lord, are you sure?" Anu asked, her face extremely ugly.

If what Lin Fan said was true, then Li Chuang was teasing the entire Seventh Realm people as if they were fools.

"I can be sure, but there is no proof." Lin Fan smiled wryly, he was still a bit late in realizing it.

"Let's go, let's go to the county palace first." Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

After a while.

"As expected." Lin Fan's eyes flickered coldly.

It's because, after he came here, the weather was calm, and he could no longer see the slightest abnormality. Even if he looked at it with the eyes of runes, he could only vaguely see some trajectories that had not been fully hidden in the future.

Leaving the Prince's Mansion thousands of miles away, Anu's face was embarrassed, and he said, "My lord, do you need to inform the Major General about this matter?"

Lin Fan frowned, he was thinking, then shook his head after a while.

This Li Chuang is originally from the General's Mansion, who knows if this matter is related to the General's Mansion?

"Then why don't we inform the princess?" Anu said, "Li Chuang and the others are deeply rooted in the three thousand li ban, depending on you and me, I'm afraid."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Okay, then let's not startle the snake, you and I will go to Mozun Palace at this time, go to perform our duties first, and talk about other things."

With Lin Fan's cultivation, if he really wanted to hide, no one would be able to find out, but he didn't hide anything, so he dragged out a long golden road in the sky and headed towards the princess mansion.

In the county palace.

"Lin Fan is gone." Pian Jiang said.

Linghu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a trace of mockery: "Are you looking for the princess?"

The general said: "Speed ​​towards Mozun Palace."

Linghu chuckled: "Let him go."

Then, he looked at Li Chuang again and said, "Can you hand in the plea?"

Li Chuang said: "It is estimated that the princess is already reading at this time."

"Then it's all right." Linghu chuckled, strategizing, and shook his feather fan: "This is to be prepared, even if he goes to file a complaint at this time, so what?"

A group of people laughed.

The Mozun Palace is majestic and majestic. It crosses several mountain ranges, and it is built in the air like this. Islands are floating in the air. Starlight condenses into a river of stars and shoots down, splashing starlight little by little.

Lin Fan led Anu to come, and after handing over the token, guards naturally brought the two of them into the palace.

Lin Fan was shocked in his heart, this Mozun Palace is really a step by step scene, it is so beautiful that it makes people dazzled, but it does not feel abrupt, and the connection between scenes is so harmonious.

When walking somewhere, Lin Fan's footsteps suddenly stopped!

At this moment, he even felt horrified.

Because, looking into the distance through the corridor, he seemed to have seen a very familiar scene, which was a small building in the Lin family's mansion in Dalin County.

That's where he grew up, and it's where the happiest childhood has been throughout his entire life!

"How is it possible!" Lin Fan exclaimed.

The guard's eyes turned cold, he took a step forward, and said, "Your Majesty Lin, please be quiet, no noise is allowed in Mozun's palace."

Lin Fan's heart shuddered, and he quickly apologized, saying that it was the first time he saw such a glorious palace, and he was shocked, so he couldn't help it.

There was a tinge of complacency on the guard's face, but Lin Fan didn't pay attention to these things at all, and his eyes turned to the corridor again.

He had to see clearly whether the scene that just appeared was an illusion or not!


The familiar scene is gone.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree is gone.

The crabapple was gone too.

And the swing that he and Le Yao sat on for a long time was gone.

When his father was there, the wine table under his favorite flower tree also disappeared.

"Is it a nightmare?"

A trace of sadness appeared in Lin Fan's eyes.

This is the deepest dream hidden in his heart, and it is also the most beautiful dream.

"You came."

At this moment, a brisk voice sounded, and Princess Jue appeared at the end of the corridor gracefully.

"Meet Your Highness the Princess." Lin Fan saluted slightly.

The princess smiled and said, "Excuse me."

Then he said: "Is the fief okay?"

Lin Fan frowned slightly, and Princess Jue's face was immediately covered with frost, and said: "Why, does it mean that Li Chuang dare not give up this position?"

"It's not forbid." Lin Fan smiled wryly.

Princess Jue immediately understood that there must be something hidden inside, and said, "Let's go in and talk about it first."

They walked into the hall.

"Princess, a letter of injustice from the king of a forbidden county three thousand miles away." A servant came with a letter in hand.

There was a trace of mockery in Lin Fan's eyes, these people were really thoughtful, they even sent the confession in advance.

"The letter of guilt?" Princess Jue took it suspiciously, and after browsing through the content, her eyes were strange, and she said, "It said that you trampled civilians to death in a fit of anger?"

"Does the princess believe it?" Lin Fan asked, and then said slowly: "If the princess believes me, you should know that this is nonsense. I, Lin Fan, never kill ordinary people. If the princess doesn't believe it, then what I will do next There's no need to talk about it."

Princess Jue smiled: "Of course I believe you."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "The trash I trampled to death was not ordinary, but a soldier under Li Chuang's command. The reason why I trampled him to death was that he used strange moves to release the aura that confuses the worldly people, making people follow blindly."

"Oh? Inciting public opinion?" Princess Jue frowned.

The most taboo of the royal family is someone who incites public opinion in the name of the ruler.

"And then?" asked the princess again.

Lin Fan said: "I found that the bloody luck gathered into an evil dragon, hovering over the Duke's Mansion, and the whole Duke's Mansion was scarlet."

"Scarlet luck? Can it gather into evil dragons hovering and wandering?" Princess Jue looked at Lin Fan in shock, and said, "Is this true?"

Lin Fan said, "I'm 90.00% sure."

Anu beside him said: "Your Highness, there must be something strange about the three-thousand-mile ban. Lin Fanzun and I wandered around together, but we didn't notice the slightest clue."

Princess Jue said, "Then what do you need me to do?"

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, and said: "Princess should know that there was a fork in the road in ancient times. I suspect that Li Chuang is going further and further along this road."

"If that's the case, then he deserves to die!" Princess Jue said with cold eyes, "Just tell me, what kind of help do you need from me? Just because Li Chuang's identity is sensitive, so I don't want to make too much of a fuss, I need real evidence only after that"

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