Twin martial arts

Chapter 1896 Deja Vu

Lin Fan sighed in his heart.

It seems that even someone like Princess Jue who stands on the top of the clouds cannot do whatever he wants.

Li Chuang's identity is indeed very sensitive. He once served under the command of General Zhantian, and he was born and died more than once, and made great contributions.

If there is no real evidence, and Li Chuang is moved, there will be some unnecessary twists and turns.

Especially in recent times, people in the Seventh Realm all think that at such a delicate moment when Mozun Palace wants to eliminate some big families, if it touches Li Chuang, who was once the confidant of General Zhantian, it will be even worse. stable.

After thinking about it, there is no real freedom in this world. The higher your position, the greater the constraints should be.

Lin Fan thought for a while, and said, "At least two people are needed from Emperor Lin, other than that, there is no need."

"Only two Lindi?" Princess Jue frowned, and then said: "That is his territory, two are not enough, I will send you four."

There was a light in Lin Fan's eyes. He originally thought that he was talking about two emperors, but this was already a lion's mouth. Who would have thought that Her Royal Highness would double it for him directly.

"I'm giving you the demon king's order. If you can take it out in a critical moment, it will definitely save your life." Princess Jue said again.

Anu exclaimed directly, and said, "Devil's orders?"

Princess Jue said, "It's the order of the Demon Lord."

She spoke too casually, but Anu was unbelievable.

Looking at Anu's expression, Lin Fan knew that this Demon Lord Token must be something extraordinary. After taking it with both hands, he was silent for a moment, then looked at the princess, and said, "Dare to ask your highness, why is she treating me so favorably?" .”

Princess Jue's heart tightened.

She also realized that her trust seemed a bit inexplicable, so she stabilized her mind and said: "You are the No.1 I selected out of the ordinary, and I hope you will make a good start. Of course, you need to show it to others. I selected you by Princess Jue." People, they will not care about his origin and so on."

Of course Lin Fan didn't believe this sentence, but he didn't ask any further questions.

Anyway, he has nothing to care about now, even if Princess Jue plots and uses him, it doesn't matter.

And at this moment, a eunuch came to summon Lin Fan to have an audience.

Lin Fan's heart suddenly tightened.


One of the two most powerful people in the world!

He was going to see him right away.

I can't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Don't be nervous, father is very kind." Princess Jue comforted her with a smile.

Lin Fan went with the eunuch.

Along the way, the eunuch taught Lin Fan all kinds of etiquette, and Lin Fan memorized them one by one, and his tongue clicked in his heart. The rules are strict enough, and they even pay attention to which step to take first when approaching the palace.

Sure enough.

This is a study room, which is antique and fragrant. There are thousands of books in it, and the fragrance of ink makes people feel happy.

And Mozun, holding a yellowed book in his hand to read at this time, seems to be very addicted to it, but in fact, Mozun's heart is overwhelmed at this time, all the peace, etc., are all disguised.

This is his long-lost son. Although Lin Fan has secretly gone to see him many times since he came to the seventh session, strictly speaking, this is the first time that the father and son have met.

But they can't recognize each other.

"Your Majesty, Prince Lin brought you here," the eunuch reminded in a low voice.

Mozun put down the book in his hand and looked at Lin Fan.

At this moment, Lin Fan seemed to feel that there were two beams of light that had existed since before the sky opened, suddenly shining on his body, as if they wanted to see through all the secrets in his body.


Thunder pools erupted in his body, layers of mist-like golden lightning covered Lin Fan's entire sea of ​​spirits, blocking that terrifying sight.

"Huh?" The Demon Venerable was surprised.

This kid seems incredible, with Tianbao's help, he can actually be cut off from his visits.

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

Of course it wasn't because of the Demon Lord's prying, but since he came to this study and saw the Demon Lord, for some reason, he had a deja vu illusion, as if he had seen this Demon Lord somewhere before.

But this is impossible. It is said that this Demon Lord has not stepped out of the Seventh Realm for a thousand years, so it is impossible for him to meet him.

But why did this feeling arise in my heart again?

"Greetings to His Majesty the Demon Lord."

Lin Fan saluted meticulously, completely following the etiquette the eunuch taught him.

"Pingshen." Mozun said with a smile, "He is indeed a very good young man, Jue'er saw the right person."

Lin Fan said: "It's Her Royal Highness showing love."

Mozun smiled, and then said: "Didn't you go to the three-thousand-mile ban today? Why did you come to the palace so soon?"

Lin Fan did not answer this question.

Mozun thought for a while, waved back and forth, and said after a while, "I don't believe that people like you will go to the seventh world so easily. Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Lin Fan's heart tightened, he chose words in his heart, and then said solemnly: "Dare to ask Your Majesty the Demon Lord, how do you judge the strength of the Heavenly Human Realm and the Seventh?"

The Demon Lord thought for a while, and said: "In terms of the number of peak powerhouses, my Seventh Realm is slightly higher, but in terms of the base number of strong people, my Seventh Realm is not as good as the Heavenly Human Realm."

"Then what if there is a real world war between the two worlds? Who will win?" Lin Fan asked again.

This time Mozun pondered for a long time before saying: "The world of heaven and man."

Lin Fan felt relieved.

As long as the Demon Lord has this kind of cognition, it is the best.

What he was afraid of was the arrogance of the Demon Lord, thinking that the Seventh Realm was invincible, so the so-called alliance, etc., was just a joke.

Lin Fan smiled, and said: "May I ask His Majesty the Demon Lord and the God of God, who will win and who will lose?"

Demon Venerable sighed and said: "I am defeated, but he will be dying."

Lin Fan's heart tightened, is the god so strong?

"It is said that the gods are in seclusion and want to break through the barrier of the gods, isn't your majesty not anxious at all?" Lin Fan asked, this was his biggest doubt.

The Mozun laughed and said: "Unless the sky changes, it is impossible for a god to appear; even if his celestial beings are blessed by the heavens."

God cannot appear.

This sentence is ridiculous, without any proof, but Lin Fan just believes it.

Mozun glanced at Lin Fan: "Boy, don't talk about him, what do you want to say, just say it."

At the same time, I feel relieved.

This kid has finally grown up.

At least, there are not many people in the world who can talk so eloquently in front of him.

"Alliance." Lin Fan looked serious.

Demon Venerable smiled strangely: "Alliance? You and me?"

"Yes, it's you and me." Lin Fan said proudly: "I can run rampant under the emperor at this time, give me at most two months in the world, and I will be invincible in the holy way. If you give me 100 years, I can be in the emperor's territory." Invincible."

Demon Venerable said: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill Tianjiao right now when you talk like this?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "I believe His Majesty will not."

Mozun laughed, and said: "Boy, you are too weak now, you don't have the qualifications to discuss any alliance with me, do you understand? Alliance, it is based on the condition of equal strength."

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