Twin martial arts

Chapter 1894 Bloody Luck

Lin Fan left.

No one stopped.

Linghu and the others watched Lin Fan go away like this.

"Why did you stop me?" Li Chuang looked at Linghu coldly and said, "Damn him!"

Linghu smiled strangely: "General, if you kill him at this time, you will not be able to escape the guilt yourself, why bother?"

Li Chuang snorted coldly, waved his hands, and said, "Let these people go away."

In the county palace.

"General, you should immediately write an apology letter and pass it to the princess, explaining all the reasons here; but you are not allowed to talk about Lin Fan at all, just say that because of your fault, you caused the atmosphere of King Lin, and you left impulsively." Go, I don't know where to go right now." Linghu's eyes revealed a cunning look.

Li Chuang said: "It's simple, I will start this matter immediately."

Linghu nodded, and said: "There are still some things in the dark, stop, at this most critical moment, no forks are allowed."

When it came to something in the dark, everyone in the hall tensed up.

My family knows about my family affairs, if those things are exposed, no one can protect them, not even the general.

"Probably not, how could he discover those top secret things hidden under hell?" A partial general also said.

Linghu said: "Whether he can find out or not, no one is sure, but it's always good to take some precautions before they happen."

Li Chuang waved his hands impatiently: "Then stop, let the people over there not contact us for a while."

But at this time, Lin Fan and Anu casually walked into a big city, which was very bustling, shoulder to shoulder, high-rise buildings row upon row, the hawking was endless, and it was full of red dust and fireworks.

"A Nu, does Li Chuang really have a good reputation in these three thousand miles?" Lin Fan was suspicious.

Anu said: "It's really good. Before he came to Sanqianli, banditry was rampant and various natural disasters were endless. After he came, he first put an end to banditry and exempted from taxes for 30 years, so he was deeply loved by the people here. people love."

Lin Fan frowned deeper, and said: "I feel that Li Guang is not like the kind of person you say who loves the people like a son."

Anu said: "My lord, what I said are facts recognized by the Seventh Realm. Anyone who asks about it can know it. It's not my fabrication."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "I never said you lied to me, but if he really loves the people like a son, how could he be like that?"

This is what Lin Fan is puzzled about.

If this Li Chuang is really as in the legend, then how could it be possible for the old man to kneel on the bluestone ground and cry in the scorching sun?How can the soldiers hide in the crowd and use weird means to confuse the masses and make them blindly obey?

This doesn't make sense at all.

Lin Fan and Anu walked up and down the bustling street, but soon, Lin Fan's face became ugly.

Just because, at this time, in the three thousand li forbidden zone, everyone is talking about him.

When referring to him, the prefixes are cruel, ruthless, and venomous!

And the reason why he was said that was because he trampled to death the unarmed people.

Moreover, the people who were trampled to death just expressed their long-cherished wish not to change the county king.

At this time, Lin Fan and Anu were sitting in a restaurant, and the table next to them was talking about——

"What kind of shit Lin Fan, he wants to be our county king? He doesn't even piss and take care of himself, is he worthy?"

A strong man with a beard, he smacked his lips and said, "I don't care what he is, I don't recognize him. I only know that since King Li Chuang came, we all have a good life."

The other wine tables immediately looked at the people who were talking about it, and soon someone agreed, and someone said: "But what can we do? Lin Fanna is the county king handpicked by the high princess, could it be Li Chuang the county king?" Do you still dare to resist the order?"

"Hmph, Your Majesty the Supreme once said that water can carry a boat and capsize it, but I don't believe it. Millions of souls within my three-thousand-mile ban unite together, and Her Royal Highness, regardless of public grievances, insists on changing the county king." No."

These words came from a corner, Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and headed towards that corner, murderous intent suddenly rose in his eyes!

This is clearly a soldier!


It seems that the county prince's mansion is married to him.

It is clear that he has made his attitude clear, he does not care about the position of the county king, and he directly stays away, but the other party does not give up, and still uses the method of inciting public opinion to block all his paths.

"My lord, they are too much." Anu's eyes were cold.

"Since they want to play so much, let's have fun with them." Lin Fan stood up, and casually threw a spirit stone on the table.

Walking out of the restaurant, Lin Fan said, "Don't you find it strange?"

Anu frowned: "Why did your lord say that?"

There was a hint of mockery in Lin Fan's eyes, and he said: "If they are really loved by all the people, why bother to send their subordinates over and over again to stir up people's hearts? I hope so urgently that I will not become the King of the Three Thousand Miles Forbidden County. ?”

Anu said: "It is inevitable that some people under the command of the county prince's mansion will complain, and it is just a list we have seen."

"A row?" Lin Fan sneered: "You can go to the major restaurants and drug stalls in this city. Anyway, you can go to any densely populated places to see if it is a row. Waiting for you ten miles away."

After finishing speaking, lightning flashed under Lin Fan's feet, and he disappeared in an instant.

Anu frowned, but still obeyed Lin Fan's words, everyone went to densely populated places, and soon he exploded, if it wasn't for fear of causing trouble to Lin Fan, he really wanted to kill him.

Just because, the more these people talk, the more they go too far.

In the mouths of these people, Lin Fan has simply become a heinous criminal, a tyrant even more than a tyrant, almost to the point of swallowing human flesh and blood.

Thirty miles away from the city, Lin Fan was sitting under a giant tree, watching Anu approaching with murderous intent, he said with a smile, "How?"

"My lord is right." Anu said angrily, "It's just that I can't figure out why they want to do this. Your lord has already said that they don't want the throne of the county, so why did they do this?"

Lin Fan said: "I want to cover it up."

Anu frowned, but heard Lin Fan say: "Do you understand the theory of luck?"

Anu said: "I probably know better."

Lin Fan said: "Qi luck is illusory, but in fact it really exists. Whether it is for a cultivator or an ordinary person, whether it is as big as a hiding place or as small as an individual, luck is extremely important."

Anu said: "Your Excellency mentioned luck at this time, did you find anything?"

Lin Fan nodded, and said: "After careful observation, within the three thousand miles of forbidden area, the blood-colored luck gathered into a Yin dragon, congealed on the county palace, and the majestic and majestic palace, looking back at it now, is like a hell .”

Anu was shocked.

Lin Fan continued: "I suspect that someone in the county prince's mansion is walking a certain path of prehistoric cultivation. It is an evil path. If it is true, then"

As for after that, Lin Fan didn't say anything, but if it was really like that, then everyone in the county palace should die.

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