Everyone laughed.

This Lin Fan is too proud, bullying him that there is no one in the seventh realm, and underestimating all the evildoers under Emperor Lin. Now finally someone can restrain him and kill him with a broad knife.

It's just so satisfying.

It's just a person from another world. After coming to this world, he should behave with his tail between his legs and keep his eyebrows low. Only in this way can he hope to save his life.

This Lin Fan was the proof, he was too arrogant and arrogant, so he died.

Ming smiled contemptuously.

He misunderstood Lin Fan. This kind of person, no matter how strong his cultivation base is, is not worthy to be compared with him.

So proud and conceited.

"It's too easy for Li Hu to win." Huo Ling'er frowned slightly.

A word made everyone frown, and suddenly, Ming felt a chill in his heart, suddenly raised his head, looked at the sky, and shouted: "Li Hu, retreat quickly!"

Cut off with a knife.

There was no blood splashing, the knife seemed to be cut in nothingness, with a stab, a gap of hundreds of feet was cut in the sky.

However, Lin Fan's body, who seemed to have nowhere to escape, collapsed after Li Hukuo's sword resisted him!

"Be careful!" Huo Ling'er also shouted hoarsely.

Li Hu swung out his sword with the determination to kill Lin Fan, but when he cut it down, all the souls of the dead came out!


This is just an illusion left by Lin Fan.

The knife turned back and slashed behind him, just because at this moment there was an extremely dangerous murderous intent rising from behind him.

"Leaving Xingyu, you still can't do it."

An indifferent voice sounded, the long knife he was slashing was stopped by a heavy halberd, unable to move any further, and his neck was already clamped by Lin Fan.

"how is this possible!"

Ming lost his voice and screamed.

It's because Lin Fan's attacking and killing methods clearly represent that this Lin Fan is also proficient in the way of space, and can change between nothingness and reality at will.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Turns out, all of them were wrong.

Lin Fan is not arrogant or conceited.

But for him, no matter how he fights, the ending will not change in any way.

Still can crush everything.

Under the emperor, he is really invincible.

Bitterness appeared in Li Hu's eyes. The gap is so big. It's ridiculous. He always thought that he was accidentally trapped in Lin Fan's field, and the gap with Lin Fan was so big. If he left that field, he would be able to fight Lin Fan fairly. , can burst out all of his power.

But the reality is so cruel.


The sound was too crisp, it was clearly the crackling of the joints.

That's because Lin Fan crushed Li Hu's cervical spine, and above his palms, there was a dazzling electric light, which strangled Li Hu's soul to pieces.

Let go of your hand, and Li Hu's remains fell from the sky like this.

This is the end of a generation of butchers.

"Then, who's coming next?" Lin Fan chuckled, his eyes glanced down.

Huo Ling'er and the others were all terrified.

Li Hu was beheaded to death so easily, it really made them tremble in their hearts.

Among several people; Li Hu is not the strongest, but he is not the weakest either. There are only one or two people stronger than him, but his strength is limited.

Even now, Tie Mian, the strongest among them, might not last long in Lin Fan's hands.

"Who's coming?" Lin Fan asked softly again.

But still no one dared to answer.

This shocked many onlookers.

You know, whether it's Huo Ling'er or Ming, they are the most extreme group of evildoers in the world, and if any one of them goes out at ordinary times, they can push everything horizontally.

But now, he was being fought by Lin Fan and no one dared to return.

Ming's face changed several times.

He remembered his bold words before coming to fight Lin Fan.

At that time, it was also said that being idle is idle, it is better to kill people.

How crazy.

But now, he was being pointed at by the other party but he didn't dare to respond at all.

Anger was burning in his heart, and there was an invisible murderous intent. He didn't allow himself to be so cowardly to fight, but his rationality warned him that if he dared to fight Lin Fan, he would definitely die.

He finally listened to reason, but it was because of this that he was even more angry.

In front of Lin Fan, he couldn't even raise his fighting spirit.

The iron face was also looking at Lin Fan who was high in the sky. The iron-colored mask covered it, and he couldn't see any expression, but he proved his choice with practical actions.

Turn around and go backwards.

Obviously, he doesn't fight.

Huo Ling'er also sighed, turned around, and the flames all over her body dimmed.

She also chose not to fight.

The same is true for Ming, when he swiped with one hand, the space was split, and when he took one step, he was ready to leave directly.

This scene is very shocking.

Among the three extremely evildoers, none of them dared to fight.

Obviously, it was because the three of them felt that even if they joined forces, it would be impossible to kill Lin Fan, so they took this step.

If the three of them were able to fight Lin Fan together and even have a little hope of killing Lin Fan, they would not retreat like this.

Just because, that's too embarrassing.

"Wait." Lin Fan scolded, his eyes turned cold: "Come to besiege me, but you don't say a word, so you want to leave?"

The iron face stopped.

Huo Ling'er's half body stiffened.

Ming, who had already hidden half of his body, also paused.

"What do you want?" This sentence was asked by Tie Mian.

Lin Fan said, "Apologize, or die."

Apologize, or die.


This area is thousands of feet away, and it seems that they are all in absolute silence.

There were wry smiles in everyone's eyes, how could people like Huo Ling'er and Tie Mian admit their mistakes and apologize?

That was more difficult for them to accept than killing them.

It seemed that Lin Fan did not intend to spare a few people at all, but to kill them all.

"Lin Fan! Don't push people too much!" Ming shouted.

"I'm forcing you, what do you want?" Lin Fan laughed wildly.

The aura on Tie Mian's body was extremely unstable, but in the end he calmed down. He faced Lin Fan and bent slightly: "I'm sorry, fellow Taoist Lin Fan."


I'm apologizing!

This is simply the breaking news.

Who doesn't know that this iron face is not afraid of death?

But at this time, he even apologized to Lin Fan.

Huo Ling'er's eyes narrowed, and after a long while, she bowed prostrately: "Although I didn't cause any trouble to fellow daoist, I did trouble fellow daoist after all, I'm sorry."

Huo Ling'er also apologized.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded to the two, then looked at Ming: "What about you?"

Ming Qiqing's face was full of anger.

At this moment, he didn't know that he scolded Huo Ling'er and Tie Mian thousands of times in his heart.

This is putting him on fire!

Both of them apologized, if he didn't, what would happen?

"Hmph, this void is still being cut open by me. This deity can travel thousands of miles after one step. I don't believe you can do it!" Ming Li screamed, and his whole body went into the void, and the gap that was drawn closed.

It disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at Lin Fan with great interest.

Didn't you say that if you don't apologize, you will die?

So, now that Ming is gone, what do you do?

But at this moment, Lin Fan's eyes burst out with terrifying beams of light, searching in this nothingness, and soon, his hand stretched out for thousands of miles, as if holding a real world and blasting away.

With a bang, the void thousands of miles away collapsed, and You Ming's screams came.

A moment later, Lin Fan retracted his palm, holding Ming's head on it.

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