Twin martial arts

Chapter 1883 The Simple and Lovely Li Hu

But Lin Fan waved the heavy halberd in his hand, he shook his hands and struck out the hazy star, swallowing all the sword light and murderous intent into the star, and he flew up, stepped on the hazy star, stepped on the entire star Yu fell down to the bottom.


Xingyu devoured the sword light and murderous intent, and how many stars were shattered because of it.

But whenever a star is broken, it will be restored in an instant.

This is the Xingyu constructed by Lin Fan with laws, life and death disillusionment, all can be in his mind.

Everyone is looking up at the sky, a starry universe that looks like a real one, with countless billions of feet, filled with starlight.

And Lin Fan stepped on a certain star that hung the highest, which was actually bigger than a star. He was overlooking the butcher Li Yong, who was as small as an ant in comparison to his figure.

Everyone was horrified, Lin Fan's secret techniques emerged one after another, I really don't know how many cards he still has.

They can easily perceive that although this star universe is just a lawful structure, it really looks like a real star universe reappearance.

In this star universe, Lin Fan is like a god, innately invincible, if he wants to kill him, he must destroy this star universe first.

The butcher Li Hu obviously also understood this point, and he was extremely cautious at this moment, the broad knife kept spinning around him, too fast, and condensed into a dense knife net to protect him.

"It's kind of interesting." Lin Fan commented that this knife net is really difficult to break, and every line that makes up the knife net is Li Hu's understanding of the Dao of the Sword, and it is a tangible manifestation of his comprehension of the Dao.

Butcher Li Hu was furious!

I don't know how many holy emperors despaired of his defensive skills, but he only got an interesting evaluation from Lin Fan.

This Lin Fan, why comment on his skills?

"Is it just a little interesting?" He roared angrily.

"if not?"

Lin Fan said with a smile, with the sun and moon on his head, and his feet on the stars, even the slightest sound is like rolling thunder.


Li Hu's attack began, and he rushed all the way, even if the stars blocked the way, he couldn't stop him from advancing even one step, smashing many stars.

The big knife in his hand slashed [-] times in a row, and the entire Xingyu space was filled with the knife intent, which was so fierce that it wiped out all the stars in this place in just an instant.

This is incomparably frightening, this universe is billions of feet, no one can tell exactly how many stars there are in it, but it is just a killing room of the butcher Li Hu, all of them were killed into star fragments and became countless stars in this universe. dust.

Everyone is watching.

How could Lin Fan block such a fierce bombardment?

Tie Mian sighed: "Among his peers, this Li Hu may not be the strongest, but he is indeed the most irritating, because after you irritate him, his combat power will increase tenfold, twentyfold."

"Hehe, isn't this more interesting?" Huo Ling'er smiled like a flower.

Mingdao: "It's really interesting. No matter who lives or dies, at least they can see some cards clearly. This is very useful."

This alliance is too loose, there are no shackles, it is just a short-term entanglement of interests, so for everyone, it doesn't matter who lives and who dies.

"In my opinion, Li Hu will still die." Tie Mian said after a long silence.

Huo Ling'er and the others looked at it closely, and some agreed in their eyes, while others chuckled noncommittally.

Ming said: "Brother Tie Mian, why do you want to raise the prestige of others and destroy your own ambition? What can he do, Lin Fan?

Now Xingyu is half disabled, and the sword glow fills every inch of space.

This is a knife with a three-thousand zhang intent and a murderous aura soaring to the sky. Don't tell me that you haven't suffered from this trick. "

Iron Face was silent again, a moment was enough to shake his head.

Huo Ling'er said: "Both will suffer, Li Hu will die, but Lin Fan will be half useless."

Tie Mian walked a little further away from these people, obviously not wanting to talk to them.

The dust was gone, and there were no stars in the starry sky. Lin Fan just stood in the hazy starry sky. He was covered by a bright white light, and many saber intents slashed at him, but it was like a breeze blowing, unable to hurt him at all.

"how is this possible!"

Huo Linger screamed.

This is too scary.

Butcher Li Hu's [-] knives hack was very famous, and he killed countless strong men, and they all suffered huge losses under this move.

But Lin Fan was so calm.

How can this be believed.

Horror appeared in the eyes of the butcher Li Hu

He rushed up, slashing the thin starlight curtain wall one after another with the big knife in his hand, trying to cut through the starry universe.

He is stubborn and simply believes that the reason why Lin Fan is invincible is because he stands in this star universe, so as long as he can leave this star universe, he can fight Lin Fan on an equal footing.

But it's useless, his sword light slashed away, it was like killing in nothingness, it couldn't hurt the starlight curtain wall at all, only light and fire splashed everywhere.

Lin Fan watched calmly. He walked towards Li Hu as he walked in the void, and two lightning balls condensed to the extreme appeared in his hands.

This is a thunderstorm.

But with Lin Fan's cultivation at this time, the power is tens of thousands of times greater than before.


Li Hu roared, and slashed again with the broad knife in his hand, the blade glowed like a sea, and one could see big cracks starting from her and spreading towards Lin Fan.


The void collapsed, but Lin Fan just stretched out a finger, and stopped all the cracks that were spreading, and smiled: "Still struggling?"

Li Hu was about to burst into tears.

This is not his real combat power at all.

In this star universe, he was too limited.

"Lin Fan! How dare you take part in this Xingyu battle?" He roared, unwilling to end this tragically, how could he die without unleashing his full power?

Lin Fan frowned.

Such a simple and lovely person.

Do you think that only in this star universe can you kill yourself?

Waving, Xingyu scattered.

Lin Fan's actions made people even more shocked and puzzled.

Obviously everyone thinks like Li Hu that the reason why Lin Fan is invincible is only because the battlefield is in the star universe he built.

But now, he actually took the initiative to scatter Xingyu without resorting to such a heaven-defying weapon.

Is this to give Li Hu a fair chance to fight?

"Hehehaha Lin Fan, scatter Xingyu, this is the biggest mistake of your life!"

Li Hu roared, and at the moment when the Xingyu disappeared, he swung his big knife and killed Lin Fan.

The saber is like light and electricity, breaking through the limitations of time and space. As soon as Li Hu raised his arm, the saber intent had already slashed Lin Fan's neck!


"Sure enough, there is a big weirdness in that Xingyu. Without the help of that Xingyu, Lin Fan's combat power will really weaken."

"Hehe, who can blame this? It's just Lin Fan's arrogance. This Li Hu is called a butcher, but he can stop children from crying at night. How can he be incompetent?"

"It's a testament to arrogance."

All kinds of words come from.

"Hahaha leave that piece of Xingyu, you are nothing!" Li Hu laughed loudly, he hit Lin Fan, and he was exerting all his force at this time, he wanted to use the blade in his hand to cut Lin Fan in half.

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