Twin martial arts

Chapter 1885 The scumbag and the boy

Tie Mian and the others shrank their pupils.

Ming's way of space is the best in the realm of the holy way, even the sage of Lindi will be willing to bow down to the way of space.

After he disappeared into the void, there was nowhere to follow.

Therefore, it is also known as the most difficult saint to kill.

But at this time, it was so easy for Lin Fan to kill him, like picking something out of a bag.

Lin Fan raised his arms, and the bloody head in his hand exploded into dust, and Ming was expelled from this world.

Glancing at Tie Mian and Huo Ling'er, he said, "The next time I think about it is before I become an enemy, first think about whether I can bear my revenge."

Murderous intent flashed in Tie Mian's chest, but he said: "Remember."

Huo Ling'er sighed, and after saluting, she turned into a flame and dispersed.

Lin Fan also left, just like before, leisurely, as if he was wandering.

"Why don't you keep them all?" Hong Mei's eyes showed hatred.

Lin Fan stopped slightly: "You want to kill Huo Ling'er, right?"

Hongmei nodded very simply, and after walking a few steps, she knelt on the ground suddenly and said: "If you can kill Huo Ling'er for me, no matter what your conditions are, I will agree."

When he said these words, there was no brilliance in his eyes, and he looked like he was going all out.

This made Lin Fan very speechless. Obviously, this Hongmei should be like the Dragon Beast King, thinking that the reason why he didn't kill him was because of her beauty.

With a narrow interest in her heart, she bent down, raised her red chin frivolously with her hand, her eyes wandered unrestrainedly on her body like a ripe peach, and her voice was extremely low: "Woman, can you think clearly? What are the conditions?" Do you agree to everything?"

A teardrop appeared in Hongmei's eyes: "Yes, I agree to any conditions, even if I am a slave or a handmaid."

Standing up, Lin Fan stood in front of Hongmei who was kneeling in front of her like this: "Then, what about the actual action?"

Hongmei knelt on the ground, took two steps on her knees, stretched out her hand tremblingly

This frightened Lin Fan.

Is this woman crazy?

In broad daylight, in the barren mountains.

How can it be so direct?

He hurriedly backed away and scolded, "Are you crazy?"

Hongmei just looked at Lin Fan who was rushing away like this, with a trace of bewilderment in her eyes, until Lin Fan scolded her, she had a trace of joking and desperate: "You men, don't you all like this?"

Lin Fan scolded: "You are simply crazy, not killing you is not for the sake of men and women."

Hong Mei said: "What is that for?"

There was a strong sarcasm in his eyes: "Could it be that you want to conquer my heart first?"

Lin Fan's eyes turned cold and stern: "At any rate, you are also my man now. As long as the reason for your revenge is justified, I will report it to you. Don't talk about other things in the future."

Hong Mei sneered.

This Lin Fan can pretend.

Over the years, in a place like Yikugui, she was used to seeing so many men coveting her.

I have also seen too many hypocrites who are ostentatious on the surface, but in reality, harassing her in various ways.

This Lin Fan, can he still be exempt from vulgarity?

Standing up, he said, "I'm ready, I'll give it whenever you want."

Lin Fan felt a headache, he was not a thinking animal, so he gave Hong Mei a hard look, and said, "Tell me about your enmity with Huo Ling'er in detail."

Not long after, Lin Fan understood the enmity between the two.

Huo Ling'er and Hong Mei grew up in the same village and love each other as sisters, but unfortunately, they both fell in love with an outstanding man in the village at the same time.

But the man they fell in love with at the same time was Duxi Hongmei.

Then, some contradictions are inevitable and reconciled.

The sisters Hongmei and Huo Linger gradually drifted away.

However, Huo Ling'er's father was a great cultivator, so he wanted to use power to match that man with Huo Ling'er.

However, Hongmei happened to be selected by a ghost cave at that time, and her status was much higher; Huo Linger's marriage with the man was naturally dropped.

Seeing that Hongmei's marriage with that man was approaching, Huo Ling'er was valued by the big forces again.

These things are really too coincidental.

The final result was that Hongmei didn't get that man, and of course Huo Linger didn't get it either.

Lin Fan said: "She didn't get it, and you didn't get it, so where did the hatred come from?"

Hatred appeared in Hongmei's eyes, and he said, "Brother Qi should have paired up with me, but that bitch is too vicious, and no one can get what she can't get."

"Understood, in the end, this brother Qi you mentioned was killed by Huo Ling'er." Lin Fan concluded.

"That's right!" Hong Mei said with tears in her eyes, "When I knew Brother Qi was dead, I found Huo Ling'er and wanted to kill her, but I was not her match."

Lin Fan nodded, expressing that he had understood everything, and after a while he mocked: "I really don't understand why you two girls would make such a fuss over a coward and trash, is it worth it? "

"Who do you say is a coward and a waste?" Hong Mei's murderous look flashed.

Lin Fan said coldly: "Could it be that what I said is not true? When Huo Linger's family is powerful and wants to force Brother Qi to marry her, will he resist?"

Hong Mei frowned, shook her head and said: "You don't understand, in our village, Huo Ling'er's father is the village head, with the power of life and death in his hands."

"Hmph, isn't that cowardly?" Lin Fan sneered, and said: "Later, when you were selected by a ghost cave and took him back, when you were about to get married, was he also happy?"

Hong Mei said: "I am in love with him, we are a natural couple, why doesn't he like it?"

"Sad woman." Lin Fan smiled contemptuously, and continued: "After that Huo Ling'er was in the same position as you, when he ruined your wedding, did that Brother Qi you mentioned ever refute or resist?"

Hong Mei frowned, all the events of the wedding day were still vivid in her mind.

She did not speak.

Lin Fan sneered and said, "Maybe, it's only in your heart that your brother Qi falls in love with you? With Huo Linger, maybe you are the only third party."

"How is this possible! It's clearly that bitch!" Hong Mei Li Xiao.

Lin Fan waved his hand: "I don't have the time to argue with you about these shitty things, I just want to tell you one thing, if you follow the words of a certain world, the Brother Qi you're talking about is clearly a scumbag, a guy who wants to rely on a woman Little boy who eats."

"You are insulting him, even if I lose to you, I will fight." Hong Mei yelled.

Lin Fan shook his head.

This woman is crazy.

However, I hope the ending is not too cruel.

However, he is 90.00% sure that things are exactly as he thinks.

If that was the case, Huo Ling'er was the victim.

When the time comes, how will Hongmei accept it?

The bloody plot, it seems that the world will not lack.

While they were talking, Tie Mian and Huo Linger sat facing each other from another direction. After a while, Tie Mian said, "Lin Fan must die."

Huo Ling'er didn't speak.

Tie Mian said: "Could it be that you can bear this breath?"

Huo Ling'er said: "Question, can you kill him?"

Tie Mian said ferociously: "I really can't kill him, but in this hunting garden, there are some people who can kill him."

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