Twin martial arts

Chapter 1882 Those who asked for their own death

Lin Fan was very ostentatious, he just walked leisurely all the way like this, followed by Hong Mei, no matter how he looked, he looked like a rich man traveling with his beauty, he didn't feel like he was in the dangerous hunting garden surrounded by powerful enemies.

This made the invisible dragon beast powerhouse very speechless. He couldn't see how Lin Fan could be so shameless. On his smiling face, there were almost three big words written on his face, come and mess with me.

"Don't you feel shameless?"

Even Hongmei couldn't stand it anymore, she whispered in her ear.

"Shameless?" Lin Fan sneered: "Those who have ulterior motives gather strong people to attack me, isn't it shameless?"

Hong Mei frowned, and said: "That's because you are too strong, making people of the same generation or even a generation or two higher than us despair, so you joined forces."

"Well, according to what you mean, it's because I'm too strong, so I can only passively use tricks, and as long as I use tricks, it's shameless." Lin Fan sneered, this kind of words made Hongmei shut up for a while. Red lips.

Those who have vendetta against Lin Fan, or those with ulterior motives, can come up with any schemes and schemes against Lin Fan, so why can't Lin Fan fight back and use all available strength to kill them?

The tree wants to be calm and the wind does not stop.

Lin Fan never thought that after solving the group of Cheng Yefei, no more conspiracy would land on his head, which is unrealistic.

It's just because he has too many enemies in the seventh realm, and there are still many who haven't shown themselves.

At least the man who left him with only the back of his head before entering the hunting garden did not appear.

Moreover, the man who left him with only the back of his head gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. It was very likely that he was the peak of the Holy Emperor, and he was only half a step away from being the supreme powerhouse of the Emperor Lin.

At this time, he was tempting.

Lin Fan hoped that those emperors who wanted to kill him but had been hiding in the shadows would jump out one by one, kill them all at any time, once and for all, and solve all the dangers in this hunting garden.

Thousands of miles away.

"Hmph, even a bunch of trash can't deal with a mere Lin Fan."

A man is manicuring his nails with a broad knife. The broad knife is terrifying, but it can jump in his hand. It is as dexterous as the flower needle in the embroiderer's hand. Soon the nails are done. He got up and said, "Say something, I will kill it alone Him, or what?"

"Let's go together, who doesn't want to kill him?"

A man with an iron-colored mask spoke, his voice was clanging like iron and stone colliding.

"Speaking of which, my lineage also has a big enmity with him, and the Void Saint can be regarded as my uncle."

An extremely thin man was grinning, but a space avenue emerged beside him, and the void god lines were densely covered in a three-inch radius.

"Then let's go together."

Another woman surrounded by flames spoke. She waved her slender hand, and the flames splashed and instantly burned a giant tree over ten thousand years old in front of her to ashes, turning it into ashes.

This group of people is really too strong, more than a small step higher than Cheng Yefei and others, no matter who they are, they all exude a terrifying aura.

The man with the broad knife turned his wrist, but the broad knife disappeared. He stood up, at least ten feet tall, giving a sense of domineering: "Let's go then."

"Well, idleness is idleness, and it's good to kill people."

The man with the iron-colored mask also said.

They set off, and after only a few steps, they had already disappeared into the void.

But at this time, Lin Fan was still walking slowly, picked a lot of great medicine along the way, and with the presence of strong dragon beasts, no monsters would dare to come and act presumptuously, Lin Fan was happy to be at ease.

Going forward thousands of feet, he came to a place with beautiful scenery. Lin Fan stopped and looked forward with slightly wrinkled eyes. There were five people sitting casually under a forest.

"I've searched thousands of miles, and this place is the only one with the most beautiful scenery. Wanting to be your burial place is not an insult to you."

Someone spoke, with a ferocious smile.

"Who are you?" Lin Fan asked, of course he was referring to the man with the broad sword who spoke first.

"Broad Saber Li Hu."

This person's name is very simple, but when he announced his family name, there was an awe-inspiring aura rising up, full of saber intent.

Hongmei's eyes narrowed slightly, and she pointed out: "This man is good at knives. He once slaughtered three families with a knife overnight, so some people call him Li Hu the butcher."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes.

Slaughtering the three major families in one night can indeed be called a butcher.

"Animation?" Lin Fan asked again.

Li Hu chuckled: "You have enmity with them, but you don't have any with me. You just want to kill you, can't you?"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows: "Okay, of course.

So what about you guys?Say your first and last names. "

The iron-colored masked man got up and said, "You can call me Iron Mask, I have a brother who died in your hands."

"Huo Ling'er." She was covered in flames, like a spirit in fire, she looked at Hong Mei mockingly, and said, "About me, you can ask this trash."

Hongmei's face turned cold, and her stunning face was flushed, but she didn't speak for a long while.

Lin Fan said: "Have you ever been defeated by her?"

Hong Mei gritted her teeth, Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll kill her for you."

Hong Mei just looked at Lin Fan in a daze like this, is this considered comfort?

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to Hong Mei's weird eyes, but looked at the man with the void runes shining around him: "Who are you from the Void Saint?"

"It's his nephew, named Ming." The man nodded.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. Except for one person, everyone has a big grudge."

Lin Fan smiled.

"So, you must die today." Butcher Li Hu smiled, but that smile was too ferocious.

"Cheng Yefei and the others said the same thing, but they all died in the end." Lin Fan was extremely calm.

"Don't compare us with that group of trash." Huo Ling'er showed displeasure in his eyes.

It seemed that it was the greatest shame for Lin Fan to compare them with Cheng Yefei and the others.

"The same, at least to me, you are no different from them."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, his body gradually rose into the air until he was three feet above the ground, looking down: "Come together?"

"Arrogant, kill you alone!"

The butcher was the first, and he immediately drew his sword. Standing on the ground, the broad knife like a door panel cut down suddenly.

Just a random slash would turmoil the world. If it weren't for the large array arranged by the Demon Lord, this knife might be able to cut down the lone star hanging in the space.

"You can not."

Lin Fan only had one sentence, and the heavy halberd clanged, hanging on the right side, but he took a step forward, and punched him away.


The light of the sword splashed in all directions, and the fist seal was scattered. I don't know how many miles of void were ignited, and a great fire appeared in the void.


The butcher roared, kicked his feet hard on the ground, shot towards the sky like an arrow, and charged forward, the sword light in his hand gathered into a dragon, and his murderous aura rushed to Xiaohan, wanting to cut Lin Fan in two.

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