Twin martial arts

Chapter 1842 Invincible 1 Lineage

"You will know soon." Xiao Wu was still smiling.

"Really?" The king smiled cruelly, his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

His master is also an outstanding individual.

From worshiping under the master's door until now for more than a hundred years, I have never seen the master so lonely, and the back that has always been tall and straight like a mountain seems to be bent.

It's just because of a monstrosity - Lin Fan.

He was indeed no match for Lin Fan.

Then, on behalf of his master's orthodoxy, he will fight Lin Fan's apprentice.

Slaying Lin Fan's apprentice with his hands proved his master's invincibility and restored his master's confidence.

One after another, cold sword glows sprang up from the pores of his body, gathered in the sky, and condensed into a huge sword array.

The saber array is mysterious, with radiant lights on it, and there are array symbols condensed by the sword intent, such as Gan, Ken, Dui, Li, etc., rising up brightly, constantly rotating, and the array symbols change, making people dazzled and emitting a seductive light , as if it could swallow the soul of a person.


The dry-character array suddenly went dark, as if it lost all color in an instant, and the sky and the earth darkened. Then, a hole was torn in the dark sky, and a shiny silver knife was shot out from it.

It's just that the tip of the knife is more than a hundred feet away, and the knife's intent roars in the world.

Lin Fan's expression became serious, and he glanced at Wujian.

This king's skill is somewhat similar to Wujian's. It is also a large attack and kill formation, but of course there is a big difference.

Xiao Wu met a good opponent.

Xiao Wuben's casual posture changed slightly, his back straightened, and the war halberd clanged in his hand, showing a shocking majesty.


With an angry shout, Xiao Wu charged into the sky with his halberd.

The torn black sky, the tip of the knife hangs down inch by inch, every inch down, the ground within a radius of a hundred miles collapses, and endless mountains are flattened.

Compared with the point of this knife, Xiao Wu is small and dusty, but when his body rushed to kill, the terrifying evil spirit and the will to kill seemed to compare this horror with a single knife.


There was another explosive roar, Xiao Wu stood proudly above the sky, and pushed the halberd away horizontally, rumbling!

The tip of the knife kills each other with a halberd.


With a loud bang, Xiao Wu was killed from the sky, smashing the earth out of an abyss, he splashed nine cold waters out of the abyss, freezing the earth, and ghosts appeared under the sun.

"Is it a one-hit game?"

Everyone trembled.

Fighting at this level is not like a king, but like two arrogant people who have already crossed the holy path with one foot.

But it is clear that no matter whether it is Lin Fan's disciples or the disciples of the seventh saint, both are nothing more than Tianxin, and there is still a long way to go to the peak of Tianxin.

Lin Fan kept furrowing his brows, but then they relaxed.

He noticed that at the bottom of the abyss, there seemed to be a dragon dormant, emitting a life like a vast ocean, and this life belonged to Xiao Wu.

"Hehe, hahahahahaha"

In the Seventh Realm, a holy emperor-level figure laughed wildly like a maniac. He got up and pointed at Lin Fan: "Your morality is not good."

Lin Fan glanced at it: "Really? How about you and I fight."

The holy emperor's face froze, full of embarrassment.

But then, he said stubbornly but desperately: "Is there still a need to fight? Your apprentice was killed by my apprentice, this is the proof."

"Evidence?" Lin Fan scoffed.

"Brother Lin, my condolences, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Tong Tian also spoke, his expression was very sad, but there was a smile in his eyes, he couldn't hide it.

Finally, he was able to win a big game.

Xiao Wu died.

Enough to recover most of his losses.

He was thinking in his heart, next, it's the turn of the kid who competed with Xiao Wu for the first stop, right?

I hope that his death can make me a lot of money and win back everything I lost.

"Sorrow?" Lin Fan's eyes were strange.

Tong Tian glanced at it: "This is already a fact, you have to dare to accept it, Brother Lin, don't be angry."

"To shut up."

At this moment, Tianhong scolded Tongtian, his eyes were cold: "Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

Tong Tian suddenly turned around.

Why would my elder brother scold me?


"Kang Keng!"

At this moment, in the abyss, tens of thousands of green and gold heavy halberds surged out like a torrent, forming a torrent of war halberds, charging against the sky.


There was another explosive roar, and Xiao Wu reappeared. He was not injured at all, and he was still in high spirits, but the fluttering hair was slightly messed up, and not even a corner of his battle robe was broken.


The halberd charged backward, as if it wanted to pierce the main Xingyu.

"how is this possible!"

The Holy Emperor who had just shouted that his morality was invincible suddenly screamed.

"Old dog, what is your orthodoxy? Let me kill your apprentice." Xiao Wu laughed.


The big knife, which was only protruding from the tip, broke free from the pitch-black shady scene, tore the boundless shackles of the void, and half of the blade was about to come out.

The dark star curtain fell.

The sky is falling.

But those thousands of halberds were about to go away, splitting the night and shattering the blade, revealing the void that should have been clear, with an inch of sunlight shining down, warm.


There was another explosive roar, and Xiao Wu rushed out from the torrent of the war halberd, attacking and killing the opponent under the night.

"Afraid you won't succeed? Kill you today to prove that my teacher is invincible."

The king roared loudly, he drew out his saber, it was three feet long, and it was made of unknown material, but there was a bit of starlight, the blade seemed to be inlaid with many stars.

"You can not."

Xiao Wu laughed wildly.

In the first confrontation, he already knew the reality of the king.

In this confrontation, he wanted the king's life.




The halberd thrusts flat, extremely slowly, allowing people to see the trajectory of the halberd clearly.

Three war halberds sounded from heaven and earth.

The sound kills.


A crack.

Countless blood lines appeared on the king's body.

This line of blood gradually turned into cracks.

Then, he was dismembered like this.

"Old dog, how can your orthodoxy be compared with my teacher's orthodoxy?"

After beheading the king, Xiao Wu looked back proudly and swept across the Holy Emperor.

"Xiao Wu." Lin Fan scolded with a frown.

Xiao Wu immediately stopped speaking, bowed to Lin Fan, and flew back to the arena, looking at Han Yan: "Emperor, who will die next?"

He wasn't talking about war.

is to die.

Lin Fan frowned again.

When did Xiao Wu become so arrogant?

One cannot be without arrogance.

But if you are too proud, it will be annoying.

There was a glint in Hanba's eyes, he was looking at Xiao Wu, as if he wanted to see through him.

How could such a king appear.

Could it be that the human world is really outstanding today?

Not to mention anything else, just relying on this team of mentors and apprentices, they can definitely stand against a million soldiers.

Avert your eyes and look at your own camp: "Which one of you still wants to fight?"

There is no enthusiasm and enthusiasm at the beginning.

They were all frowning, and they were all blaming themselves in their hearts.

Go up, can you kill Lin Fan's disciples for sure?

If you can't kill him, you will die yourself.

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