Twin martial arts

Chapter 1843 Amazing Xiao Nuo

Of course they want to prove that their orthodoxy is invincible.

He wanted to trample Lin Fan's disciple under his feet.

Can become famous.

Being able to Yang Wei in the teacher's door, thus gaining unique resources.

There are so many benefits.

But all of this must be based on being able to kill Xiao Wu.

But now, everyone dares to have this assurance.

Xiao Wu is too strong, maybe he can really run rampant in the realm of Tianxin, just like Lin Fan, surpassing Tianxin, no one can stand a fight.

They all hang their heads and don't look at the Hanba.

Han Yan's face turned ugly.

Not being able to kill Xiao Wu is one thing.

But dare not go to fight, it is simply too embarrassing.

"With so many monsters in this world, no one dares to fight him?"

Hanba asked.

He really felt embarrassed.

Xiao Wu smiled: "Didn't you all scramble to be the first? Why are you retreating now? Let's fight, let the three of you fight me together."

This sentence made a group of people from the seventh realm grit their teeth, itching with hatred.

This Xiao Wu is simply more annoying than his master.

His master is not so crazy.

"Xiao Wu."

The dissatisfaction in Lin Fan's eyes grew stronger.

Xiao Wu chuckled: "Since no one dares to fight against me, then let it go. Of course, from now on, you are not allowed to use your sect to compare with my sect."

"Come back." Lin Fan scolded directly.

Xiao Wu shrank his neck and flew back to the top of the city.

"Kneel down." Lin Fan looked at Xiao Wu coldly.

Xiao Wu was puzzled, but he still knelt in front of Lin Fan obediently.

"What's wrong with knowing?" Lin Fan looked at the disciple kneeling in front of him.

This is his only disciple, of course he hopes that he will succeed.

It's just that this disciple has always been in a free-range state, and he gathers less and leaves more, unknowingly, he has an air of arrogance.

That's bad, even if it's just a sign.

But it must be strangled in the cradle.

Otherwise, Xiao Wu will definitely suffer a big loss.

Xiao Wu bowed his head and remained silent.

"Just think about it here, when you figure out where you are wrong, when will you come to see me." Lin Fan swept Xiao Wu.

This is shocking.

Such an arrogance as Xiao Wu.

No matter which power they are in, they will be like jewels and treasures, and they will be pampered to heaven.

But Lin Fan was not like this. In front of so many people, kneeling directly in front of so many people was to impress him deeply.

However, an arrogant person like Xiao Wu, in front of Lin Fan, was as well-behaved as a child, and in front of Lin Fan, he had no arrogance at all.

"Xiao Nuo, don't you want to fight? Go ahead." Lin Fan glanced at Xiao Nuo who had been sizing up Xiao Wu furtively.

Immediately, Xiao Nuo was shocked.

"Emperor Hanba, no one needs to arrange the next fight, this kid will fight." Lin Fan smiled and looked at Hanba.

Han Yan's expression tightened, and he said, "Who is this person?"

Lin Fan frowned suddenly.

He knew this Hanba's disposition, it was lawless.

But why is it so polite when talking to him?

Among them, there seems to be some great obsession.

After a moment of silence, Lin Fan looked at Hanba and said via voice transmission: "This is my son."

Han Yan's heart tensed at the moment, as if millions of catties of boulders had been piled up in his heart.

The feeling is simply indescribable.

He wanted to smile wryly.

I want to scold God even more.

When Lin Fan was not participating in the battle, he was smiling and didn't have to take any risks.

As a result, Lin Fan participated in the battle, and the turmoil in Lin Fan's heart never calmed down during several battles.

After all, Lin Fan didn't want to fight.

As a result, his son came.

This Nima.

The real prince and grandson.

Lin Fan is bound to be the next generation of Demon Lord, this is a must.

So, this kid is the next demon king?

With a forced smile on the corner of his mouth, he said via voice transmission: "I think this kid is no more than Tianxin, half a step behind Xiao Wu. The situation is so dangerous, why not replace him?"

Lin Fan's eyes became more suspicious.

Seeing Lin Fan's expression, Han Yan's heart tightened immediately, knowing that something was wrong with him, he hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "Before leaving, the major general specially told you to take good care of him and let me take care of him."

Lin Fan frowned.

Sensitively felt that it would not be that simple.

But just can't find any reason.

Nodding his head, he said via voice transmission: "Emperor, don't worry, this kid will not be weaker than Xiaowu."

"Then I'm relieved." Han Yan felt relieved.

Since that was the case, he was less worried.

"Which one of you is going to fight him?" Han Yan looked behind him.

The many evildoers who had just died down suddenly raised their eyes and looked at the handsome man who was walking slowly towards the ring.

"Boy, are you also Lin Fan's apprentice?"

At that moment, someone asked a question.

Xiao Nuo was startled, then laughed, and said, "You can think so."

"Oh? Then you are Xiao Wu's junior brother?"

Someone else asked.

Xiao Nuo nodded again: "He did get started earlier than me."

"Ha ha."

Someone laughed, and their eyes were full of ferocity.

It is true that he can't beat Xiao Wu, so beheading his junior brother should be a no-brainer.

"I'll kill you!"

A king didn't say much to the crowd, he flew into the air and rushed towards the ring.

His gait technique is so special, walking in the void, it flickers and disappears, appearing in the direction of his brother from time to time, making people confused.

"False saints."

Someone sighed.

Just by looking at this psychedelic pace, one can know whose sect this person came from.

It should be said that this is the only king-level evildoer who is not accompanied by a master.

Xu Sheng, no one dares to underestimate him, 110 years ago, he reached the peak of Lindi, and after 110 years, he never appeared in the world.

I am struggling to find an opportunity to break the sage and become the emperor.

There were even rumors that he had been sanctified long ago.

At this time, his apprentice unexpectedly appeared, and, judging by the psychedelic pace, he has already got at least five points of Xu Sheng's popularity, which is extremely remarkable.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Xiao Nuo commented that this step technique is really extraordinary, even more mysterious than the World Disillusionment Step passed to him by Lin Fan after deduction and proficiency.

"Is it just not bad? You are really arrogant in this field."

The saintly disciples were clearly still a hundred feet east, but this voice suddenly sounded from the back of Xiao Nuo's head.

Even at this moment, Xiao Nuo could still feel the hot breath of the imaginary saint's breath on his neck.

"One step and one disillusionment, the end of the world is within the reach of one's feet."

Someone whispered.

This is Xu Shengzhang's technique and method to run rampant in the world.

Killing is hard to prevent.

And Xu Sheng is also the third killer of the seventh world.


The cold words spit out from the mouth of Xu Sheng's disciple, and a scarlet dagger appeared in his hand, it was only about a foot long, but it was as if soaked in blood and had just been taken out, it was dazzlingly red.


The short sword of the disciple of the void pierced through Xiao Nuo's eyebrows and came out through his brain.

"How vulnerable, Lin Fan's orthodoxy is nothing more than that."

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