The faces of many big figures in the Seventh Realm were extremely embarrassing.

They came here almost like a whole world of monsters.

The result was that the group of evildoers they selected were dim in front of that person, and they couldn't even arouse their fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

What a disappointment.

However, this also made Dehuang and the others more determined to kill Lin Fan.

Otherwise, after Lin Fan truly became the Great Sage, he would definitely be able to kill many saints on his own, and if the Great Sage proclaimed himself emperor, and became the Empress of the Heavenly Emperor, then what would happen to these emperors?

"Boring." Lin Fan whispered.

At this time, he was not showing off, but really felt lonely.

In this world of heaven and man, Lin Long is the only person who is like him, and the rest cannot be compared at all.

But Lin Long and him were originally one.

He understood the truth that the heights are too cold.

The high place, on behalf of, is indeed lonely.

Walking off the ring, he still stepped on everyone's heads, but who dared to say more?

"Master is mighty."

Xiao Wu bowed.

Lin Fan looked at him: "I hope you will also take this road, this is a different scenery."

Xiao Wu bowed again: "Master will not be disappointed."

Lin Fan nodded, and then looked at Tongtian: "The battle of the holy way is won, let's continue the battle of the king."


This should have been a great thing.

But Brother Tongtian, he couldn't be happy no matter what.

But after all, their status and status don't allow them to mess around, and they need to maintain some appearances.

Taking a deep breath, Tongtian walked out, looked at Hanba, and said, "Emperor Zhan, you win, Jihad, we win, it's a draw."

Hanba nodded: "Indeed."

Tong Tian said: "Then the next round will determine the outcome. After the king's battle, if our world wins, I hope you will keep your promise, or you will bear the consequences."

Hanba laughed, noncommittal.

Tong Tian frowned slightly; then he opened it and said, "Which one of you will come first?"


Xiao Wu and Xiao Nuo both took a step forward at the same time, wanting to be the first to join the battle.

There was joy in Tong Tian's eyes.

so positive?

Is this a rush to die?

Voice transmission: "Emperor Hanba, how about making a deal?"

A sneer flashed in Han Yan's eyes, and he also said via voice transmission: "You really hope that the Celestial Realm will lose?"

Tong Tian snorted coldly: "One victory or defeat is irrelevant, if you can eradicate the enemy in your heart, everything is worth it."

Han Yan chuckled: "Let's make a deal, unlike you, I very much hope that my world can win."

Then, he looked towards the saint camp.

Because, he sensed a lot of surging fighting spirit.

Those are the personal disciples brought by many saints in the camp of saints.

"Which one of you will come first?" Han Yan asked with a smile.


The same can't wait, the same is scrambling.

Hanba frowned.

After a while, I knew why these kings were so impatient.

It must be that their master was humiliated by Lin Fan, so they wanted to represent their master and fight against Lin Fan's disciples.

Is this a battle of ethics?

"I ask the emperor to give me a chance to bring back the heads of Lin Fan's disciples."

A very young king spoke, and there was a yellow horn between his eyebrows.

The other kings also opened their mouths to fight for this opportunity.

This made Xiao Wu's eyes cold.

Are they so impatient because they are afraid that he will be killed in the first battle, so they won't be able to prove themselves?

"Stop arguing, I will kill you all by myself today."

Xiao Wu was extremely cold.

"Brother Wu, I should represent you in the unification war." Xiao Nuo said.

"Wrong, they are looking for me, Master's apprentice." Xiao Wu said.

"Xiao Nuo, let your little Wu brother fight, five years later, it will be your time to show off your power." Lin Fan said.

Xiao Nuo was startled, but still respectfully said yes.

Xiao Wu stepped into the arena, his eyes were cold and stern, and the rotten halberd in his hand was full of murderous aura. He pointed at the kings of the Seventh Realm and shouted: "Who will send you to death!"


A king finally won the first place, so overjoyed that he soared into the sky.

"What's the name?" The king was very proud, squinting at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu said, "Is the name important?"

The king sneered and said, "Remember, the one who kills you——Hua Sheng!"

"Idiot." Xiao Wu despised.

"call out!"

Frame Sheng was very careless, and without any warning, he directly killed Xiao Wu. The yellow unicorn between his eyebrows released an electric light as thick as a bucket, and slashed at Xiao Wu.

This is very embarrassing.

However, everyone was amazed by his ultimate move.

For a mere king to be able to unleash this kind of racial talent is already very good, and he can be proud of it.

"Pearls of rice grains."

Xiao Wu laughed out loud, the deity didn't move, just stabbed forward with the halberd in his right hand, the thick electric light of the water partner was instantly shattered.

"Playing thunder in front of me?" Xiao Wu laughed loudly.

I saw him pointing his finger at Gao Tian, ​​booming, lead clouds gathered, and a Thunder Snake was dancing wildly among them.

"Ray comes!"

Xiao Wu roared, boom!

Suddenly, endless thunder struck down.

Just like the catastrophe in this life, all eyes are thunder snakes.

"He is also good at the way of thunder?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Only Lin Fan smiled and remained silent.

Xiao Wu's martial soul is the Thunder genus, and with his constant guidance, coupled with the kid's own understanding, the Thunder's comprehension is like a king.

This frame Sheng, wanting to show off the way of thunder in front of Xiao Wu, is indeed a joke.

Slash and kill alive.

This is no joke at all.

After Xiao Wu summoned the Thunder Snake Man Tian, ​​he had already retreated to the edge of the ring, folded his hands, and watched the frame Sheng fight fiercely in the Thunder Snake.

"Frame Sheng."

A figure in the holy realm roared suddenly, he flew up, and was about to step directly into the ring to rescue his beloved disciple.

"When this seat doesn't exist?"

Lin Fan let out a roar, he got up, and stepped on the flying saint.

A huge foot suddenly appeared in the sky, and the flying saint was mounted on the sole of the foot. With a bang, it was directly stepped into the mud layer, to an unknown depth, and only the pungent smell of holy blood rose from the nostrils.

Lin Fan was full of murderous aura.

He shouted: "When you are in the arena, life and death depend on fate. If you can kill my disciples, I will not intervene. But if there are saints who dare to disregard the rules, I will use my sword to kill them!"

This sentence, coupled with the death of a saint with one foot, is really a great threat.


At this moment, Xiao Wu said coldly.

Box Sheng is dead.

He himself belongs to the Leiyun Jingjin Beast Clan.

In the end, he died under the thunder.

Full of sarcasm.

"Wait for me to kill you!"

Another king rushed to the ring.

Xiao Wu frowned: "You can't."

"Really? You won't know until after the battle."

The king sneered.

Another big battle is about to start.

"Then come." Xiao Wu was not afraid at all, with a smile.

The king said: "I want to see if your ability is as powerful as your mouth."

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