Twin martial arts

Chapter 1830 The Imperial War Comes to an End

Lin Fan slowly transforms in the clear spring, he wants to thin the unbreakable barrier of the holy way, so that when he becomes holy, the way breaks free from the flesh, he can understand the heart of heaven, obtain the will of heaven, he can unite with all ways, and really break away from the human level And transcendental.

As for Zhentianguan, the imperial battle is almost over.

The sky is filled with emperor's blood, like a round of falling suns, radiating hot light, bright red, a drop of blood can really fill up mountains and rivers.

This is very frightening, the emperor's blood is hanging down, and the faces of the people under the Tianguan Emperor level are all pale. If there is really emperor's blood falling among them, they will definitely die.

God, what is that?

Even a haircut can flatten a star universe.

Normally Yudi would not have such a particularly terrifying feeling.

When Emperor Wei was imprisoned in the body, the emperor was approachable; but if the emperor's blood flowed out of the emperor's body, it would become a rule to strangle everything.

The Phoenix Empress rose from the sky, and a jade plate appeared in her hand. Nine phoenixes were engraved on the jade plate, which was so lifelike that she actually collected all the emperor's blood falling from the sky into the jade plate.

The emperor's blood entered the jade plate, and the nine phoenix cries engraved on it came alive and broke into the blood beads one after another like the setting sun.

"The Ultimate Weapon of the Phoenix Clan!"

"Is this the Nine Phoenix Plate?"

"According to the legend, this is Feng Zu's warrior, Zhan Tian of Zeng Chi!"

"Big chance, big chance!"

Some people are envious.

My god, my whole body is full of treasures.

This statement may seem disrespectful.

But it's actually a fact.

Someone who picks up the hair of an emperor-level figure to make sacrifices and prayers can become a supreme holy soldier.

Someone picked up the remnant bones left by the emperor-level figures after they turned into Taoism, so that they can pay homage and pray, and they can become warriors and heavenly objects that crush everything.

What's more, it's the emperor's blood flowing out from the emperor's Taoists who are not dead.

If it can dissipate the murderous aura in the emperor's blood, it is simply a great tonic, and life and death are just waiting for the flesh and bones.


At this moment, there was a mournful roar from the distant outer space, shaking many stars and rocks to fall down, suppressing Tianguan, and a meteor shower began.

An emperor has fallen.

He is from the Ling family.

He was the third ancestor of the Ling family, and he was an emperor himself, but the emperor of the seventh realm who was also an emperor killed the emperor's soul with the magic knife in his hand.


"Old Ancestor"

The members of the Ling family cried and howled.

Ling Tian suddenly slumped on the ground as if all his strength had been drained.

Because, this dead distant ancestor is the reliance of his branch.

At this time, this distant ancestor died, and their life would definitely not be too easy.

"You can't! This emperor will kill you!"

Qing Emperor's roar sounded.

It just makes the bones tremble and the scalp tingles.

You know, the one who fought against the Qing Emperor was the Emperor.

Could it be that the Qing Emperor is going to kill the Emperor today?

Another emperor fell.

This is of course a big deal.

But the fallen emperor is just the first mirror of the emperor's way, an emperor of the Bi family, who was ignited with runes by Han Yan, and burned in the sky, without even a trace of bones.

Of course, the emperors of the eleven clans who were respected by the devil were all crippled and dead, and none of them survived.

The emperor's war is over.

Strictly speaking, the top emperors on both sides did not suffer any major losses.

How many imperial figures such as Phoenix Lord can look around the two worlds?

People like this really stood at the top of the world.

You must know that among the two worlds, there are only two emperors facing the gods.

But in comparison, the Celestial Realm suffered a greater loss, losing twelve emperors, while the Seventh Realm lost eight people.

The phoenix master is still the same as before, as if the battle with the Demon Emperor was nothing, and the Demon Emperor is also normal, still covered by the mist.

"He is very strong, the seventh realm, if there is really someone who has broken the realm of the emperor, maybe it is him."

The Phoenix Lord sighed and looked at the Phoenix Queen.

Why doesn't he want to kill the Demon Emperor?

But that cost too much.

Unless he is holding an ultimate weapon, but, as a disciple of the Demon King, wouldn't the Demon Emperor have an ultimate weapon in his hands?

Empress Huang frowned.

Fengzhu said: "He is really extraordinary, he has crossed two realms in just a hundred years; I can indeed suppress him now, but when it comes to killing him, it is almost impossible."

Empress Huang nodded.

There are also hidden worries in my heart.

If there is another demon-like figure in the Seventh Realm, it will be really a catastrophe.

But different from Fengzhu and others, Qingdi and Huang are both in dilapidated bodies, with the emperor's blood soaking their clothes.

The imperial war is over.

Tong Tian's face was gloomy.

Tianhong's face is also not looking good.

The emperor-level figure is Dinghaishenzhen.

If the World Destroyer War really happened, it would be people at this level who would be competing. The battle in the world of cultivators is too different from the secular world, and the number of people is far from being comparable to the number of top cultivators.

The Demon Emperor spoke lightly, and he looked at Tianhong: "Jihad."

Tianhong narrowed his eyes slightly, scanned Tongtian, and said via voice transmission: "Is Ao Qin here?"

Tong Tian's face became even uglier.

Said: "The last time Ao Qin fought here, he got a chance. After returning, he has been retreating until now, in order to break through the holy realm, and he still hasn't left the customs until now."

Tianhong's face changed slightly.

Tongtian continued: "I have already sent several waves of people to invite them, but they were all stopped by the guards of the Dragon Clan."

Tianhong's expression changed again.

There is no such peerless evildoer as Ao Qin and Lin Fan. In the jihad, they have a high probability of losing.

Looking at the Demon Emperor coldly: "Jihad, tomorrow will begin."

The Demon Emperor sneered: "Is delaying time useful?"

"The rules are like this." Tianhong said coldly.

"It's up to you." The Demon Emperor smiled lightly.

On both sides, flags and drums died down.

But tomorrow's jihad, how to fight?

This is a big question that hangs in the hearts of everyone in the world of heaven and man.

After all, among the saints who followed the Seventh Realm this time, too many are top-notch monsters.

Compared with this group of people, the former Huang Ni, Huang Tian, ​​etc. are really far behind.

And what about the battle of kings?

At that time, how to fight?

In the world of heaven and man, since Lin Fan became a saint, there has never been a king who can amaze the past and the present, and the seventh world is as strong as a cloud.

Could it be that the Celestial and Human Realm will lose all three battles?

If all three battles are lost.

The blow to morale was too great.

Perhaps, at that time, the world of heaven and man will really encounter a catastrophe.

"Brother, I will personally go to the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters. No matter what, I must invite Ao Qin to come." Tong Tian gritted his teeth.

This is the only way.

"Don't go." Tianhong lowered his eyes, and then looked at Tian Xiner beside him: "You go."

Tian Xin'er was startled, then smiled happily: "Okay."

Tianhong nodded and said: "You are not too young. If he is interested, it is a good choice. It is much better than Li Zhu."

Tian Xin'er led a hunting team and hurried to the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

In fact, the so-called Ao Qin, of course, did not retreat.

It's just because Lin Fan is undergoing transformation at this time, so he is also transforming.

At this time, he has become one with Lin Fan, experiencing everything in the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan.

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