Tongtian's eyes were very cold, with a poisonous brilliance, and his whole body was filled with evil spirit, which condensed into a black mist.

The smog shrouded him away, making it hard for people to see his true nature. Only those eyes that were shining with venomous brilliance could allow people to perceive the boundless murderous intent through the smog.

Send them to die.

This is what Tongtian wants to do the most at this time. It is really unforgivable that two or three kittens dare to confront the funds again and again.

"Emperor, let's fight."

Emperor Qing sighed, he walked out and looked at the emperor with rascal in his eyes.

Because, in this place, there are only two or three people who can fight this emperor.

The phoenix master is naturally counted as one, and the second is the phoenix empress.

But these two, even if they really came out to fight, they probably wouldn't try their best.

Lord Phoenix raised his eyebrows, he glanced at Emperor Qing, and then withdrew his gaze.

Stepping out, he looked at another big figure in the seventh world, he was the apprentice of the demon king: "Demon Emperor, let's fight."

"Hehe." The Demon Emperor came with a chuckle, as if dark clouds covered the sky and the earth, pulsating with his footsteps, the sun gradually sank to the west, this bright world dimmed, a round of magic sun was dim, and there was a black light shining everywhere. The Demon Emperor rose behind him.

Phoenix Lord looked dignified.

This demon king is indeed too great, he is worthy of being the apprentice of the demon king, his every move can affect the time of day.

"Aren't you afraid that the Phoenix Clan will have no master?" The Demon Emperor asked with a smile.

The Phoenix Lord's face was expressionless, and he glanced at the Demon Emperor indifferently: "Let's fight."

He challenged again.

Strictly speaking, he belongs to the same generation as the gods and the demon king, and the demon emperor belongs to his junior, so he will naturally not argue with the demon emperor.

One after another, the emperors stepped out, each chose their opponents, and flew into the void hundreds of millions of meters away to fight.

Hundreds of millions of feet is already a high place that even the saints are temporarily unable to reach.

Nervously waiting.

In the battle of emperors, how many emperors will die in blood?

The ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan.

In the magma sea.

Lin Fan's body was finally regenerated, and he was no longer a skeleton. At this moment, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the tumbling magma sea, swallowing the four directions of fire essence and absorbing the eight directions of essence.

What is certain is that the Kunpeng method raging in his body has been eliminated, and all injuries from the battle with Zhuifeng have healed.

It's just that he didn't know why he didn't wake up until now.

The phantom figure above the magma sea looked at Lin Fan with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

Of course he knows his means.

Even now, he is not even a remnant soul, but at least he has reached the peak of this world, which is a taboo existence.

However, his tempering method is definitely not something that ordinary emperors can withstand.

What's more, at this moment, Lin Fan is only a saint.

"Thank you senior."

At this moment, apart from the penetrating sound of magma tumbling, Lin Fan's voice sounded in the extremely silent space.

Lin Fan woke up, full of vigor and high spirits, he stood up and saluted the phantom figure as a token of his gratitude.

"No need." The phantom figure said, looking at Lin Fan: "Your barriers of the holy way are too thick, if you continue like this, you will really die under the calamity of the holy way."

Lin Fan was silent.

He knew it was a fact.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that his barriers to the holy way were really too thick, cutting across the path of Yasheng and Sheng like a moat, after so many days, he should have broken the mirror and become a real saint. .

However, he actually had great fear in his heart.

This is a kind of throbbing from the depths of the soul, a prediction of the disaster that will surely happen in the future.

If he really takes a step, tearing open the thick barriers of the holy way and having a chance of becoming a saint, then the day when hope rises is the day of his death.

"This time, when you enter the ancestral land, the person who sent you into it should not only hope that you will simply eliminate the injuries." The phantom figure spoke again.

Then he smiled: "I once said that I also really want to watch a great sage rise."

"Senior, please help me." Lin Fan cupped his fists and bowed.

"Go, soak in this stock solution pool, maybe you can solve your troubles." The phantom figure smiled.

He raised his hand, and a clear spring appeared, and a faint fragrance rose from the clear spring.

This delicate fragrance penetrated into his bone marrow, making his whole body warm, as if his whole body and bones were soaked in the extraordinary fluid.

Taking a deep breath, the fragrance penetrated into his body, and it actually dyed Lin Fan's whole body into a radiant glow.

What kind of liquid is this? It's so terrifying. Just smelling this fragrance can make his holy body feel extremely comfortable, and all the cells in his body are moaning comfortably.

"Junior, be careful, this is a great medicine, and there are many poisons of heavenly grade in it, even the emperor of Linshen can't bear it." The phantom figure warned.

This made Lin Fan wake up from that comfort.

He has the Mysterious Medicine Book, and he has already sensed it in this pure spring-like liquid with only a rough perception.

With incredible formulas and medicines, if there is no God who synthesized the medicinal properties with great mana, let alone a mere saint, even if it is an emperor who comes to the gods, I am afraid that life and death will disappear in the first place , nothing left.

His eyes are serious.

The fragrant and smoky clear spring is really like the Tianchi Lake located above the nine heavens, it looks extremely beautiful and moving, but this is a great difficulty, it is tempering, and all the good things are just appearances.

He waded through the sea of ​​lava, and slowly stepped into the clear spring. The 'spring water' covered the back of his feet. Without knowing it, he lost both soles of his feet.

But there was no pain, it was as if the clear spring swallowed his feet the moment he set foot on them.

Continuing to step in, Lin Fan actually got shorter and shorter; when he reached the middle of the clear spring, there was only one head floating in it.

In fact, the so-called shortness is just an appearance. The truth is that his body, except for the head, was immediately purified by this clear spring.

But the strange thing is that even though Lin Fan could clearly feel that every inch of his body was being swallowed and purified, he really couldn't feel even a little pain. This kind of scene really makes the scalp tingle.

It was my own body, but I felt like someone who had nothing to do with me, without the slightest bit of pain or fear; this feeling made my scalp tingle.

The head floated on the clear spring, really drifting with the current. The colorless and transparent clear spring was green and full of vitality at some point. This vibrant green luster had purple-brown fireworks.

The fireworks looked very gentle, but with the breeze blowing, the flames rolled out of the clear spring, and turned all the magma into nothingness.

Lin Fan watched all this happen quietly, unable to stop it, he could only passively wait for the purple-brown flame to wrap his drifting head away.

What kind of flame is this?

It doesn't seem to be one of the known fires in this world, but it seems to be stronger than the known fires, and it is many times more terrifying than the real fire of Samadhi.

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