Twin martial arts

Chapter 1831 The odds are high and low

It is also doomed that Tian Xiner's trip was in vain.

Transformation is cruel, but very effective. At least at this moment, Lin Fan felt that the barrier between the sub-sage and the sage in front of him had become much thinner, as if he could pierce it with a single finger. break.

Of course, this is just a description. Even if you have this intuition, you still need an opportunity to become a saint.

If the opportunity comes, maybe he can become a saint in an instant.

If the opportunity is not met, it may take a hundred years to waste.

Tian Xin'er was so angry that her stomach hurt.

Who is she?

The only daughter of the gods.

In this heaven-human world, there will never be another woman with a higher status than her.

However, she couldn't enter the secret room.

She was so angry that she wanted to kill.

However, she was here to invite someone to fight, so she could only wait quietly.


When the sun rises and the moon sets, it is another dawn.

Today, the two worlds will wage a jihad!

But the person that Brother Tongtian had been looking forward to for a long time did not come.

Jihad, there are too many chances to lose.

This made the two brothers Tongtian and Tianhong extremely gloomy.

Tongtian looked at Tianhong with an ugly expression, and asked, "Brother, what should I do?"

"As usual." Tianhong took a deep breath: "Heaven and Human Realm, you can die, but you can't avoid the battle. If you avoid the war, it will hurt our morale more than dying in battle."

"Tianhong, do you have any candidates for the battle?"

The Hanba came, and an emperor personally came to call for battle.

Murderous intent flashed in Tianhong's eyes, and his body dispersed slightly, leaving only a vivid phantom standing in place, and he had already reached the top of the city by himself.

The two places are separated by ten miles, but to the emperor, it is only a few steps away.

Tianhong came, and stared at Hanba coldly, but saw Hanba taunting: "Don't look at me like this, I am very displeased with your eyes, if you really don't accept it, then let's fight."

Tianhong's eyes became colder, and he said: "There will be opportunities in the future."

"Really?" Hanba sneered.

But at this moment, Huang's voice sounded: "Are you planning to avoid it for another day?"

"Hmph." Tongtian snorted coldly, following Tianhong's footsteps, and said coldly: "If you want to fight, then fight."

Huang laughed, but did not speak.

With his identity and cultivation base, even if Tongtian is the son of the god, there is no need to care.

Tong Tian's cold eyes swept over, but he inadvertently saw the Phoenix clan stationed in a long section of the city.

Afterwards, he saw the group of people who confronted him yesterday.

At the moment, his face became more serious.

A malevolent gleam appeared in the eyes.

This battle is destined to be lost, but it doesn't matter, he will send these bastards to die.

"Senior Phoenix Lord." Tong Tian said.

Lord Feng glanced at him coldly. Naturally, he knew what Tongtian meant. He looked at Li Guang and others, and said via voice transmission: "Are you sure you are going to fight? It is very dangerous. If you avoid the battle at this time, the emperor will take care of you." Be safe and wait.”

All eyes are on Wujian.

Wujian smiled sassyly, and stepped forward: "Since His Highness has an invitation, then I will go to the appointment."

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to have a hint of a smile, and said: "Very good, if you can win, I will give you a big reward."

Wu Jian walked step by step, and asked with a smile, "I wonder what your Highness is planning to reward?"

A ray of brilliance emerged from Tong Tian's eyes, and said: "Nine-turn elixir, emperor-level secret art, you can choose."

Surprise appeared in Wujian's eyes.

It's really worth it.

Tong Tian kept looking at Wu Jian who was walking slowly, and asked abruptly, "What is the relationship between Lin Fan and you?"

Wu Jian smiled and said, "Brother, it's the kind that can replace life and death."

"Understood." Murderous intent flashed across Tong Tian's eyes, and then he looked back at Han Yan: "He is the No. 1 pick in this world."

Han Yan's heart suddenly tightened.

This damn.

Who is this?

It turned out to be Lin Fan's life and death brother?

Oh my god.

If this kid died in the battle he presided over, what would Lin Fan do to him in the future?

Thinking about it makes Lingling shudder.

At the same time, Tongtian voice transmission: "Emperor Hanba, if you can kill him, I will give you a generous gift."

There was surprise in Hanba's eyes.

Looking at Tongtian in disbelief.

But Tong Tian nodded slightly.

Being able to be given a generous gift by Tongtian also means that the reward he is going to give is definitely not small.

However, this business cannot be done.

dare not do it.

In the war between the two worlds, even if the soldiers are in danger, there are still gamblers who are betting heavily.

They dare not fight on the battlefield of the emperor level.

Just because doing that would be considered a provocation to them by the emperor.

However, they don't care about the holy battlefield.

Just like this time.

When the candidates for both parties are determined, the betting has already begun.

This gamble is manipulated by Tongtian.

Under his instructions, Wu Jian became an idiot-like character, with short-sighted eyes and no skills, but he just likes to pretend to be aggressive everywhere.

Under the exaggeration of many people, Wujian will lose this battle. It seems that as soon as Wujian steps into the ring, he will be directly hacked to death.

Then, the odds of Wu Jian winning are extremely high, one to thirty.

That is to say, if you cast [-] top-quality spirit stones, Wujian wins. If Wujian really wins, then you can win [-] top-quality spirit stones.

On the other hand, the fighter in the seventh realm is also a genius, but his reputation is indeed many times greater than that of Wujian, and he belongs to the kind that can be called famous in both realms.

Then, his odds of winning are extremely low.

Thirty to one!

Throw in thirty top-grade primordial stones, and if you win, you can only get one top-grade primordial stone.

The subordinates came to Fuer to report.

Tongtian sighed.

There is no way to do this, who made Lin Fan, a brother, be a nobody?Don't even know the name at all.

People in the world, it's not easy to lie.

But fortunately, according to the summary of the news from his subordinates, there are still many people who wished for a miracle, and placed heavy bets on Wu Jian, betting that he would win.

Calculated in this way, he still makes a profit, although at most it is about 80 million top-grade primordial stones, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

Naturally, Phoenix Lord couldn't hide all this, and Tong Tian didn't want to hide it either.

Hanba naturally knew about it.

Then, the two emperors both placed the most terrifying heavy bets. Of course, they used various secret means to bet. They were divided into thousands of people to buy the bets. It doesn't attract attention at all.

The so-called primordial stones are just appetizers, and there are many treasures, such as the second-level mother gold, or various rare treasures and so on.

The sum of the bets placed by the two emperors would definitely be able to arm a legion.

All day alert.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a reason to lose.

The point is, when he looked at Hanba, Hanba gave him a reassuring look, and even discussed with him what kind of gift he would give him.

Therefore, the originally vigilant heart was paralyzed.

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