Twin martial arts

Chapter 1824 Transformation and Catastrophe

It didn't embarrass him.

When he was forced to separate from him at that time, it happened to be the trough of his life, and in the blink of an eye, more than 100 years passed like this.

In the past, the young man who still needed his own wings to protect him turned out to be the ultimate figure who could torture and kill the Holy Emperor.

How much has he suffered for so many years?

That group of people made him miss a very important moment.

The Mozun remained silent, lost in some thoughts.

The many heroic figures who came to ask for the battle did not dare to say more, they folded their fists and bent down to wait.

In the palace, a needle can be heard, and there is a depressing atmosphere that makes people almost suffocate.

After a long time, Mozun raised his eyes: "Then you guys go."

The emperor's eyes burst into light: "Don't worry, Mo Zunqing, he will definitely not fall into the prestige of my world."

The Demon Lord seemed to smile: "Remember, you have to beat them to the pain first, and then they will be obedient."

"As ordered."

Bloodthirsty killing intent appeared in everyone's eyes.

Soon, a strange smile appeared in Mozun's eyes, and he said casually: "It is said that the eleven clans including the Bi family and the Jin family in the world of heaven and man have developed too fast in the past hundred years.

It needs to be contained; otherwise, in the next war between the two worlds, I don't know how many people from this world will die tragically at the hands of these ethnic groups. "

The emperor's pupils shrank.

This is the first time Mozun called names, the Celestials and Humans.

These eleven clans are so terrifying?

It turned out to be a monster that people like Mozun should worry about?

"The lower ranks understand that these eleven clans will be our key targets for this expedition."

Huang and the others spoke again.

Demon Venerable nodded slightly: "Go."

Everyone bows and retreats.

The strange smile in Mozun's eyes became stronger, and he murmured: "You kid should be thinking about these eleven clans, right?"

Outside the Demon Palace.

"Call the generals! There are millions of heavenly soldiers, stepping down the Tianguan Pass!"

The emperor opened his mouth, his eyes were sharp, and the glory of the emperor's realm rose up.

The battle drums were rumbling, all the generals arrived, and the million-strong army, it took less than an hour to lighten up.

The demon king and the demon queen have been hiding in the sky, looking at the gathering of generals below.

"You passed, I said, this will interfere with his established trajectory."

Mozun helplessly looked at his wife beside him.

"Hmph, Bengong can't be as heartless as you."

The queen snorted coldly.

Mozun frowned, and then sighed helplessly: "This time he is going to the Seventh Realm, you must not pay too much attention to him, otherwise with that kid's intelligence, you will definitely find out the clues. At that time, some things, I'm afraid"

"Of course I can save it. Some things are not ready for him to touch." The Demon Empress glanced at the Demon Venerable coldly: "It's just that this is the world of my palace. Whoever dares to let him die, I will let him die." Who will exterminate the race."

After saying this, the queen disappeared for a moment.

After returning to this world, the major general who had been in seclusion all the time was summoned to Mozun Palace at night.

In fact, I didn't stay there for long, at most it was just a cup of tea.

It's just that when the major general, who was fearless and fearless this day, walked out of Mozun's palace, he was trembling with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

He was speechless and asked the sky.

This kind of difficulty is a burden that is not flattering at all. Why doesn't this Queen find someone else?

And when the Seventh Realm rioted because of Lin Fan, Lin Fan was still in the ancestral hall.

This has been his No.18 day in it.

He was even weaker, his face was as yellow as wax paper, like an old cultivator, dying again at this moment, like a candle in the wind, which may die at any time.

Eighteen days is a long time.

Lin Fan was still coughing up blood.

However, what was coughed up was no longer golden blood, but scarlet.

"Are you so persistent just to continue your life?"

Just when Lin Fan felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, an old voice sounded in his soul sea.

Lin Fan's eyelids trembled slightly.

Finally, have you gained anything?

He really couldn't bear it anymore.

Is this the king who pays off?

There was no rush to answer; instead, he pondered for a long time.

A weak voice sounded: "No, this junior has never been afraid of death."

"Oh? Then you knelt here for eighteen years, not to save your life, but why?"

The old voice sounded again.

"For the sake of the people around me, I can't die. If I die, too many people will die because of me. The hatred on my shoulders is huge. If I die like this, the younger generation will not be willing." Lin Fan replied.

"You have too much obsession; too much hatred, you have the tendency to become a demon." There seemed to be a trace of regret in this old voice.

"Demon?" Lin Fan smiled: "What is a demon? A Buddha or a demon is just a moment of thought. As far as I am concerned, as long as I can protect what I want to protect, I don't care if I become a demon or a Buddha."


The old voice scolded.

But suddenly surprised: "Why do you have the breath of that girl who came here last time? Hey, it's not only, it's still far away"

Lin Fan frowned.

There is no end to this sentence.

The second half of the sentence was cut off.

The 'that girl' mentioned by the old voice must refer to Le Yao.

So, who is the other one?

Lin Fan frowned even deeper.

Suddenly, he remembered that the person whose old voice hadn't finished speaking was supposed to be Snow Beauty.

"Forget it, forget it, become a Buddha and become a demon, and the old man can't see anymore. It's just a ray of delusion to survive until now. Since you have a predestined relationship with the Phoenix Clan, you have been fulfilled."

Afterwards, among the many spiritual tablets in the offering, the tallest one suddenly became generous and radiant, and an unparalleled suction force came from it, as if it directly sucked Lin Fan into it.

The world is spinning, as if experiencing a hundred generations, as if wandering in a different time and space, exiled in two worlds.

When Lin Fan's soles landed on the ground, there was a burning smell accompanied by green smoke rising from the soles of his feet.

This shocked him!

You know, he was sanctified in the flesh.

Although his life was in danger at this time, the strength of his flesh body was still not weakened much, even ordinary holy artifacts could not damage his flesh body.

But at this time, it was unimaginable to be scorched and injured by the high temperature on the ground.

And in front of him, an illusory figure appeared. Although this figure was illusory, when he stepped into the boiling magma sea, the boiling magma sea that was more than ten thousand hectares unexpectedly calmed down instantly.

"I know their intentions. It's a small thing to let you come to survive this calamity. It's important to make your holy barriers thinner." This phantom figure is the one who spoke out earlier.

Lin Fan said: "Senior is a lesson learned."

The man laughed and said, "Great Sage, it's hard to come out in thousands of generations. This god is also very curious. In the era of my god, hundreds of schools competed for the hegemony, but not one appeared."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank!


This illusory figure turned out to be a god!

"Go, jump into the magma sea, live and die with confidence, live, survive the ordeal, you will get everything you want, if you can't survive, you will be here, with the old and dead bones."

The phantom figure turned its palm slightly, and Lin Fan was photographed into the magma sea without any ability to resist.

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