Twin martial arts

Chapter 1823 Entering the Ancestral Land

Lin Fan never knew what methods and methods Lin Long would use to persuade the people of the Dragon Clan to show kindness to the Phoenix Clan who had already left the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

At this time Lin Fan finally knew.

This Lin Long didn't try hard to persuade, but told the facts, made sense, and directly expressed the worries in his heart.

This is the best way.

I don't know how many times better than hard persuasion.

Lin Fan knew in his heart that after he separated Lin Long from his body, Lin Long actually belonged to another person; he should have his own life.

Therefore, when he praised Lin Long, he was silent, but it was true.

Not far ahead is the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan.

This place is amazing, it looks like the cliff of the sky, the red land spreads to this place, and ends abruptly, the front looks like a fault between the sky and the earth, dense with darkness, there is infinite chaos filling this place, but it gives people a sense of nothingness.

Arriving here, many dragon masters who came to protect Lin Fan all left.

Just because the ancestral land of one clan is top secret, and other clans are not allowed to set foot there.

"Husband, I have only entered the ancestral land once. It is very dangerous and beyond any expectation. I don't understand it. I can only say one thing, follow your heart." Le Yao looked at Lin Fan worriedly.

Lin Fan smiled: "Don't worry."

The worry in Le Yao's eyes has not weakened in the slightest, but when he looked back, his eyes were firmly replaced.

She took out a gorgeous key, which looked like gold and non-gold, like jade and non-jade, blooming with immeasurable light, and there were phoenixes and phoenixes dancing in the immeasurable light, which was very wonderful.

Lin Fan watched, at this moment, Le Yao was shrouded in immeasurable light, and those phoenixes and phoenixes hovered around her, making her look extremely beautiful, like a fairy in the dust.

Chanting the mysterious incantation, Lin Leyao seemed to have exhausted all her spirit and soul, she was very pious, she opened her hands in an embrace, and the key flew out like a flaming phoenix bird.


The emptiness in front of him stirred up waves, and the fragrance wafted through his nostrils.

This surprised Lin Fan.

He originally thought that the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan must be full of flames, and the sea of ​​flames gushes everywhere, but he can peep through the waves; it is like a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and it is like a paradise.

It was really unexpected.

Finally, the fault disappeared, and the red land continued to spread for thousands of miles, but it stopped abruptly a hundred miles ahead, and was replaced by lush greenery and plants.

These plants decorate nothingness and render the red land.

Among the lush greenery, there is a tall ancestral hall, mighty and imposing.

All the members of the Phoenix Clan here knelt on one knee and transformed into wings, as if they were performing an ancient ceremony.

"My husband is like an ancestral hall. If you worship devoutly, whether there will be a great encounter or not, you can rely on fate, you can't force it." Lin Leyao whispered.

"Okay; I understand."

Lin Fan took a deep breath.

The Golden Dragon Emperor had told him that when he had just been sanctified in the flesh.

Sanctifying the body first is a big taboo for him who wants to take the path of the great sage.

Just because the body is sanctified first, if you want the Tao to also be sanctified, then the barriers of the Tao will be stronger. At that time, the Tao will not be able to break free from the cage of the flesh body, will not be in harmony with the heart of heaven, and will not be able to understand the will of heaven, and may die tragically under the holy calamity .

This is the worry of the Golden Dragon Emperor, but the Phoenix Lord once said that the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan has the hope of changing all this.

Now it seems that this hope is not that simple at all.

Everything depends on chance.

The Xuanbing coffin floated up and moved forward.

Every time the Xuanbing Coffin takes a step forward, the scene within a step distance will change drastically.

After the Xuanbing Coffin completely disappeared, this place returned to its original state, and it seemed to be at the end of the sky again.

"Pray to heaven, may everything go well with your husband." Lin Leyao prayed sincerely.

In the ancestral land.

Lin Fan walked with difficulty. He was injured too badly in the battle with Chasing the Wind, especially in the later battle to frighten the enemies and push the valley to the limit, which hurt Dao Ji even more.

At this time, every time he took a step, golden blood would overflow from the corner of his mouth.

The ancestral hall was enshrined with the spirit cards of the great powers of the Phoenix clan in the past dynasties, and when he was still standing outside the ancestral hall, there was a terrifying pressure, which made it even more difficult for Lin Fan, who was already faltering, to move.

After struggling, he walked into the ancestral hall and knelt on the futon.

He is not a member of the Phoenix clan, so he doesn't know what to do, he just remembers Lin Leyao's words to him and sticks to his heart.

As time passed, Lin Fan became weaker and weaker.

In a blink of an eye, eight days have passed.

For the past eight days, Lin Fan has maintained a devout posture, without moving a muscle.

It's boring.

But for Lin Fan, it was a rare tranquility. If he hadn't suffered too much injury and was constantly intruded by pain, it would be a good place for cultivation.

The ninth day.

tenth day.


It has always been like this, and there is no abnormality.

seventh world.

It is different from the name of Ao Qin that is widely spread in the world of heaven and man.

People in the Seventh Realm have only been known by the name of Lin Fan in recent days.

They all hated him.

Especially those extremely powerful families who participated in the battle against evildoers, they gritted their teeth at Lin Fan, wishing to eat his flesh raw.

It's just because the major general didn't hide anything, and explained the root cause of why all the people in the seventh realm were completely wiped out.

Of course, this is also the Queen's attention.

"Tsk tsk, a boy with a sanctified body is actually the chief culprit who caused the extinction of many monsters in this world. It is simply unforgivable."

This voice came from a palace, and it was gloomy.

He is the only apprentice of the demon king.

The Zhufeng who was killed was his apprentice.

"Damn it! Go and capture him to my world, this emperor will kill him [-] times!"

A roar sounded from the luxurious palaces not far from Mozun Palace, and the trembling mountains trembled.

"Go, go, no matter what method is used, if the emperor wants that kid, he doesn't care even if it triggers a war between the two worlds."

"Son, you died a miserable death, don't worry, father will avenge you."

"Kill, kill to the world of heaven and man, and chop that Lin Fan who deserves to be killed a thousand times!"

The crowd is passionate.

Everyone wants to kill Lin Fan.

It's just because the monsters of the Seventh Realm who participated in the war this time all have great backgrounds, and they all have high status in the family, and they are all raised as successors.

But at this time, these people are all dead.

Roaring, roaring, has been in the core area of ​​the seventh world.

In the palace of Mozun.

"Supreme Demon Lord, we petition to kill to the world of heaven and man."

The emperor, who resembled the uncle of the country, spoke.

He is Huang Ni's biological father.

Mozun looked at it: "The emperor and the two worlds are fighting, and the people are dying."

The emperor said: "The supreme demon, I know that it is not the right time, but I am going to kill the heavenly and human world this time, not to start a big war for the truth."

Mozun narrowed his eyes slightly: "For Lin Fan?"


Mozun's apprentice respectfully said: "Master, that mere saint of Lin Fan has killed and injured all the monsters in this world, and even Zhu Feng died tragically in his hands. If he is not captured and killed, how can he be reconciled?"

Mozun was speechless.

This must be her handwriting.

So early, you want to seek for him?

Don't you think it's too early?

However, this kid really shocked himself.

In the realm of saints, a group of saint kings and emperors were killed.

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