Twin martial arts

Chapter 1825 The 7th Realm of Terror

The ear-piercing alarm started from Zhentian Pass.

This is the alarm bell that can only ring when Zhentianguan encounters a life-and-death crisis.

The fault is not life and death, whoever dares to touch this bell will surely be doomed.

Just when the alarm bell of Zhentianguan rang, the entire heaven and man world, no matter what domain it was.

No matter how remote the place is, there are alarm bells ringing at the same time, the sound is life-threatening and soul-inspiring, making people feel confused and tense, and they have to answer the call.

This seems to be a contract embedded in the blood.

The entire celestial and human world knows that there is an accident in the town of Tianguan, a big accident!

"My God, is the seventh world coming to destroy the world?"

A Saint Lindi who was guarding the passage tremblingly spoke.

He sensed that in that channel, there were at least five auras of emperor-level figures, and the aura of these emperor-level figures was not weaker than that of emperors!

The ear-piercing alarms became more intense, making the heart beat with the alarm, as if it was about to jump out of the chest.

"Quickly send out orders, the Seventh Realm will invade wantonly, at least a million, led by at least five emperor-level figures, and among them, there are emperor figures."

His soul was trembling.

It has been more than a hundred years since the gods ordered to guard this place.

For a hundred years, the two worlds have been fighting constantly.

But it was the first time he had encountered the terrifying scene of dispatching millions of troops at once.

Lord Feng and the others were all standing on the city wall with serious faces at this moment, looking towards the passageway with solemn faces.

From which passage, groups of terrifying soldiers poured out.

They are like an army of demons walking out of hell, bringing disaster and death to the human world.


The Phoenix Lord sighed, and he looked at the Phoenix Queen next to him: "Although there is resentment in my heart, this is a war between two worlds. We, the Phoenix Clan, must not lag behind others. Let the warriors prepare for the battle."

The Queen of Phoenix nodded her head and flew back to Zhentian Pass. Then, when she boarded the city wall again, she was wearing a silver battle robe and looked heroic.

The Nirvana Army, the Phoenix Army, and the terrifying Phoenix clan teams all formed a square formation, neatly lined up behind the Phoenix Lord.

Phoenix Lord has a complex expression on his face.

At this moment, he felt ashamed.

If it weren't for him, the Phoenix Clan would not have faced such a frontal attack as they lived in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The Qing people are also preparing for battle.

The Ling family is also preparing for battle.

The same is true for the Tuoba family.

A terrifying legion covered the sky and covered the sun.

The four major families have a total of nearly 30 legions directly under them, but it is far from enough for the million-strong army of the Seventh Realm.

"Phoenix Lord, please put aside your grievances, and we will work together to overcome this calamity first."

Emperor Qing opened his mouth, and he looked at Lord Feng with sincere eyes: "Passing this pass, you will be in the world of flowers and flowers. Apart from this pass, the entire territory of thousands of miles is under the iron hoof of the Seventh Realm. You and I cannot afford this responsibility."

"Don't worry, the emperor knows the severity."

Phoenix Lord also answered solemnly.

There is no mercy in war.

This time, the Seventh Realm went to the Celestial and Human Realm without any delay.

The rule made by the Phoenix Lord is that the four families send out the most powerful people to intercept and kill them before the Seventh Realm has all rushed out of the passage.

This kind of plan is of course very good, and no one refuses to accept it.

But the good times didn't last long. When those brave men who went to intercept were all crushed to death by a big black hand, it meant that the real big shots of the seventh world had made their move!


Blue flames erupted in Qingdi's eyes, and his whole body was full of terrifying aura!

The battle begins directly.

Even the Golden Dragon Emperor had opponents.

His opponent was Huang Tian's father who was beheaded by Lin Fan.

How earth-shattering is an emperor-level battle?

But those were all battles in outer space.

Everyone can only vaguely perceive how terrifying the battlefield is from the big black cracks that appear in the sky from time to time, and the fragments of stars that smash into the ground from time to time.

Shouting and killing.

The Seventh Realm had more than a million troops, besieging and besieging the less than 30 legions of the four major families in Zhentianguan.

The fight is one-sided.

No matter how strong the Nirvana Army is, no matter how fearless the Qingtian Army of the Qing Clan is, it is useless.

"My lord, in the battle between the two worlds, the lives of human beings are ruined, have you seen that the blood left below is the accusation of the souls of the dead!" Qing Emperor was about to burst into tears.

The Qingtian Army was the strongest army of his Qing Clan, but at this moment, in front of a million-strong army, they were slaughtered like grass.

"Ridiculous, war, how can people not die?"

Huang sneered.

He fought with Emperor Qing.


The Golden Dragon Emperor shouted angrily.

Because, he saw, after fighting for a while, the army of the Seventh Realm actually split out an army of at least 50, led by a group of saints who are near the emperor and an emperor, bypassing the Tiantian Pass and heading towards Huahua World!

"It was so sudden! Unexpected, unprepared!"

The emperor of the Ling family was also roaring.

It's useless.

The emperor-level figures who came from the seventh realm were really powerful, at least they were all emperor figures, they were all stopped, and they couldn't do anything to the 50 army that was killing Huahua World.

If one is slightly distracted in the battle at the emperor level, it is really possible for the emperor to fall.

For example, at this time, an emperor of the Qing clan was beheaded by the emperor on the sky with his Taoist thoughts.


It's useless for the Qing Emperor to go crazy, the Emperor is not weaker than him at all!

The heavens cry and the ground regrets.

The emperor fell, the heaven and the earth sympathized, and there was a terrifying vision.

Scarlet rain of blood sprinkled the entire Celestial Realm!

"The emperor died?"

"How cruel is the war? Why did the emperor fall?"

The world of heaven and man shook.

Afterwards, orders from the Celestials and Humans appeared out of thin air in the ancestral halls of the various powerful clans.

This is an ancient contract, engraved in the bloodline inheritance.

According to the order, the strong clans who have reached a contract in ancient times must abide by the order, otherwise the blood will explode and the clan will perish.

The Bi family, the Jin family, the Ci family, etc. immediately summoned the strong and headed towards Zhentian Pass.

Encounters are everywhere.

I don't know who is leading the Seventh Army, but it really uses soldiers like a god.

After the 50 soldiers bypassed the Zhentian Pass, they did not gather in one place to attack the city, but divided their troops into many groups. Their goal was only one, to destroy!

Destroy everything you see, kill all celestial beings that can be cut off.

Three hours!

At least one million souls in the world of heaven and man were buried!

This is not a lie.

You know, the only one guarding the passage is Tiantian Pass.

After missing Zhentianguan, the Seventh Realm can drive straight in and take all domains.

This is also the reason why the big powerful races responded quickly, otherwise, I don't know how many creatures will suffer innocent misfortunes.

After all, the Seventh Realm is a cross-border battle. When the entire Celestial and Human Realm is mobilized, the raging soldiers and strong men are finally suppressed back to the Tiantian Pass within a radius of ten thousand miles.


All the powers of the Heavenly Human Realm gathered in the Tiantian Pass, and outside the Tiantian Pass, stretching to the thousands of miles around the passage, they were all the army of the Seventh Realm.

What shocked and puzzled the powers of the Celestial Realm was that the Seventh Realm had dispatched millions of troops this time, but the channel was still continuously increasing its troops.

There is really a posture of setting off a decisive battle between the two worlds, and it is terrifying.

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