Twin martial arts

Chapter 1822 Ancestral Land of the Phoenix Clan

have to say.

Xiao Wu is really talented in acting.

Although he has never received any information from Lin Fan, he knows how to cooperate with Lin Fan.

In terms of Lin Fan's decisive disposition to kill and attack.

If you encounter such injustice, if you are willing to endure it, it will be a strange thing.

So Xiao Wu made such a fuss, and directly tore the faces of Tianhong and Tongtian.

Then, there was a reason for Lin Fan's patience.

You can't drag your seriously injured body to fight the Little Dragon King, right?

"It's just a false name, what do you want to do?"

Lin Fan dragged his wounded body and flew from above the ring. When he was about to land, he staggered again and was supported by Xiao Wu.

"Go." Lin Fan said.

With gloomy eyes, Xiao Wu glanced at Tianhong and Tongtian, and finally pointed at Lin Long: "Remember, my teacher is not inferior to you, but just inferior to you, and you need to rely on a false reputation."

Lin Long's eyes were strange.

This kid has acted.

Lin Fan left, with the support of Le Yao and Xiao Wu, every step he took would leave bright red footprints on the bare ground.

From the backs of these three people, everyone felt a kind of desolation and powerlessness.

Tong Tian coldly and mockingly glanced at the three people who left.

No matter how strong you are, so what?

This world is the world of the Heavenly Human Race.

I won't give you this glory, you can't snatch it, dare not snatch it.

You, Lin Fan, are famous enough, your reputation really shocked the world.

From now on, you just let your flag down.

I want to make a star!

"Congratulations, brother Aoqin, the battle power is overwhelming the two worlds under Emperor Lin, and Emperor Lin is extremely inferior, and he deserves his name!"

Tong Tian was really polite enough to be a corporal, so he flew directly into the ring to greet Lin Long.

And, personally put on a luxurious war robe for him.

This battle robe is amazing, it can take a blow from the Emperor Lindi without destroying it, and it can be regarded as one of the trophies that killed the most enemies in this battle between the two worlds.

But, it's just one of them.

Afterwards, from the bet between him and Hanba, Tianhong allocated treasures enough to make any holy city tempted, and rewarded Lin Long.

"This elixir was refined by the gods. It is a nine-turn elixir. I will not describe its preciousness. It is all in the world. Even my emperor only has one, so I will give it to you." Tianhong smiled, and he was affectionate. He patted Lin Long's shoulder and said via voice transmission: "I hope you can help my younger brother well."

Lin Long looked slightly: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely assist Brother Tongtian, and I will definitely assist you."

Tianhong smiled and looked at the major general: "How does the major general feel after the two worlds conference is over?"

"It's cool, it's really cool." The major general smiled brightly.

Tianhong frowned.

He originally wanted to see the major general go berserk and roar.

But why is he so calm?

Moreover, the major general's smile is not fake at all.

It doesn't make sense.

After so many monsters died, this young general can still laugh?


The major general laughed long and hard. He looked at Han Yan and other people from the seventh realm, turned around, and walked towards the passage between the two realms.

In fact, Tianhong is not the only one who is confused.

The same goes for Hanba and the others.

In my own world, so many people died.

How could this young general still be smiling so heartily?

But soon, Hanba knew——

"Hanba." The major general sent a voice transmission.

"The subordinate is here." Han Yan was very respectful.

The major general stopped slightly: "You will hide in Tiantianguan here, and protect me alone."

Hanba's eyes narrowed slightly: "Who?"

"Lin Fan." The major general smiled bitterly.

"Who?" Han Yan suddenly widened his eyes.

This major general made a mistake?

The major general sighed: "This deity is not wrong, so naturally you can't hear wrong either."

The hesitation in Hanba's eyes became more intense: "Why?"

The major general frowned, and after a long while, he was more cautious and cautious in voice transmission: "Lin Fan, he is"

"What?" Hanba screamed, even forgetting to transmit the sound.

Just because, this news is too explosive.

"Don't doubt the truth, these people were sent to die by the queen." The major general sighed.

"Obey." Han Yan felt his heart tremble.

For a moment, he felt that all the pressure of the whole world was on his shoulders, even if he was an emperor, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Be careful and be careful. After returning to this world, I will send Yin to help you."

The Major General spoke up.

Hanba nodded, and then a rune burned on his body, and he disappeared completely.

The major general stood there for a long time, and said slowly: "The gods have such idiot twins, how can the heavenly and human race not perish?

If the deity's expectations are correct, then Ao Qin and Lin Fan are basically the same person, one is an enemy in the open, and the other is a friend in secret, playing with the whole world in the palm of their hands, it's really amazing.

Poor Brother Tongtian, who thinks he is suppressing Lin Fan, and if the deity's predictions are not bad, these two idiot brothers will definitely take advantage of this to publicize the so-called Ao Qin's name and make him a new star of Li Wang Kuanglan.

All he thought was to overwhelm Lin Fan's limelight.

Don't you know, maybe Lin Fan wished that these two idiot brothers would do the same. "

Smiling mockingly.

He was thinking that with such a character, even if he recognized him as the lord, there seemed to be nothing he could not accept.

Sure enough, as the major general expected.

The war between the two worlds has just ended, and the name of Ao Qin is being spread throughout the world.

In this great battle, no one mentioned Lin Fan who played a decisive role.

The truth is obliterated under the power.

Emperor Lin is the most down-to-earth-Ao Qin.

recognized by the world.

The Celestial Clan directly passed down a commendation order, rewarding him greatly, and the Celestial Clan's rewarding team headed from the 32 domains to the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters with great fanfare.

At this time, Lin Fan was in the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan.

The ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan is naturally in the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters.

On this day, the Celestial Human Race believed that without their permission, it would be impossible for a group of soldiers from the Phoenix Clan to walk carelessly in the Ten Thousand Monsters Field under the cover of the strong Dragon Clan. In the Plain of Demons.

The members of the Phoenix Clan did not hide anything.

And the Ten Thousand Monsters that I saw, the original Ten Thousand Monsters, also pretended not to notice it, and even killed five patrolling hunters along the way.


Lin Leyao looked at Lin Fan who was lying in the black ice coffin, and there was worry in her beautiful eyes.

"I'm fine, the Kunpeng method is really powerful, it hurt my body, but Wu's soul is fine, don't worry." Lin Fan smiled.

However, with his smile, golden blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The so-called nothing.

Naturally, words of comfort.

In fact, he was suffering great torture at this time.

In his body, there are terrifying rules raging, like Kunpeng one by one, preventing and destroying his fleshy body.

Even with the Immortal Phoenix Sutra, it can't heal itself, and the Lightning Martial Soul can only prevent the injury from getting worse, and it has no effect on recovery.

"My son-in-law, this is the elixir my Highness gave you."

At this time, a master of the dragon clan looked at Lin Fan respectfully.

Lin Fan was surprised and said, "This is the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill? It can only be refined by the Emperor Linshen. Your Royal Highness has a heart, and I have recorded it."

The master said: "Your Highness once said that the dragon and phoenix clans are both prosperous. If the phoenix clan is destroyed by the celestial and human clan, the next one to be attacked by the celestial and human clan will be my dragon clan."

Lin Fan was silent: "Brother Ao Qin is indeed very wise."

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