Tongtian emergency sound transmission, his face is lunar.

Like eating a dead mouse.

Why is this Lin Fan still not dead?

After fighting with Chasing Wind, with such a serious injury, even the body seemed to be split into many parts.

As a result, he was still so violent, rushing to kill the group of enemies surrounded, as if entering a land without people, few people in his hands could resist his two halberds.

He intends to prevent the powers of the heavenly and human world from aiding Lin Fan, but unintentionally fulfills Lin Fan's reputation.

How can he bear this?

Lin Long cast a cold glance at Tong Tian, ​​and the Golden Dragon Sword appeared in his hand, then he raised it up and slashed down with his sword.

The sword is like a rainbow, and the murderous intent is like a sea.

With one strike of the sword, the golden dragon slashed away, plowing a blood-stained passage out of the crowded crowd of the seventh session!

On both sides of this passage, there are all stumps and broken arms, and all the heads are rolling around!

Lin Long couldn't bear it long ago.

He and Lin Fan were originally one, so he naturally knew that Lin Fan was really strong at the moment.

The seemingly frenzied attack was actually Lin Fan trying his best to push the valley; the limitless overdrawing of his potential was just like this.

If Lin Fan hadn't stopped him all the time, he would have attacked and killed him long ago.

Lin Fan knew Tongtian too well, and knew that as long as he survived for a while and killed with the most terrifying attacking power, Tongtian would definitely order people from the world of heaven and man to participate in the battle, and he was not allowed to kill all the contestants in the seventh world by himself. So that all the glory alone.

Lin Fan made the right bet!



The people of the Heavenly Human Realm followed Lin Long and rushed to kill them, to fight against all the powers and become famous.

But soon, they realized to their horror that following Lin Long, they couldn't even touch the enemy, and they were all killed!

This is simply sensational.

This little dragon king, Ao Qin, is unexpectedly so strong, not weaker than Lin Fan at all.


Lin Fan was also charging at this moment.

Lin Long attacked and killed from the front, and he chased and attacked the fleeing Seventh People from the rear.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind.

The powers of the Seventh Realm screamed.

There was no life in sight.

"Brother Hanba, you have lost." Tianhong smiled, and he looked at Hanba with a smile: "I accept those bets with a smile."

Hanba stared at Tianhong coldly: "This battle is not as good as it is in our world. It is only defeated by Lin Fan."

"Really? A defeat is a defeat, where are there so many reasons?" Tianhong chuckled.

Hanba snorted coldly, he threw out a talisman ring, which was held in Tianhong's hand; Tianhong released his divine sense to scan it, and weighed it in his hand with satisfaction: "Very good, you keep your word."

Both of them are emperors.

In their eyes, even the demise of the saint would not cause any waves.

On that ring, the death of evildoers one by one did not cause any waves in their calm state of mind.

war, end.

All the participants in the Seventh Realm died, and there was not a single one left.

Lin Fan supported his body with the heavy halberd at this time, panting heavily, his forehead was covered with white sweat, fine blood beads leaked from the pores all over his body, dyeing his whole body red.

He felt like his lungs were going to explode.

The battle between the two realms under the emperor ended with the deaths and injuries of all the powers of the seventh realm.

In this battle, the Celestial-Human Realm is without a doubt the ultimate winner.

But who is the strongest?

Everyone believed in their hearts that the strongest person must be Lin Fan.

Just because he gnawed down the strongest people in the seventh world.

Whether it is Huang Ni, Huang Tian, ​​Zhu Feng, etc.

Who is not famous?

If these people hadn't died tragically at Lin Fan's hands first, victory or defeat would be unpredictable.

"You are very good, the emperor is very satisfied." Tianhong looked towards the ring with a warm smile.

"Your Highness is honored."

"Your Highness is welcome."

Everyone saluted respectfully.

Because, this Tianhong is not only the emperor, he is also the son of the god, which is beyond words.

Tianhong smiled: "I am not polite at all. As for the so-called over-reputation, it is nonsense. This emperor is proud of you."

Joy appeared on everyone's faces.

To be praised by the emperor, no matter who it is, it should be an honor, right?

Tianhong swept over everyone, then fixed his eyes on Lin Long (Ao Qin), and said: "Especially the little dragon king, he is really worthy of being a dragon son, he is so powerful, it's a pity that there is no holy list, otherwise Ding Dang would be ranked in the top ten." go."

Lin Long squinted his eyes: "Your Highness is overrated."

"No, no, this emperor never praises anyone lightly." Tian Hong shook his head with a smile, and said: "In my opinion, even the son-in-law of the Phoenix clan is probably inferior to you."

Lin Fan sneered in his heart.

Now, is it necessary to find hatred between him and Lin Long, dig a ditch, and create hostility?

It's a pity that this wish of the Tianhong brothers is destined to be impossible to achieve.

Lin Long's eyes were strange, but he said: "I have fought with him more than once or twice, and we have won and lost each other. Dao dare not say that."

Tianhong chuckled: "Little Dragon King, don't be self-effacing, just look at this moment, you still have full fighting power, and it's clear that Lin Fan is having a hard time standing at this moment."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were strange.

They all looked at Tianhong in disbelief.

Everyone here, who can know that the reason why Lin Fan is so difficult at this time, and he seems to have no combat power, is it because his enemy is too strong?

Among other things, just the grandson of Demon Venerable can sweep over 90.00% of the strong people here.

And Ao Qin, the reason why he is still so proud now is because he has not met his opponent.

But now, this Tianhong actually used this to judge the strength of the two; how ridiculous?

Tong Tian also sighed at this time: "Brother Ao Qin, the combat power is unrivaled in the world, enough to rule the roost under the emperor, so don't be self-effacing."

Lin Long frowned and didn't speak.

But Tong Tian continued: "This time the two realms will face off in the next battle, and the strongest one has already been released. He is the little dragon king of the dragon clan——Ao Qin. Everyone, this deity intends this. Who agrees and who opposes?"

He glanced around slyly.

"I object!"

Xiao Wu made a sound, with a cold smile: "My teacher killed Huang Ni first, and then killed the ghost with Tianyi Dao. Killing the Holy Emperor is like slaughtering a dog. Huang Tian was destroyed with one finger, and the disciples of the Demon Venerable were killed. ; With such combat power, it is impossible to win the championship? How ridiculous?

And, don't you think it's ridiculous to use the combat power at this time as the criterion for judging?

Everyone in the world is a fool? "

Tong Tian's eyes were gloomy and cold, but Tian Hong smiled and said, "Junior, since you think your master is stronger than the little dragon king, then let your master fight the little dragon king at this time, to rule the roost by life and death, it's very simple, but , you ask your master, dare you?"

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Is this the price of offending the Celestial Race?

Even if it is obvious that it has won the greatest victory and made a monstrous military exploit, it will be rejected at a glance.

This Lin Fan is so worthless!

Xiao Wu was furious, and wanted to refute, but heard a cold voice from above the ring: "Xiao Wu, when did you covet these false names?"


Xiao Wu spoke angrily.

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