Twin martial arts

Chapter 1820 One-Person Performance Field

Zhuifeng's body collapsed into smoke and dust, and disappeared from the world.

This shocked the world.

So powerful, with the body of a Kunpeng, who enters the sea as a Kun, flies into the sky as a Peng, and is well versed in the rules of the wind, who is omnipotent to call the wind and call the rain, and is still punished by Lin Fan?


Lin Fan staggered and coughed up blood, a mass of scarlet blood spattered from his mouth.

It looked horrible.

Moreover, his battle clothes were broken, revealing dense and terrifying cracks on it.

The expressions of all the people changed continuously.

Killing Zhufeng, Lin Fan also suffered an almost irreversible injury.

Especially those of the Seventh Realm who were on the ring, there was a vicious look in their eyes.

Lin Fan was too strong, too strong to make people despair.

Several consecutive battles proved his peerless youth and unstoppable ferocity.

but now

If you want to kill him, maybe this is the only chance, right?

There was a trace of worry in the major general's eyes.

With his eyes, how can he not see what others can see?

Lin Fan's combat strength has been greatly reduced. In that ancient ring, where the cruel battlefield begins with the living and ends with the dead, the situation is too dangerous.

Fortunately, there are still people like Ao Qin in the world of heaven and man.

Otherwise, he should really consider how to end this war.

After all, he was too clear about what the Queen meant.

If Lin Fan died in this battle.

He, and his family, do not have to live.

Tongtian's eyes are still flashing.

He looked at Ao Qin.

"Don't help him, soldiers should die on the battlefield."

Tongtian smiled lightly and transmitted the voice.

Lin Long raised his eyebrows slightly.

The human race on this day does have all sorts of unfathomable powers.

This ancient arena is isolated from everything, but Tongtian can still transmit sound to him.

Smiling, nodding slightly.

Tong Tian smiled.


Simply wonderful.

This Lin Fan is asking for his own death.

With such a serious injury, he still did not believe that Lin Fan was not dead.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Leyao flew into the arena with a icy expression on her face. She looked at the Major General, then at Tong Tian, ​​and said, "Your Highness, I, the Phoenix Clan, did not want to participate in this competition because someone wanted to kill my husband's disciple. .

At this moment, your husband has been seriously injured, and in this battlefield, your life is at stake. I hope that the two Highnesses will give you the convenience to let your husband withdraw from this battle. I, the Phoenix Clan, are willing to pay any price. "

The Major General raised his eyebrows slightly.

Tong Tian felt cold in his heart.

Lin Leyao looked at the two of them like this.

But on the ring, people from the seventh realm sneered: "Princess Phoenix can joke, but before entering this ring, there are rules, starting with the living and ending with the dead.

Just now this Lin Fan, how strong is it?

Strongly suppress and kill so many evildoers in this world, at that time, you will not call it over.

At this moment, seeing that Lin Fan was seriously injured and would die after a long battle, you didn't feel ashamed or ridiculous that he was asked to appear?

Could it be that just because Lin Fan is your husband, his status is higher than others? "

The major general narrowed his eyes.

He looked at the speaker.

This puppy is dead.

He saw that something was wrong.

Originally, he thought, let Lin Fan quit by borrowing the donkey from the slope.

But, this person jumped out?

"Young general, this matter must absolutely not be agreed to, otherwise how will those fellow Taoists who died in vain be able to rest in peace?"

"The general must not agree. At this moment, Lin Fan can be killed with one hand!"

The Seventh Realm is excited.

Lin Leyao's heart sank.

But Tong Tian sighed: "Your Highness, this matter cannot be decided by me alone, there are rules before the battle, how can I change them easily?

Besides, brother Lin is peerless, how do we know that he has no ability to fight again? "

Lin Leyao felt anxious.

But at this time, Lin Fan, who had been sitting cross-legged in the ring, suddenly opened his eyes: "Le Yao, it's just a bunch of ants, can it be possible to kill my husband? Don't be anxious, just watch me kill these flies and barking people .”


Lin Leyao's expression changed.

Lin Fan's words directly cut off all escape routes.


"Hahaha courting death!"

"Princess Le Yao, it seems that your husband would rather die standing than live kneeling."

"Ha ha"

"A group of ants, even if the deity is injured, it is not an existence that you can try to kill in vain."

Lin Fan got up, and he stepped forward, but he coughed up blood every step of the way, his face was as pale as paper.

Even if he has rested, even if he has the precious holy pill, it is still impossible for him to recover in a short period of time after being too severely injured.


He started attacking.

I didn't want to start a killing spree.

But at this time, if he doesn't start killing, he will be in danger.

If it shows a little weakness, maybe the crisis really does not only come from the seventh world.

"Rampant! Let's see this deity kill you!"

People from the seventh realm roared angrily and rushed forward.

To take advantage of his illness and kill him.

They couldn't wait to rush forward, it was not a fake that Lin Fan was seriously injured at this time.

I was afraid of being taken advantage of by others, and I made that great achievement.

"You idiot who is strong on the outside, let me chop off your head!"

Everyone in the seventh rushed towards Lin Fan.

But, in the world of heaven and man, no one has moved!

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean?"

Lin Leyao's heart surged with murderous intent.

During the seventh siege of Lin Fan, there was no one in the world of heaven and man to help.

This kind of thing is obvious without asking.

It can only be an all-out attack!

This is simply to let Lin Fan die!

Tong Tian frowned: "What does Princess Le Yao mean?"

Lin Leyao's eyes were even colder.

But Tong Tian laughed and said: "Princess, don't worry. Brother Lin is good at creating myths. Is he creating myths soon at this time? Killing many powerful beams in the seventh world with a seriously injured body, just thinking about it, my highness feels Blood boils."



"help me"

"How could you still be so strong? Lin Fan! Could it be that your injury is just an illusion?"

"No, save me, I don't want to die!"

Just when the sky was laughing strangely.

On the ring, ghosts and wolves suddenly howled!

His eyes looked at the lunar calendar for a moment.

He saw a shining golden figure rushing into the powers of the seventh realm; just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, under heavy halberd, there is no enemy with a single halberd.

Even though he coughed up blood from time to time and staggered, the heavy halberd was still devouring life like a poisonous dragon at a terrifying speed.

No matter what level of powerhouse it is, it will be wiped out with one halberd.


Lin Fan roared wildly. At this moment, he was concentrating his murderous aura in his heart, turning everything into a single halberd. This is fighting for his life.

He was indeed seriously injured, and he could only use this method to kill him at the fastest and most frightening speed.

The major general took a deep breath.

There is a smile in the eyes.

He leaned back against the cloud, tapping his fingers cheerfully.

not worried.

Howling and howling.

The beings of the seventh realm fled everywhere, and they were really terrified of being killed.

Tong Tian's heart was gloomy.

How could this be so?

He originally wanted to make Lin Fan die tragically with the help of the creatures of the seventh realm.


It seems that Lin Fan's reputation has been fulfilled again?

"Brother Aoqin! Kill the enemy quickly! Don't let Lin Fan get all the glory!"

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