Standing on the boundless blue waves, the runes in his eyes are thousands of feet long, scanning inch by inch, trying to find Chaser Feng, behead him to death, and let the blue waves be stained red with Kunpeng's blood.


Zhu Feng suddenly came out from the back of Lin Fan, holding the Kunpeng sword in his hand, like a Kunpeng soaring nine days, extremely ferocious.

On the tip of the sword that killed Xiang Lin Fan, there was a pure black spot that devoured everything like a black hole.

The horror of this sword cannot be described.

But Lin Fan firmly believed that if he couldn't avoid it, he would definitely be strangled by this sword, without exception.

"A short distance away!"

Lin Fan roared in shock.

The point of the sword was only an inch away from Lin Fan, but when Lin Fan yelled the rules, a thousand miles in an instant, time and space changed, and the point of the sword continued to move forward.

But in the perception of chasing the wind, his forward sword seems to have entered the chaotic time and space.

Can only move between inches.

The reason why it feels like they are still attacking forward is just an illusion.


Lin Fan's eyes were cold, he held a halberd in his right hand, and in his left hand, the thunder ball contained the wave of destroying everything, and slapped Xiang Zhufeng fiercely.

Zhufeng's pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye.

From this fist-sized thunderball, he sensed death.

This seemingly inconspicuous thunderball must be able to easily kill him tens of thousands of times.


The thunder ball attacked and went away, but Zhui Feng's body suddenly exploded and flew away like a wind.

His name is Zhufeng, which naturally makes sense.

Familiar with the rules of wind.

It can turn into the wind at any time and blend into the space between heaven and earth.

Watch Lin Fan and Zhu Feng fight.

The faces of all the strong people on the stage are extremely complicated.

How many times have they fought each other?

However, the short fight has already let them know that if the two sides in the war, no matter which side is replaced by themselves, they must have died long ago.

Maybe, it can't resist the first wave of attacks.

Chasing the wind is really getting stronger and stronger.

Ten years ago, he had the reputation of being the ultimate emperor.

More so now.

But it's unbelievable that Lin Fan actually has this kind of fighting power.

This is indeed a bright world, but it is also a world of despair.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

He watched the boundless breeze blow away, the thunder ball exploded, and a few strands of the breeze were killed and scattered.

It should have injured Zhufeng, but it didn't bring him a fatal injury.

This surprised him.

This chasing wind, so strong, indeed has the capital of arrogance.

"Strangling of the Wind!"

At this moment, there was another attack and death.

This chasing wind really seems to be everywhere, and can carry out the most terrifying killing of his enemies at any impossible moment and space.

The wind howled.

The wind is like a knife.

Cold as a sword.

One after another, kunpeng, which had shrunk by hundreds of millions of times, merged into the wind knife and rain sword.

Lin Fan snorted coldly, shaking the map of mountains and rivers on his body, and the illusion was reborn.

At this time, Lin Fan seemed to be surrounded by the whole world. He turned into the master of heaven and earth, and the wind, sword, rain and sword could not touch him, and the thousands of kunpeng in it were buried in various famous mountains and rivers.


Lin Fan roared angrily.

From his celestial spirit cover, a thunder pool rushed out.

As soon as the Thunder Pond appeared, there was a surge of calamity clouds, and the Thunder Pond expanded to cover the boundless blue waves, clusters of thunderbolts came violently like mountains, like thunder snakes, thunder dragons, crazily wreaking havoc on every inch of blue waves seawater.


With a sharp cry, a boundless and gorgeous big fish jumped out of the blue waves, setting off billions of feet of waves, rolling down three or two stars, making the boundless thunder much dim.

There is a fish in Dark North, and its name is Kun.The Kun was so big that it was unknown how many thousands of miles away it was; it turned into a bird and its name was Peng.Peng's back, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.It is the bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming.Those who live in Nanming, Tianchi also.

Going out to sea is like a Peng, just as the sea is like a Kun.

At this time, Kun was born.

It's too vast, and if you look away with poor eyesight, you can only glimpse a part of the body of the Peng, and no one can see the whole picture.

Just staring at it makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts, and they dare not resist a little.

Lin Fan looked solemn.

I really met my opponent today.

Ever since his physical body was sanctified, under the emperor, he has pushed down all enemies, and there is no opponent in his hands.

But today, this chasing wind is really terrifying.

One mistake will definitely be buried here.


Attack and kill!

The heavy halberd in Lin Fan's hand led the thunder that filled the sky. At this moment, he seemed to be the only center between heaven and earth.

Everyone could see that the thunder that had invaded the boundless blue waves all converged on the tip of his halberd at this time, and was infected by the boundless thunder. His whole body was crackling with electric arcs, and his whole body was shining golden.

At this time, Lin Fan was like a god who punished on behalf of the heavens, wanting to obliterate all those who dared to disobey in the world.

"go with!"

Lin Fan swung his heavy halberd, and the boundless thunderbolt turned into a triangular first-born dragon with golden scales, whose length was unknown to tens of millions of feet, and attacked and killed the Kunpeng that covered the entire sky.

Kunpeng was speechless, his eyes opened, it was like two rounds of scorching sun suddenly appeared in the sky, the wings of the sky flapped, Infinite Wind and Cloud listened to its orders, took its orders, and head-on confronted the thunder dragon.


Everything was gone, like two rounds of scorching sun colliding, releasing endless light and heat, making everyone unable to open their eyes, even if they wanted to use their spiritual sense to inspect it, that divine sense would be burned immediately.


Lin Fan was shot down by Peng Yi in the blue waves.

And just when he fell into the water, the endless blue waves were sealed forever for the first time, turning into solid ice, unbreakable, everyone could see that Lin Fan was killed by a hole in the center of the endless blue waves.

"Is it finished?"

"He, actually died?"

"If you are as strong as Lin Fan, you will inevitably die. This world is really boring."

Everyone has complicated expressions.

Lin Fan is extremely strong, even if he is hostile, he has no choice but to submit.

However, today, he met someone stronger than him.


But at this time, Lin Fan broke through the ice, pierced through the solid ice, came out from the deepest part, and stabbed the sky with his halberd.


The blood of the roc was splashed, and there was a terrifying cry.

When Lin Fanning slashed out with a halberd of thunder, the wind had already been seriously injured. It was not a simple thunder, but the thunder of the Holy Dao Tribulation.

Reappearance by the wind.

A huge blood hole appeared on his chest, and even the gorgeous scales between his brows had faded away.

Zhufeng looked at Lin Fan in a daze: "I lost."

Lin Fan didn't speak, but just watched with constant eyes.

There was blood, leaching from the pores all over his body, staining his battle clothes red, falling from the soles of his feet onto the ring.

The blow just now by the wind almost shattered his body.

If he hadn't been sanctified in the flesh, he would have died in pieces.

Even now, under the battle suit, his body is full of cracks. If it weren't for the suppression of the golden thunder and lightning, maybe he would be dismembered right now.

"How could I lose?" Zhufeng smiled sadly.

"Let's go." Lin Fan whispered, raised the heavy halberd in his hand, and chopped it down.

Chasing the wind.

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