Twin martial arts

Chapter 1811 Can be called the Emperor of Heaven

Of course, the people in this world who have hatred and anger towards the Celestial-Human Clan are naturally not limited to the three clans in Zhentian Pass.

The Celestials and Humans have ruled the world for tens of thousands of years. I don't know how many powerful clans and forces have been leveled off by this clan, or their strength has been compromised, and thus they have fallen from the top of the world to lingering.

Although Lin Fan has not been in the world for long, he also knows that there are already seven or eight similar groups.

If one day, someone really turns against the Celestials and Humans, and shows the hope of victory to all living beings, there will definitely be a gathering of followers.

This is a necessity.

If this world is compared to a country, then the Celestial Human Race is a tyrant.

Tuoba Yu laughed at himself and said: "Actually, his Qing clan sold their souls to gain freedom, but why don't you and my family not want to do this?

It's just that our two families don't even have the qualifications to become slaves in exchange for freedom. "

Hearing this, Ling Tian smiled wryly.

What Tuoba Yu said was really good.

He Ling family and Tuoba family, why don't they want to do this?

It's just that his two families don't even have the chance to become slaves in exchange for going to the world of mortals.

It's a sarcasm.

I've been in this town for too long.

Forget about the world of mortals.

In the center of Zhentianguan, there is nothing but yellow sand for thousands of miles, except for the rolling yellow sand.

Even the children born in this town of Tianguan don't know what flowers and plants are.

How ridiculous.

"Brother Lin, today's words come out of my mouth and into your ears."

Ling Tian looked serious.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows: "Naturally, I guarantee that no one else will know what I said today."

Ling Tian's face was obviously relaxed.

Lin Fan raised his glass again, and said after a while: "When I first entered this matter, I heard people say that when a cultivator breaks the mirror and enters the saint, he can only enter the sanctuary, but I see that in this world, many saints , not all of them are in this sanctuary, there are not a few saints walking outside, why is that?"

Tuoba Yu said: "Entering the holy, entering the holy domain, this is the rule set by the Celestial Race, the saints in the world, who dare not abide by it?"

He looked at Lin Fan: "In the whole world, there is only the original of the Ten Thousand Monsters."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows: "How should I say it?"

Ling Tian answered, and said, "The Land of Ten Thousand Monsters is actually equivalent to a country within a country. Do you know the analogy if you listen to the announcement?"

Lin Fan frowned.

He does feel that way.

During the period of time in the Yuan of Ten Thousand Monsters, let him know that the Yuan of Ten Thousand Monsters followed the law of the Yuan of Ten Thousand Monsters.

All kinds of laws and regulations of the Celestial Human Race have been weakened to the maximum in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

There is even some secret discussion that the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters and the Celestial Human Race should be in prehistoric times. At least, Lin Fan knows one thing - patrols are not allowed to enter the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

"Continue." Lin Fan looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian said: "The sanctuary, the blessed land of the saints, being in the sanctuary can help the saints grow rapidly, but it is also a cage."

Lin Fan frowned.

He understands very well.

When he first encountered this matter, he heard from the Ning family that the saints in the sanctuary must not do anything important; even if the ethnic group is facing extinction, if they want to be born, they need the permission of the celestial and human race.

In this way, this sanctuary is a cage aimed at the saint, and this metaphor is indeed very appropriate.

However, what he wants to understand now is why there are still so many saints in this world.

Such as Pirates State, such as the Seven Sacred Mountains, such as the Pye family and so on.

At least, in this great world, saints are not really extinct.

Ling Tian said: "The sanctuary is like a cage, and the saints naturally know about it. Therefore, as long as the forces to which the saints belong are willing to pay a sufficient price, the Celestials will naturally make an exception."

Smiling, Ling Tian looked at Lin Fan: "You are famous all over the world at this time, and the dead souls of the saints under you are getting more and more dead, but you have killed the saints who are in casual cultivation? Or you have saints from various powerful clans?" , how many more?"

Lin Fan frowned, and sighed: "So you said, could it be that the sanctuary is just not worthy of the name?"

"No." Tuoba Yu shook his head and sighed: "The prosperity of the Sanctuary is beyond your imagination. According to the seniors of the family who have entered the Sanctuary, the Sanctuary is a world that is far more prosperous than this Great Thousand World. .

The sanctuary is far larger than the two domains of the Great Thousand World, and there are also many families and forces in it, but it is far more intense than the battle outside.

Apart from not being able to freely enter and exit, what is the difference between living in that world and the Great Thousand World? "

Ling Tian added: "Actually, there is another saying that the reason why there are so many saints in this world are still living in the major ethnic groups.

But these saints are all people with a short future, and the saints who are truly against the sky are all in the sanctuary.

There are even one or two Great Saints in this sanctuary. "


Lin Fan exclaimed.

how can that be.

Didn't it mean that the Great Sage has been out for a million years?

Why at this time, I suddenly heard such words again, there are actually one or two great saints in the sanctuary?

"This is indeed a very true legend. It is said that in ancient times, the emperor withered and the world was ruled by the saints. There were constant battles and fights.

The whole world was bleeding; at that time, the sky shed tears, and all spirits were like flowers and leaves in a storm. In such troubled times, two great sages emerged.

When the great sage comes out, there is no saint in the world.

Fortunately, these two great sages have no intention of this world, so they use their power to subdue all the saints in the world, open the sanctuary with boundless holy power, expel many saints into the sanctuary, and stop the chaos in the world.

This is also the origin of the sanctuary. "

Lin Fan was shocked.

I am lamenting the strength of the Great Sage.

There are only two great saints, and they actually overthrow the saints in the world.

At this time, he is also walking on this road, how can he not be extremely excited?

"In other words, this sanctuary was not created by the Celestials and Humans." Lin Fan sighed.

Ling Tian said: "The Celestials and Humans ruled the world, not in the era of the two great sages."

"Understood." Lin Fan nodded.

Tuoba Yu said: "The original intention for the Sanctuary to appear was that the two great saints were compassionate and couldn't bear to see the sanctuary looting the world.

After all, the destructive power of the realm of saints is too great. If you really don't care about it, even a mere saint can easily be destroyed once.

However, after the Celestials took over the world, they changed the role of the sanctuary. The sanctuary that originally benefited the world became a cage for the Celestials to imprison the saints of the world. "

"The two great saints, how could they agree?" Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

Ling Tian and Tuoba Yu looked at each other, and said: "The two great saints disappeared without a trace after the birth of the Celestial Human Race."

Lin Fan's pupils shrank.

This topic, stop here.

Can't talk about it anymore.

Otherwise it is taboo.

"Brother Lin, the road to the great sage is extremely difficult, but after walking on it, he has been on a steady rise. In the realm of the laughing sage, there are even rumors that if the great sage finally becomes the emperor, he can be called the emperor of heaven, and he can still run rampant in the realm of the emperor." Ling God smiled.

Tuoba Yu said: "I'm looking forward to the rise of a heavenly emperor. At that time, maybe this world can be changed."

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled, but soon, the raised eyebrows became murderous in an instant.

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