Of course it's not that simple.

No matter how late the Tiantian people are, they will always find out.

The passing of one by one strong clan will definitely cause the Celestial Human Race to be alarmed.

In Lin Fan's mind, killing the Pie family, at most one more ethnic group, will attract the attention of the Celestial Human Race.

Maybe his identity will be revealed in due time.

That's why he put himself in the position of a pawn, or a vaulting horse.

Because only in that way, it will be the most unobtrusive, and try to prolong the time that arouses the vigilance of the Celestials and Humans.

For these thirteen clans, he must destroy them.

If he can't kill the family, how can he explain to those who died?

He can't even forgive himself.

Although he didn't go to Pirates State to participate in the strangulation of Pie's family.

But still contact Li Guang from time to time, and in the dark, a figure of the emperor of the Phoenix family has already gone to the robber state.

And Lin Long also used some excuse to send an emperor of the Dragon Clan to Pirates State.

At critical moments, these two emperors will be of great use.

And the battle between Robber State and Ju's family was in full swing, both sides suffered casualties.

But really speaking, it was the Phoebe family who suffered the most casualties.

It's just because, in the realm of the kings of the Ju family, there is no one who is the opponent of Li Guang, Wu Jian, and Xiao Nuo.

As for the holy words, there is also the Holy Emperor Lindi of the Seven Sacred Mountains who Chen Xuandong asked to move.

In the absence of the emperor class, this kind of lineup can really almost sweep the Phoebe's house.

In Lin Fan's mind, the execution date for Pie's family was two months.

Two months later, there is no Pie's house in this world anymore.

He was not in the mood to take care of the battle at Tiantian Pass.

With Lin Long around, he already knew the result.

At this moment, he was busy thinking about the next step, how he, this pawn, should go.

Soon, he figured out what he was going to do.

Ling Tian and Tuoba Yu haven't seen each other for too long, it's time to get in touch.

Soon, the two were invited.

When the three of them met, it was natural to be polite first.

Ling Tian looked at Lin Fan, and sighed: "Brother Lin is really in a good mood, fighting life and death ten miles away, but you are sitting under this flower stand and watching Yun Juan Yun Shu."

Lin Fan said: "That kind of battle is boring. I glanced at it and found it boring."

Tuoba Yu smiled wryly and said: "You said it's boring, it should mean that no one is your opponent?"

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing.

Ling Tian continued: "Even Lindi's young general's divine sense has been punished by him, do you think he will still be interested in this kind of battle?"

Both of them sighed immediately.

People are more than people, really maddening.

"Then why don't you participate?" Lin Fan smiled: "It's a good opportunity to make a name for yourself."

The two smiled wryly: "If you have self-knowledge, even if you go, you won't be able to defeat those top evildoers, and what's the point of sweeping away some ants that others don't bother to fight?"

Both were a little downcast.

In fact, their talent is definitely not low.

In another era, they must all be protagonists in the world.

However, they live in this era, it is really too bright, and evildoers are born one after another.

Even if they were as strong as them, they looked bleak.

"Okay, today we will only drink alcohol and not talk about cultivation."

Lin Fan saw that the mood of the two of them became depressed, and it was just right.

Everyone drinks.

Not long after, Lin Leyao personally cooked some side dishes and came over.

This almost made Ling Tian and Tuoba Yu's eyes pop out of their sockets.

The most beautiful woman in the world, she can even cook?

It does not matter.

The important thing is.

No one in this world knows that Le Yao is famously cold and arrogant.

Unexpectedly, after being together with Lin Fan, she turned out to be a perfect wife and mother.

"Brother Lin really opened my eyes; such a character as Princess Le Yao, unexpectedly"

Ling Tian sighed and didn't continue talking.

Tuoba Yu also smiled wryly: "It's indescribable, but I'm very jealous, out of a hundred evildoers in this world, at least 99 of them love Princess Phoenix.

But in the end, it was you who held it in your arms. "

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing.

Under Lin Fan's deliberate guidance, the topics of the three gradually became serious and heavy.

"Speaking of which, the Phoenix Clan and your two families share the same illness. They are both demoted clans. If you leave that colorful world, you may never be able to go back in this lifetime."

Lin Fan drank with a sigh.

Tuoba Yu said: "Who says it's not? From my birth to the present, in [-] years, I have only entered the Great Realm five times, and every time, there are patrols secretly following and monitoring.

It's ridiculous that the Celestial Race thinks that if you follow me, I won't be able to find out? "

Ling Tian teased: "Even if they let you know on purpose, what can you do? Could it be that you can still kill him? Or do you dare to bite him?"

Tuoba Yu said angrily: "Where are you better than me?

I remember the last time you inadvertently broke into the sanctuary, and you were finally punished by the hunting patrol, and it took three full years to recover.

Moreover, the Celestial Human Race directly issued an order that you will not be allowed to leave this town for thousands of miles throughout your life, which is more sad than me. "

A cold light flickered in Ling Tian's eyes.

That time, he was hailed as a great shame and humiliation.

The dignified son of the Ling clan was unexpectedly taken down by a dog leg of the Celestial Clan.

But the hunting patrol he took down was nothing more than a saint, and he could kill with a single palm.

But, he dare not.

"The human race is so domineering today, isn't it afraid that someone will rebel against it?" Lin Fan pretended to be drunk, and tried.

In a rage, Ling Tian yelled directly: "What the hell, why is no one rebelling? If someone takes the lead, I will be the first to rebel against his mother!"

Tuoba Yu's expression changed: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you drank too much."

An icy breath was released from his body, making the angry Ling Tian tremble, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

"Brother Ling, don't worry, your words are also the words in my little brother's heart. If someone dares to take the lead, I will turn against him." Lin Fan chuckled.

Tuoba Yuxu squinted his eyes.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows.

This Tuoba Yu really couldn't tell, he was really too vigilant and careful.

Seriously inconsistent with his appearance.

Ling Tian smiled wryly: "On impulse, I said something that shouldn't be said, but in fact, the Celestials should also know that there are too many groups who are dissatisfied with the Celestials.

For example, the Qing clan, could it be that they are not angry?

At that time, how majestic and domineering was the thirteen emperors of the Qing clan?

But what about the end?

Are you still imprisoned here?

Moreover, unless they are branded as slaves by the Tianren clan, no one in the entire Qing clan can cross the hundred miles around Zhentian Pass.

For so many years, for the sake of freedom, in order to be able to see the colorful world, many young men of the Qing clan have turned into slaves. "

Lin Fan's eyes flashed.

Today's harvest is too great.

It was really just like his initial guess.

The three major ethnic groups who have been relegated to this town of Tianguan must not be too loyal to the Tiantian people first.

But the more loyal you are, the more angry you will be in your heart.

Just waiting for a chance.

If this anger can't be held back, it will explode like world-destroying thunderbolts.

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