Twin martial arts

Chapter 1812 Xiao Wu

This murderous look is too violent.

It made Tuoba Yu and Ling Tian unable to bear it.

Their faces turned purple in an instant, and they were covered in cold sweat.

Feel that the young man in the middle is like a god who can control their life and death at this moment.

"Brother Lin." Ling Tian spoke in a difficult tone, trembling.

I can't bear it anymore, this kind of coercion is too terrifying, although it is not aimed at them deliberately, it is still irresistible to him.

He was doubting that if he struggled for even a moment, his soul would die because of it.


Lin Fan took a deep breath, he suppressed his murderous aura, and immediately Tuoba Yu and Ling Tian seemed to be pardoned, like fish standing on the shore, greedily catching the air.

"What happened to make brother Delin so furious?"

Tuoba Yu was terrified.

The look in Lin Fan's eyes was wrong.

It's just letting out his breath, which can make him, a saint, unable to bear it.

If a fight really started, would he be able to hold Lin Fan even with one finger?

"It's nothing, some people who don't know what to do are begging for death." Lin Fan's eyes were cold.

At this time, outside Zhentian Pass.

Xiao Wu is here.

He was very lucky. After coming from the lower realm, he landed directly not far from Zhentian Pass.

He also happened to know that at this time, outside Zhentian Pass, the strongest battle between the two realms under Lindi is going on.

I wanted to come here to join in the fun and see how extraordinary Sheng is.

In the end, he also learned that Lin Fan was at Zhentian Pass, so he had to go to Zhentian Pass.

So here he comes.

When he arrived at Zhentian Pass, it happened to be the time when the python-robed youth was suppressed and killed by Lin Long.

Others may not know the identity of Lin Long.

But when he saw it for the first time.

Then he knew that the little dragon king of the dragon clan was just a clone of his master.

Of course, he didn't reveal it either, but kept hiding in the crowd of thousands of spectators.

At this moment, the second decisive battle is taking place on the battlefield here, and it happens to be when the enemy is drawn by lot.

98 labels, ranging from one to 49, are divided into red and black double lottery, with the same rules as the first lottery.

"The deity comes first!"

The elder brother of the beheaded young man roared loudly.

As soon as the stick appeared, he rose into the air, pointed at Lin Long, and shouted: "You better pray that you don't meet this deity so early, otherwise this deity will torture and kill you thousands of times, and let you die in a miserable howl to pay homage to my younger brother."

Lin Long raised his eyebrows, but he didn't speak, he just raised his hand and took a stick.

The lottery is red, and it is still the first.

Lin Long frowned, raised the lottery in his hand, and pointed at the roaring middle-aged man, saying: "I am very much looking forward to your drawing the black No. Mouth full of teeth."

The middle-aged man smiled sinisterly, he also took the lottery, and the emperor-level divine sense dissipated.

His face suddenly became gloomy!

Because, the one he drew turned out to be the red No. 49 lottery!

It's the opposite of Lin Long's.


The middle-aged man roared, turned his head, and looked at the major general: "Huang Ni begs the major general to show mercy; allow me to change the lottery."

The major general raised his eyebrows: "This is against the rules."

Huang Ni Yinli said: "I beg the young general to show mercy. At this time, while the soul of my deceased brother is not far away, this deity and Zhan Aoqin pay homage to the soul of the dead."

The major general looked at Huang Ni: "Are you sure you can kill him?"

"Killing him is like searching for something, like killing chickens and dogs." Huang Ni was gloomy, and there was indescribable hatred in his words.

Lin Long must be killed.

Lin Long chuckled lightly.

"What are you laughing at? A pickled thing, like an ant, can kill you with one hand." Seeing Lin Long's smile, Huang Ni was furious.

His complexion suddenly changed.

To be honest, Lin Long's sole purpose in this battle was to be famous and to frighten the heroes.

He really didn't mind killing one or two more people.

At this time, Huang Ni was so arrogant, it was just right to kill him.

"Ridiculous, really ridiculous."

At this moment, Xiao Wu finally couldn't bear it and spoke out directly.

Because, although this Lin Long changed his appearance.

However, in Xiao Wu's heart, this is his master—Lin Fan.

But there is someone who humiliates the god-like existence in his heart again and again, how can he not be angry?

A disdainful discourse caused a long silence.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

A young man in high spirits.

Standing in the crowded crowd of onlookers, he stood out like a chicken, so extraordinary.

Moreover, from his body, there is a heroic aura of power in his hands, life and death in his hands.

Which Yingjie is this?

But when they saw clearly the young man's cultivation, the corners of their eyes twitched.

King's realm.

Such a poor cultivation base.

In this kind of battle situation, he should not even be qualified to speak.

"wanna die!"

Huang Ni was furious.

What is his identity?

In the seventh session, the reputation is illustrious.

And being the nephew of the queen of the devil, how prominent.

But after coming to this world.

First, the younger brother was executed.

Finally, he was actually ridiculed by a little king who didn't have more than one name and surname, how could he bear it?

Ke Linlong is different.

When he saw Xiao Wu for the first time.

In the eyes, there was a trace of surprise at first.

Later, something changed into joy.

How could he not recognize Xiao Wu?

At this time, Xiao Wu confronted Huang Ni.

How is he going?

"I think you want to die!" How could Xiao Wu be afraid of Huang Ni?

With a sneer: "The strongest battle between the two worlds is under the emperor. His Royal Highness Tongtian first promised, and then he worked with the major general to formulate the rules. Many emperors witnessed it, but you want to change the rules to fight.

You underestimated His Highness, underestimated the young general, underestimated the emperors of the two worlds here, how arrogant are you?

This seat said you are ridiculous, what's wrong?


You come to kill me if you have the guts, but I want to see, with the witness of so many emperors, whether you can be fierce! "

How harsh are Xiao Wu's words?

It actually made Huang Ni speechless for a short time.

Xiao Wu is not forgiving when he gains power, he took a step forward and said: "As for the so-called self-confidence and demeanor you talk about, in my opinion, it is nothing more than that, nothing more than that.

This little dragon king is as famous as his family teacher, and is known as the original twin heroes of all monsters. If you can easily crush this little dragon king, doesn't it also prove that you can easily crush your family teacher?

This seat does not believe it, but I firmly believe that this little dragon king can crush you to death with one hand, just like a master can crush you to death a million times with one toe. "

Everyone gasped!

It's because they all guessed who the master Xiao Wu was talking about was.

Indeed, there have long been rumors in the world.

The Little Dragon King of the Dragon Clan and Lin Fan, the son-in-law of the Phoenix Clan, are the strongest generation in the Land of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Moreover, they can probably understand why Xiao Wu is like this.

Because, in Xiao Wu's heart, humiliating the little dragon king who is as famous as Lin Fan is equivalent to humiliating and belittling his master - Lin Fan.

"A disciple of Lin Fan?"

Huang Ni narrowed his eyelids.

"That's right, Master Lin Fan." Xiao Wu proudly looked at Huang Ni.

Huang Ni laughed: "It's just Lin Fan, he's just someone who doesn't dare to join the war, what's the point?"

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