Twin martial arts

Chapter 1753 Molesting Tian Xin'er

'In fact', the Great War did break out, and no one even dared to argue that the battle was not exciting and bloody enough.

It's just that the decisive battle between the dragon and phoenix clans that everyone expected, from the deployment and deployment of troops among the younger generations to the sublimation to a full-scale struggle, did not occur.

It was just a battle between Lin Fan, the son-in-law of the Phoenix clan, and Ao Qin, the little dragon king of the dragon clan.

In this battle, countless monsters from the dragon and phoenix clans and the land of all monsters watched, even though it was three days since the battle between the two.

But all those who saw that battle were still shocked. Their fleshy bodies were so strong that they could tear apart the space with just a flick of their fingers. Pressing down with their palms and fingers, the space was crushed.

Moreover, the battle between these two people was unbelievably violent. Unlike other saints who fought with rules and order, the battle between Lin Fan and 'Ao Qin' only had the flow of holy power, tearing mountains and rivers, and breaking through the sky.

In this battle, there were no saints. The two fought until their blood boiled, and finally both of them passed out at the same time. Even if their bodies were sanctified, they couldn't bear such a terrifying fierce battle.

The coma lasted for three days, and the two woke up one after another.

Everyone thought that after the two of them woke up, they would directly launch a bloody fight and war, but they disappointed everyone again, and the war still did not break out.

However, the dragon and phoenix clans kept stationing troops at the border, and the entire Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters was in a tense atmosphere.

Fallen Ridge.

"Don't worry, which family wants the complete Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, so they will definitely not allow us to have a war of this level." Lin Fan was full of confidence.

The Phoenix Lord looked at the Golden Dragon Emperor and said: "With this kid around, I think we are really old."

The Golden Dragon Emperor laughed: "It's a pity that we can't rest yet. After these boys reach the emperor's realm, old guys like me can really retire and just sit and watch the wind and the wind blow."

"It's true that you can't rest yet." Lord Feng smiled wryly: "Are you sure you want this emperor to do that?"

Lin Fan calmed down: "Father-in-law, you must not underestimate the Celestials, so you can only show grief and anger, the more grief and anger, the more likely our plan will succeed.

The more grief and indignation you feel, the more you show that you were persecuted by the Celestials, Humans and Dragons, so you had to lead the Phoenix Clan to leave their hometown and go to the most miserable boundary wall in the world.

Then the monster clan in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Phoenix clan will hate the Celestial Clan more and more. This is too important for our plan. After all, leaving the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters is only a temporary measure. Our roots are still in the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters. . "

Lord Feng frowned: "If all the demons remember to hate the Heavenly Human Race, will there be any trouble?"

"No." Lin Fan smiled contemptuously: "Which clan will pretend to be tolerant and magnanimous, and won't embarrass the monster clan."

"Old man, I always feel that you are habitually out of your mind when you are around this kid." The Golden Dragon Emperor teased Phoenix Lord.

The Phoenix Lord smiled slightly: "He is thoughtful, the Emperor is at ease, why bother."

Lin Fan's heart warmed slightly, it felt really good to be trusted.

While they were talking, a distinguished guest came to Zhenlongling——Tian Xin'er.

This time when Tian Xin'er came, she didn't hide like the previous few times, but visited the little dragon king Aoqin openly, and as if she was afraid that others would not see her, she came in a luxurious and terrifying jade car.

Of course, Ao Qin did enough courtesy to welcome Tian Xin'er to Zhenlong Ridge.

"I've seen the third princess." Ao Qin smiled.

Tian Xin'er showed a smile: "Little Dragon King, Xin'er came here this time only to be a lobbyist."

Ao Qin narrowed his eyes slightly: "Princess, it's okay to say."

Tian Xin'er said: "Stop fighting."

"Impossible." Ao Qin's face suddenly became gloomy: "Thousands of soldiers of my dragon clan can't die in vain, and I have the strength and confidence to kill Lin Fan and his subordinates directly, isn't that what you want to see? "

Tian Xin'er said: "Even if you can kill Lin Fan and others in the end, you can kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, and the loss of your dragon clan will definitely be even heavier."

Ao Qin said coldly: "How can there be no death in war?"

Tian Xin'er's beautiful eyes raised slightly: "But what if I have a way to let your Little Dragon King get everything you want without bloodshed?"

Ao Qin's pupils shrank: "Do you know what I want?"

"The only overlord of the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, from now on, there will be no more Phoenix Clan in the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters." Tian Xin'er smiled: "Is this not what you want?"

"Could it be that the Celestial Clan is going to directly send troops to suppress and kill the Phoenix Clan and completely erase them from under this starry sky?" Ao Qin was a little shocked.

"How is that possible." Tian Xin'er smiled wryly, and said: "Our Celestial Clan supervises the world, but if a certain force has made no serious mistakes, our Celestial Clan cannot send troops to suppress it. This is also an ancient rule."

Ao Qin glanced at Tian Xin'er: "Then what does the princess want to do?"

"Doesn't he, the Phoenix Clan, want to guard the passage? Then I will help them." Tian Xin'er said lightly.

Ao Qin thought for a while and said, "This is a good way."

Then, he smiled and looked straight at Tian Xin'er, his eyes were undisguisedly hot, as if he wanted to see through Tian Xin'er: "But, what I want is not just the world, beauty, but also what I want .”

Tian Xin'er's heart was cold, but her face was shy: "This is not the time, the Li clan has just died. After all, I was related to the Li clan. When you really sit on the throne of the dragon and become the overlord of the land of ten thousand monsters, you should That's about it."

Ao Qin took a step forward, too fast, before Tian Xin'er could react, he took her into his arms, Tian Xin'er froze, but heard Ao Qin whisper in his ear: "Then you just wait Well, whichever step this deity will take soon, you just wash it up and wait to be my woman."

The domineering words in his ears, and his nose full of masculinity, seemed to make Tian Xin'er's heart numb.

Possessed and pecked at Tian Xin'er's lips, Ao Qin laughed wildly, and returned to the main seat in an instant.


Tian Xin'er's beautiful eyes were full of evil.

Only then did she react.

It seems that he was molested?

Ao Qin smiled and looked at Tian Xin'er, with unscrupulous eyes, which made Tian Xin'er feel as if someone had touched her all over her body, and made her shiver, a strange feeling appeared in her heart, which she had never experienced before.

"You are too bold." She used cold words to cover up the strangeness in her heart.

Ao Qin was still smiling, and said: "I really want to know now, how will you make the Phoenix Clan withdraw from the Field of Ten Thousand Monsters."

Glaring at Ao Qin fiercely, Tian Xin'er said: "Just agree to Phoenix Lord's request all the time."

"So, you are going to the Phoenix Clan at this time?" Ao Qin looked at Tian Xin'er.

Tian Xin'er nodded: "Exactly, I brought the priest's will."

Ao Qin smiled: "Then I will wait for the good news from the princess."

Tian Xin'er left, and took the people of the Tianren clan to the Phoenix clan.

The moment she left, Lin Fan looked at Lin Long with a smile on his face: "Could it be that you are really interested in her?"

Lin Long said: "It's just a whim."

Lin Fan smiled: "Although you and I are one, since I stripped off the dragon spirit, you are a brand new life, if"

Lin Long interrupted with a wave of his hand: "You and I are one, your hatred is my hatred, how can I treat her sincerely? It's just a joke."

Lin Fan frowned. At this time, he seemed to sense the power of cause and effect, but he couldn't explain why. After a long silence, he said: "You should take care of yourself. For revenge, we can use everything, but absolutely It doesn't include women, and it doesn't include feelings."

Lin Long nodded: "I know."

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