Twin martial arts

Chapter 1752 Invisible

Of course, everyone in the world was shocked by Lin Fan's unpredictability.

In fact, at the very beginning when Lin Fan was a member of the Phoenix clan, the world praised him a lot, but gradually, all kinds of belittling words became less and less.

But at this time, no one in the world dared to speak out against Lin Fan, nor dared to underestimate his identity, and judging from the attitude of the Phoenix Lord towards Lin Fan, it was clear that he was regarded as a parent and child.

Lin Fan's half-moon of silence naturally attracted many speculations. Some people even thought that the reason for his silence was that he was too dazzling in the battle between the dragon and the phoenix. Therefore, the phoenix lord deliberately suppressed he.

But at this time, when Lin Fancheng captured Xialongya Pass, all the rumors disappeared without attack.

Longya Pass.

Lin Fan was making love with Le Yao, at this time Le Yao's hair was disheveled, her clothes were disheveled, her cheeks were flushed, she was beyond fair.

"Brother Lin."

Wu Jian came, and came in a hurry.

Lin Fan walked out with a silent expression.

"I've heard everything in Jiandi Mountain." Wujian said.

Lin Fan said: "Wait for Xuan Dong and the others."

Not long after, Chen Xuandong and Li Guang came together.

In a beautiful place.

Lin Fan flattened a stone platform and placed three heads on it, which were the three emperors of the Li clan.

Of course, these three heads were transformed by the phoenix master to remove all moral principles and murderous aura, otherwise Lin Fan and the others would not be able to get close at all given their cultivation level at this time.

Lin Fan and others knelt on the ground together, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, praying for all the undead who died due to disasters in the lower world.

The atmosphere was very dull, and Wu Jian even shed tears when he thought of his deceased father.

"This is just the beginning." Lin Fan took a deep breath.

He could only allow himself to be weak for a moment.

"Yes, this is just the beginning." Li Guang said coldly, "Pie's house is next to my Daozhou. During this period of time, I commanded my sons to keep robbing his Pie's house. They couldn't bear it any longer. Go to the Celestial Clan to ask for a fight, and attack me to steal the state."

"There is only one Emperor in Robbery State, is it?" Wu Jian's face changed slightly.

Lin Leyao smiled: "You underestimate the Bandit Emperor too much. Although the Pie family has two emperors, if the Bandit Emperor really wants to kill them, it's no problem."

Lin Fan frowned tightly: "Xuan Dong, you leave the Seven Sacred Mountains for the time being and go to help Li Guang. I don't worry about him being alone, and there is still a big issue in my place, so I can't leave."

"Okay." Of course Chen Xuandong would not refuse.

Wu Jian Ye Bingsen said: "The thirteen families, don't even think about running away."

"Naturally." Lin Fan smiled grimly.

Several people dispersed.

But just now, a vague figure appeared in the empty and uninhabited Lingxiu Land. It should be a figure in the holy realm. Looking at the emperor-level head placed on the stone platform, there was a look of deep thought in his eyes.

Why, these people gathered here, as if they were paying homage to the undead with the heads of the Li clan.

Indifferently, he thought of a possibility, the color of horror flashed in his eyes, his figure swayed like water waves, and he was about to disappear.

But at the moment when he was about to disappear, a golden fist directly crushed him.

"A mere sage dares to come and eavesdrop on the conversation of this sage, and he doesn't know how to live or die."

The person who made the move was of course Lin Fan.

It is of course extremely dangerous to pay homage to people in the lower realm in this upper realm, why is he not careful?

"How did you find me?"

This saint is unbelievable.

"On patrol?" Lin Fan was surprised.

He saw the reality of this saint. Under the cover of the black robe, he was a patrol helmet.

The sage threatened viciously: "You know I'm Xunshou and you still don't let me go? If the Celestials find out that you killed Xunshou, you will be in great trouble."


Heavy halberds ring, and the saint dies.

"How is this going?"

Lin Fan suddenly screamed.

Even Lin Leyao, who had just walked out, was shocked.

Too weird and evil.

After Lin Fan crucified the saint, his body instantly turned to ashes, like sand collapsed into particles, but the hunting talisman remained in place without any damage.

"Le Yao, do you know what's going on?" Lin Fan asked.

Le Yao shook her head, her eyes were also confused.

Lin Fan frowned, but at this moment, a black smoke appeared in the ashes of the body, Lin Fan raised his eyes, and stabbed away with a halberd, but it couldn't hurt the black smoke at all.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

Chen Xuandong was hairy.

Because, at this time, he saw Lin Fan like crazy, stabbing the sky with the heavy halberd in his hand, as if he was attacking and killing their invisible enemy.

"You can't see?" Lin Fan yelled, and at this moment, he felt cold all over.

What the hell is this?

How powerful is his attacking power at this time?

With such a halberd, even a high mountain can be killed and exploded, but there is nothing to do with this black smoke that can be blown away in one breath.

He could even feel that the dead soul of the saint who had just been beheaded was hidden in the black smoke, laughing and mocking him, as if silently mocking him, out of control.

"Thunder Pond!"

Lin Fan roared loudly, Lei Chi appeared, and swept away the black smoke. Thousands of golden thunderbolts slashed and killed, and there was a shrill scream.

"What the hell is this thing? You have to use Thunder Pond to kill it!"

Lin Fan was terrified, and Chen Xuandong was surprised and shocked when he told the story.

"I once heard a few words from my father that the patrols we see are just the patrols that the Celestials want us to see. Could it be that these are the invisible patrols?" Le Yao frowned, as if muttering murmur.

"It really is related to which clan!"

The expression in Lin Fan's eyes changed: "I need to ask clearly, I always feel that if I know what these so-called unknown patrols are, half of the fans in this world will know."

Several people nodded, but when they found the Golden Dragon Emperor and asked the question, the Golden Dragon Emperor smiled wryly and said bluntly that he was also pursuing this secret.

This made Lin Fan even more shocked. The Golden Dragon Emperor is the leader of the Eighth Patrolling Group, and even entered the Celestial Human Race for many thousands of years. With the power of the emperor, he has not been able to figure out what this existence is for thousands of years. ?

"This matter is not something you can inquire about at this level."

At this time, the Phoenix Lord came forward with a complicated expression, and said: "There was a top emperor who wanted to search, but died tragically in the withered city, and the master of everyone occasionally knew a little bit of the truth. The time was slaughtered, and no chickens or dogs were left behind."

Lin Fan really trembled.

How extensive is this matter?

Clans not weaker than the Phoenix Clan perished overnight.

The top emperor died tragically. ?

Just when they were all shocked by this incident, the Nirvana Army of the Phoenix Clan came to report that Huangtian City fell and was occupied by the little dragon king Ao Qin.

The Huangtian City of the Phoenix Clan, which is as important as Longyaguan, was captured and occupied by the little dragon king Aoqin. In just one day, two consecutive explosive news shocked the world.

Everyone believed that the most bloody and terrifying battle between the dragon and phoenix races was about to break out.

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